2 March, 2019 06:49

The ClickBank Maximizer Autoreponder System: What it is and How You Use it To Make Money

Put your Clickbank business on AMAZING PROFIT-MAKING AUTOPILOT! Finally a system the "big boys" use, the guys who make over $50,000 a month.

Our system is complex in function, yet so simple to use it will amaze you and catapult you to amazing profit! As you know, sending information out using the Clickbank Promo Kit is easy. However, there is one option you may not have thought was possible: What if you could have your link NOT go just to the CB product BUT to a landing page.

Essentially, we are asking the visitor to give us their name/email address to receive a very valuable BONUS gift before going on to your CB Product Promo. Basically this is an AMAZING lead generating system: once they enter their information they go on a very special autoresponder list.

Every 2 days your prospect lead will be sent information at random from the CB Promo Kit AUTOMATICALLY until they opt out. Every 2 days, they will get a CB Product letter with your CLOAKED links. This includes a signature file from our new PROFILE area (right under your name on the top left menu) which includes your promo links. We also include a link for them to get 50,000 free visitors and much much more. That means every 2 days you are marketing EVERYTHING IN YOUR ARSENAL to hundreds of people –> EVERY TWO DAYS!! Think of the money stream this means for you.

There’s more…EVERY time any person visits a landing page, both the landing page and the bonus item change. Our goal is to get everyone who lands on these pages to signup and put your Clickbank business on PROFIT AUTOPILOT!

How do you use this program? Easy, you send out the letters to all of your safelists in the SAME way you send out the CB promo kit letters. Every day you market just as you would with the regular promo kit except the results change. How? You get leads on your CB Maximizer Autoresponse System!!! And, you get to see who is on and get a DAILY REPORT sent to your email of what is happening in your business.

To learn more about the CB Maximizer Autoresponse System login to your Member area and on left menu under "ClickBank Store" click on "ClickBank Maximizer." You can watch a video explaining how this system works to make you money.

Remember, if you need help or have any questions, just submit a Support form from within your Member area. We are HAPPY to help you.

This is an OPTIONAL service that can be purchased by Silver or Platinum VIP members but, the cost could EASILY be covered by your first couple sales!!!

Rich Moyer

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