Advice. Rich Moyer Newsletter 9-16-2024

Advice. Rich Moyer Newsletter 9-16-2024

Rich Moyer Newsletter 9/16/2024  



Today’s Topics
  • 10 simple tips to make your email signature generate traffic
  • Don’t Miss This Opportunity To Make a First Impression
  • Worldprofit Workshop – New recording posted.


10 simple tips to make your email signature generate traffic:

  1. Include a Call-to-Action (CTA): Add a clear and compelling CTA, such as “Visit our website” or “Check out our latest blog post.”
  2. Add Social Media Icons: Link to your social media profiles with easily recognizable icons to encourage recipients to follow you.  NO LINKS ON SAFELISTS.
  3. Use a Professional Image: Include a professional headshot or company logo to build trust and brand recognition. NO IMAGES ON SAFELISTS.
  4. Link Your Website: Make sure your website URL is prominently displayed and clickable. NO LINKS ON SAFELISTS.
  5. Promote Special Offers: Highlight any current promotions, discounts, or special offers with a link for more details.  NO LINKS ON SAFELISTS.
  6. Feature Recent Content: Link to recent blog posts, articles, or videos that might interest the recipient. NO LINKS ON SAFELISTS.
  7. Include Contact Information: Provide multiple ways for people to reach you (phone number, email address) which can lead them back to your site for more information.  NO LINKS OR EMAILS ON SAFELISTS
  8. Keep It Simple and Clean: Avoid clutter; use clean design elements so that important links stand out without overwhelming the reader.
  9. Update Regularly: Refresh your signature periodically with new content or updates about what’s happening in your business.
  10. Track Clicks with UTM Parameters: Use UTM parameters on links in your signature so you can track how much traffic is coming from emails using tools like Google Analytics. NOT ON SAFELISTS.

I call out many restrictions for posting emails on safelists, however, when you send emails TO YOUR LIST using your list manager or autoresponder have no such restrictions.

Don’t Miss This Opportunity To Make a First Impression

When I get a new referral for any program, when I see a notice of that referral in my inbox, I am pretty diligent about sending a WELCOME message from my personal email.  This not only introduces me to my referrals, but also starts the process of BUILDING RAPPORT.   Communication is how it starts.

Remember, it takes 7-11 Exposures!  A welcome message is a great idea because you are getting in MORE of those exposures SOON AFTER SIGNUP.

The welcome message is an entre to the story of MY OWN EXPERIENCE with the program they joined.  Remember that most referrals do not really KNOW about the program at this point.  It’s hard to KNOW about a program from just an 8-second flash from a splash page or capture page.  A little information and some pointers about where to go for details goes a long way.

I tend to HIGHLIGHT key words or phrases with BOLD and CAPS.

I like to include LINKS to related resources, and if an affiliate opportunity, embed MY AFFILIATE URL.  You would be surprised how many people actually CLICK and JOIN, which gives you MULTIPLE DIMENSIONS to your RELATONSHIP.


Here is an opportunity to let AI help you.  Get ChatGPT to write a welcome letter for you.  Of course, you just want to use that as a framework, and PERSONALIZE IT.

Example.  I told ChatGPT, “Write a welcome email for a new referral to Automatic Builder”

Here was the response:

Subject: Welcome to Automatic Builder!

Hi [Referral’s Name],

Welcome to the Automatic Builder family! We’re thrilled to have you on board and excited about the journey ahead.

At Automatic Builder, we strive to make your building your list seamless and efficient. Whether you’re a seasoned professional or just starting out, our tools and resources are designed to help you succeed.

Here’s what you can expect as a new member:

  • Comprehensive Tools: Access a wide range of tools tailored for every stage of your project.
  • Expert Support: Our team is here to assist you with any questions or challenges.
  • Community Connection: Join our community of builders, share insights, and learn from others.
To get started, simply log in using the credentials provided in your welcome package. If you have any questions or need assistance, don’t hesitate to reach out at

Once again, welcome aboard! We look forward to seeing all that you’ll create with us.

Best regards,

[Your Name]
Your Sponsor
Automatic Builder
(xxx) xxx-xxxx

PS.  See what others are viewing

My top program

OK.  This needs some work, but it’s a start.  As your skills improve writing emails, update it, and make it YOURS, specifically with YOUR EXPERIENCES.

Notice the “PS” and links below the signature line.  This is a powerful way to earn click credits for a rotator, or get signups for other programs.

Create a Template in Gmail

I have many Gmail accounts that I use to sign up for programs.  When I receive a referral notice, I create my welcome letter in THAT Gmail account, and store it as a Gmail Template.  I create it in the Gmail  editor because Gmail auto-saves your message, avoiding the DISAPPOINTMENT of losing everything you worked so hard to create.

Once your message is created, formatted with font type and font size, along with a subject line (like Automatic Builder: Welcome), go to the three dots beneath the formatting bar.  Select

Templates ! Save draft as Template ! Save as New Template.

Your message is now stored.  Note: if you use the same subject line, it will overwrite your stored message.

TIP: Lead with the program name because the templates window only has a short description/subject line.

Inserting your welcome message into a new email.

When I receive a new referral, I simply click on the email address, and it opens my Gmail Compose window.

I go to the three dotsTemplates, and select the saved template subject line for the the email I wish to create.

How to copy to a new stored message:

Open the Compose window, load a message, and save with a different subject line.  This makes it easy to create quite a library of welcome messages.

Worldprofit Weekly Workshop

Workshop last recording posted for 9-13-2024

George Kosch has been doing LIVE weekly Workshops for years, and posting the recordings on the Worldprofit YouTube Channel so that NON-MEMBERS and ASSOCIATES can view them.

Get the latest recording:  Sign up to be a Free Associate from this page to get tons of valuable freebies from the Goody Bag.

Copyright 2024 Richard Moyer dba Spaho Consulting