Are you throwing stones at birds on a wire?

First, understand that…

The Money is in the FOLLOWUP to your list.

People rarely buy on first exposure to a product or service, in fact, it takes 7-11 exposures to move someone from…

Lead (curious) to Prospect (interested) to Potential Buyer (making buying decision)

They are looking for INFORMATION, not sales pitches.

By capturing that lead and doing the FOLLOWUP, YOU become the authority that provides that information and are positioned to make that sale when THEY are ready to make that buying decision!

If you are just promoting affiliate pages without capturing those leads FIRST so you can provide that information, it is like you are throwing stones at birds on a wire…

You may or may not hit one, but one thing for sure, you will NEVER be able to contact any of them again!

Network Marketing is a PROCESS

The WorldProfit Silver Membership is a Complete Business Platform. Not membership in a club, no badge, secret handshake, or decoder ring…

  • We help you UNDERSTAND Network Marketing is YOUR Business
  • We help you UNDERSTAND the BUYER’s psychology
  • Included is all the Training, Tools, Traffic, and Support that will allow you to build your list and grow YOUR business
  • Included is all the Done-For-You ad copy, landing pages, sales pages, and shopping carts for literally thousands of products and services that you can promote – each building your list and positioning you to make sales
  • Start off with an instant list of 100 associates and 1000 newsletter subscribers. A Done-For-You professionally written newsletter is sent DAILY on your behalf to each of them, plus other promotions.
  • Included is Sales Closing assistance 24×7 through the exclusive Live Business Center for no additional charge
  • Any sales to YOUR associates – YOU EARN 20%-100% Commissions

Step up your Network Marketing to Professional Grade with the WorldProfit Silver Membership Business Platform today.


I will be your sponsor and coach, providing help, guidance, and resources. In 20+ years as a professional consultant, I still never charge for consulting.

Rich Moyer

WorldProfit Platinum VIP 5+ years

Professional Business Consultant 20+ years


I can tell you how to save $700 per Year for your Silver Membership!