Category Archives: BigDogs

I Use What I Sell.  I Share. Big Dogs Secrets

I and my wallet have outgrown Shiny Object syndrome
I’m an analyst, number cruncher.  It’s how I’m wired.  
Big Dogs Secrets makes sense.  
Solid logic.  
Easy-to-Follow Daily Step-by-Step Plan. Stan did his homework.  The numbers add up.
Anybody can do this in 30 Minutes per Day, 5 days per week.
I’m All-In.  What About YOU?
Invest 7 Bucks.
Rich Moyer

BIG ALPHA DOGS : Promote your SECRETS here!

Not a BIG ALPHA DOG yet? 

Current BIG ALPHA DOGS :  become a BIG ALPHA DOG now; click the link above, buy the SECRETS and follow ALL instructions

BIG ALPHA DOGS : Promote your CHIPS here!


HOUND DOGS : only SNIFF at this link but do NOT join yet; first get the SECRETS ebook. , Upgrade to Alpha Dog.  Contain PRECISE sign up and upgrade instructions; follow those, then come back to HDTA and fill in your link and update.


HOUND DOGS : only SNIFF at this link but do NOT join yet; first get the SECRETS ebook. , Upgrade to Alpha Dog.  Contain PRECISE sign up and upgrade instructions; follow those, then come back to HDTA and fill in your link and update.


HOUND DOGS : only SNIFF at this link but do NOT join yet; first get the SECRETS ebook. , Upgrade to Alpha Dog.  Contain PRECISE sign up and upgrade instructions; follow those, then come back to HDTA and fill in your link and update.
My referral link:


HOUND DOGS : only SNIFF at this link but do NOT join yet; first get the SECRETS ebook. , Upgrade to Alpha Dog.  Contain PRECISE sign up and upgrade instructions; follow those, then come back to HDTA and fill in your link and update.


HOUND DOGS : only SNIFF at this link but do NOT join yet; first get the SECRETS ebook. , Upgrade to Alpha Dog.  Contain PRECISE sign up and upgrade instructions; follow those, then come back to HDTA and fill in your link and update.

The Lead Magnet

HOUND DOGS : only SNIFF at this link but do NOT join yet; first get the SECRETS ebook. , Upgrade to Alpha Dog.  Contain PRECISE sign up and upgrade instructions; follow those, then come back to HDTA and fill in your link and update.

Mister Safelist

HOUND DOGS : only SNIFF at this link but do NOT join yet; first get the SECRETS ebook. , Upgrade to Alpha Dog.  Contain PRECISE sign up and upgrade instructions; follow those, then come back to HDTA and fill in your link and update.

List Avail

HOUND DOGS : only SNIFF at this link but do NOT join yet; first get the SECRETS ebook. , Upgrade to Alpha Dog.  Contain PRECISE sign up and upgrade instructions; follow those, then come back to HDTA and fill in your link and update.

Global Safelist

HOUND DOGS : only SNIFF at this link but do NOT join yet; first get the SECRETS ebook. , Upgrade to Alpha Dog.  Contain PRECISE sign up and upgrade instructions; follow those, then come back to HDTA and fill in your link and update.


HOUND DOGS : only SNIFF at this link but do NOT join yet; first get the SECRETS ebook. , Upgrade to Alpha Dog.  Contain PRECISE sign up and upgrade instructions; follow those, then come back to HDTA and fill in your link and update.


HOUND DOGS : only SNIFF at this link but do NOT join yet; first get the SECRETS ebook. , Upgrade to Alpha Dog.  Contain PRECISE sign up and upgrade instructions; follow those, then come back to HDTA and fill in your link and update.


HOUND DOGS : only SNIFF at this link but do NOT join yet; first get the SECRETS ebook. , Upgrade to Alpha Dog.  Contain PRECISE sign up and upgrade instructions; follow those, then come back to HDTA and fill in your link and update.


HOUND DOGS : only SNIFF at this link but do NOT join yet; first get the SECRETS ebook. , Upgrade to Alpha Dog.  Contain PRECISE sign up and upgrade instructions; follow those, then come back to HDTA and fill in your link and update.


HOUND DOGS : only SNIFF at this link but do NOT join yet; first get the SECRETS ebook. , Upgrade to Alpha Dog.  Contain PRECISE sign up and upgrade instructions; follow those, then come back to HDTA and fill in your link and update.


HOUND DOGS : only SNIFF at this link but do NOT join yet; first get the SECRETS ebook. , Upgrade to Alpha Dog.  Contain PRECISE sign up and upgrade instructions; follow those, then come back to HDTA and fill in your link and update.

BIG ALPHA DOGS : Promote former CHIPS here!


This program ceased to be a CHIP but you may want to keep promoting it…Just put your the HitsConnect CHIP link in the “My referral link” text box and click Update.

Tezzers Traffic Power

This program ceased to be a CHIP but you may want to keep promoting it…Just put your the  CHIP link in the “My referral link” text box and click Update.


This program ceased to be a CHIP but you may want to keep promoting it…Just put your the CHIP link in the “My referral link” text box and click Update.


This program ceased to be a CHIP but you may want to keep promoting it…Just put your the  CHIP link in the “My referral link” text box and click Update.


This program ceased to be a CHIP but you may want to keep promoting it…Just put your the  CHIP link in the “My referral link” text box and click Update.

the Downliner

This program ceased to be a CHIP but you may want to keep promoting it…Just put your the Downliner CHIP link in the “My referral link” text box and click Update.

Viral Mail Profits

This program ceased to be a CHIP but you may want to keep promoting it…Just put your Viral Mail Profits CHIP link in the “My referral link” text box and click Update.

7-11 exposures

Q. Can’t I Just Post Affiliate Links on Safelists?
A. No.   To realize ANY SUCCESS in Network Marketing ,you need a SYSTEM that provides the ability to Follow-Up with your Leads. If you do not CAPTURE the lead’s information, you have no way to contact them in the future.
It’s like Birds on a Wire
If you throw a stone at birds on a wire, you MAY or MAY NOT hit one of them, but one thing for sure…
they will Fly Away and you will not be able to contact THOSE BIRDS again!
For the past 20 YEARS, Stan has been running a SUCCESSFUL SYSTEM that RESOLVES this problem.  HE does the Follow-up FOR YOU.
Find out how to solve this dilemma…
Get the 28th edition of his ebook that lays out the WHOLE PROGRAM: Secrets of the BigDogs
This is NOT an Easy Button.  It requires some:
  • INVESTMENT of TIME (30 Minutes PER DAY)
  • INVESTMENT of MONEY (to join the proven traffic sites where you will promote, that will generate YOUR COMMISSIONS), and
  • PERSEVERANCE (at least 6 months).
Rich Moyer

Rich Moyer Helps You  Promote Secrets of the Big Dogs

Rich Moyer Helps You  Promote
Secrets of the Big Dogs
Not a Big Dogs ALPHA DOG yet? Become one TODAY !
  • Credit Mailer Ads
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  • SuperSolo Ads to THOUSANDS at the Lowest Allowable Prices

Get 5 levels of Promo Codes for 400+ safelists .

  • Sign up for free Level 1 codes at Advertising Blowout.  That’s 4000 solo ads for FREE plus credit mails!  Optionally, get more with 4 additional levels
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