Category Archives: MyVIPContacts

MotionLeads Walkthrough and Demo

Dave Mosher has just added a brand new landing page and funnel tool to the already PACKED MyVIPContacts Pro membership called MotionLeads.

Dave has an Unlimited Site License, as long as the domains the software are installed on domains he owns so he is offering this FEATURE-PACKED tool ABSOLUTELY FREE to MyVIPContacts Pro members.

To give you an idea of just a small example of how awesome this sofware is, Click HERE to see Dave’s 10 minute creation!

Here’s a NEW MyVIPContacts Capture-Page Dave created in less than 10 minutes – Click HERE!

Here’s a YouTube Video that gives you a bit of an idea of how awesome this software it: Click HERE!

You get several image and sound files immediately upon install. You are also free to upload as many image and audio files to your account as you wish.

The Step-by-Step


Admin Settings

  • Your Username and Email should already be pre-filled
  • Change your default password by entering the assigned password, then creating a new password to enter in BOTH new password boxes
  • Uncheck Powered By MotionLeads
  • Leave the affiliate ID field blank (you cannot resell this software. A better tact would be to have your prospects join MyVIPContacts and upgrade to Pro, where they get this software free.

Create Your Landing Page

  • Click the big “+ New Landing Page” button (top right)
  • HINT: hover over the question mark (?) for a description of each field
  • Fill in a Page Name (your reference only) and Page Title (will appear in the browser tab)
  • Optional: Give your page a makes-sense word to create a more friendly landing page URL. THIS IS CASE SENSITIVE!!!
  • Landing Page URL – Use this URL to promote this landing page
  • Don’t worry about Head Analytics Code and Foot Analytics Code. If you had a banner rotator, Chatbot code, or VideoPal code, this is where you would paste that code.
  • Optional: Set Animation Settings, Background Design,
    Background Music, and Controls as you wish. Great way to experiment
  • Form Target: set to New Window
  • Save

Your Landing Page has been Created.

  • Click Add Steps
  • Add a short description (your eyes only)
  • At the bottom of the screen, click Templates. Use the left and right arrows to scroll through the available templates. Click Insert Template
  • Click anywhere in the template you just inserted to bring up the editing bar. From here, you can type, format text, insert pictures, videos, navigation buttons (from the image library button)

Insert your Autoresponder HTML Form Code

  • Go into MyVIPContacts
  • Click Autoresponders. Create an Autoresponder Campaign or use an existing Autoresponder Campaign.
  • Click Settings for that Autoresponder Campaign .
    • Site Name
    • Title – will appear in browser tab
    • Short Description
    • Admin Email Address – set to your email
    • No of Days – set to 1
    • Opt-in: set to Single Opt-in
    • Return URL – IMPORTANT: set to your sales page or affiliate URL for program you are promoting
    • Click Update Settings at bottom of page
  • Click Autoresponders.
    • Click HTML CODE for your Autoresponder Campaign
    • Click inside the code box and Select All (Ctrl a) then Copy (Ctrl c)
  • Go to your MotionLeads template that you were editing
  • Click in the template where you want your autoresponder capture form and click < > on the editing bar
  • Paste your HTML code (Ctrl v)
  • Save

Creating Autoresponder Content

OK. You got someone’s attention. They signed up for your list. You send them a welcome letter. NOW WHAT?

Marketing emails are like a Tootsie Pop – they have to eat through the candy to get the good stuff.

Listed below are TONS of free resources available for you to build compelling newsletters on so many different topics, eCourses, and Hints and Tips.

And I will tell you about the many Done-For-You campaigns that will keep your subscribers INTERESTED and INFORMED and provide YOU with the opportunity to monetize your campaigns without beating up your subscribers with promo after promo.

The goal is to get your subscribers to KNOW, LIKE, and TRUST YOU.  THIS is how you make money in Network Marketing.  People only BUY from marketers they TRUST.

Tell them what you know. Keep it short (I’m not good at that). Give them a little at a time. This is where the autoresponder comes into play. Spoon feed them one THOUGHT at a time.

People don’t actually read sales pages or long emails, they rarely sit through a whole video, so I’ve been known to simply copy/paste one section of a webpage or sales page at a time into an autoresponder follow-up sequence, or WATCH the video and take notes that I transcribe into follow-up messages.

Not everything needs to be about THE PROJECT. Idea: share a video from the video library. “Hey – I wanted to share a recording by my friend Rich”…

Creating autoresponder message content

17 Ways To Use Your Autoresponder To Get More Traffic And Sales

WorldProfit Goody Bag Reseller’ Club – even as a Free Associate, you may own these

Content – WorldProfit “Goodies” – take excerpts from these, blurbs, or send them the whole ebook

MyVIPContacts Pro or ListGeniePro List Building Tools

  • 100 Followup Marketing Secrets
  • 100 Fast List Building Methods And Techniques
  • 13 Ways To Make Your Squeeze Pages Convert
  • 49 Internet Marketing Promo Emails
  • 30 More Internet Marketing Promo Emails
  • 70 IM Salesletter Swipes
  • Easy Book Writing Autoresponder Series

Got the idea? There are TONS of free resources available for you.

CONTACT ME for help!  My consulting is FREE for serious marketers.

Rich Moyer
+1-484-902-8819 voicemail

Writing Emails

Marketing emails are like a Tootsie Pop – they have to eat through the candy to get the good stuff.

Tell them what you know.  Keep it short (I’m not good at that). Give them a little at a time.  This is where the autoresponder comes into play.  Spoon feed them one THOUGHT at a time.  

People don’t actually read sales pages or long emails, they rarely sit through a whole video, so I’ve been known to simply copy/paste one section of a webpage or sales page at a time into an autoresponder follow-up sequence, or WATCH the video an take notes that I transcribe into follow-up messages.

Not everything needs to be about THE PROJECT.  Use the WP Article Directory, share a video from the video library.  “Hey – I wanted to share a recording by my friend Rich”… 

It’s About the Relationship

I have SO many autoresponder campaigns, for not only affiliate programs, but Tips and Techniques, Home Business Tips (one of my most popular), and eCourses (dozens of them). My autoresponders have earned their rightful place as ABSOLUTELY ESSENTIAL BUSINESS TOOLS that HELP me not only GET LEADS, but my autoresponder follow-ups are turning those LEADS to SUBSCRIBERS and CUSTOMERS.

Writing Emails

You do not need to be a master copywriter. Have you tried Email Marketing Masters?  It’s free.  Amazing tool to create emails.

If you want some fantastic content, look at the “goodies” available absolutely free.

  • Many of these resources are in the massive RR-MRR-PLR library available to MyVIPContacts Pro members.
  • Join as a WorldProfit Free Associate where your “Goody Bag” includes 220 PLR items in The Vault and 65 Lead Generators

Creating autoresponder message content

MyVIPContacts Listbuilding Tools

  • 100 Advertising Tips
  • 30 More Internet Marketing Promo Emails
  • Autoresponder Email Goldmine
  • Easy Book Writing Autoresponder Series
  • Follow Up System In A Box
  • Home Based Business Newsletters
  • IM Niche Salesletter Swipes
  • Online Business Planning Autoreponder Series
  • Ultimate Done For You Autoresponder Emails Series V1

WorldProfit Goody Bag ! Reseller’ Club

  • # 12. 597 Letters 
  • # 21. Internet Marketing Newsletters 
  • # 41. Email Writing Secrets 
  • # 48. Online Copywriting Pro 
  • # 50. My Internet Marketing Newsletter – Ready To Go Money Making Newsletter In A Box 
  • #61. Super Money Emails

Content WorldProfit Silver Members – Your Goodies. Take excerpts from these, blurbs, or send them the whole ebook

  • # 17. 100 Sales Tips
  • # 22. 100 SEO Tips
  • # 24. Clickbank: 180 Autoresponder Sets
  • # 28. 21 Strategies For Generating Traffic

WorldProfit Silver Members – Clickbank Promo Kit – End user targeted ad copy

RELAX – you do not need to have ALL the answers, and you do not need to do it all at once! 

Self Improvement

Tip: learn one new thing  every day.  Set aside at least 30 minutes per day for YOUR personal development.  Read an ebook, browse articles, watch a Youtube video.  Doesn’t have to be about Network Marketing.  Fresh ideas, different perspectives.


Rich Moyer
1-484-902-8819 m-f 8am-5pm EST
Get a Free 10 Minute Consult.
Paying It Forward…

MyVIPContacts Broadcast to Your Subscribers

Steps to Create a Broadcast

We have to assume that you already have created an Autoresponder campaign, and you have either acquired your subscribers through lead capture, or have uploaded subscribers from another autoresponder to the Admin at MyVIPContacts.  

A Broadcast can be sent to only ONE Subscriber List at a time.

Only ACTIVE Subscribers will receive email broadcasts

  • Verify you do have Active Subscribers in the chosen Autoresponder
  • Create Your Content
    • Text-only email broadcasts (the simplest)
      • Fill in your Subject
      • Be sure to set the Format to TEXT
      • Create  or Copy/Paste the Body of your message into the Message box
      • Click  [Send Mail]
    • Formatted email broadcasts in HTML
      • Fill in your Subject
      • Be sure to set the Format to HTML
      • Use the HTML WYSIWYG editor to create great-looking pages
        • On the left NAV Menu, Right Click [HTML Editor] and open in a new Tab
        • Create and format your message
        • Click on the [SOURCE] button
      • Click into the code window and Select All with Ctrl a
      • Copy the code into your clipboard with Ctrl c
      • Paste the Body of your message into the Message box with Ctrl v
      • Click  [Send Mail]
    • Repeat for each campaign (remember, your HTML code is still in the HTML Editor window)

Verify Message Status

  • [Message History]
    • Select the autoresponder campaign to view the message history
    • You can delete messages by clicking [Remove]

MyVIPContacts Multiple-Stream of Income autoresponder Swipes

Everybody talks about The Blueprint, The Plan, Residual Income this and Multi-Steam Income that, but they don’t really give you the TOOLS to make it happen. I’m going to disprove this RIGHT NOW.

I’m not only going to give you the PLAN, but will hook you up RIGHT NOW.

Step 1: Get your autoresponder. I recommend MyVIPContacts Pro

MyVIPContacts is an UNLIMITED autoresponder, which means your autoresponder costs will not increase as your list grows. I will step you through setup, using the feature and functions of MyVIPContacts and associated programs you receive as a Pro member.

If you already have an unlimited autoresponder, it would be up to you to create the necessary tools to make true Multi-stream income a reality.

Step 2: Download the PDF File that contains MY autoresponder follow-up message swipes for my Multi-Stream Income Programs campaign.

Step 3: Follow the plan


This is NOT a Done-For-You Easy Button program, set up intentionally so that you LEARN the concepts, LEARN how to use the tools, and LEARN how to make free or low-cost tools and affiliate programs into REVENUE GENERATING VENTURES.

You may use or share the follow-up message stream swipes and modify them to reflect YOUR affiliate IDs and personality.

As you join the various opportunities, be sure to update your follow-up swipes with YOUR affiliate IDs

I am here to help, but want YOU to learn so I will expect YOU to do the actual work, and promote these opportunities.

I personally USE and ENDORSE all the programs, tools, and traffic sources you will find in the Plan. I USE WHAT I SELL, and recommend the same to you. To borrow from CTFO founder Michael Swilling, “Be a Product of the Product”.

Rich Moyer

Fast-Track Your List Building

Here’s a resource I use that automatically ads 100 new, fresh leads to your account every single day of the week.

It includes an in-house mailer, as well.

There’s a one-time setup fee of $30.00 + $30/mo subscription. So $60 your first month, and then just $30/mo after that.

In one year’s time, you could have up to 36,500 subscribers. You can email up to 9,000 leads every 24-hours!

You can download your leads every day.

Why MyLeadGenSecret? 

Most people think that they can buy bulk leads, send their affiliate ID for a program in an email about your product or service, and sales will just come pouring in. 


Without a List, You Have No Network Marketing Business.

Without FOLLOWUP to Your List You Make No Money.

People rarely buy on first exposure to a product or service, in fact, it takes 7-11 exposures to move someone from…

Lead (curious)  to  Prospect (interested)   to   Potential Buyer (making buying decision)

They are looking for INFORMATION, not sales pitches.

By capturing that lead and doing the FOLLOWUP, YOU become the authority that provides that information and are positioned to make that sale when THEY are ready to make that buying decision!

Are you throwing stones at birds on a wire? 

If you are just promoting affiliate pages without capturing those leads FIRST so you can provide that information, it is like you are throwing stones at birds on a wire…

You may or may not hit one, but one thing for sure, you will NEVER be able to contact any of them again! 

But I Already HAVE Leads through  MyLeadGenSecret! 

Of course you do and as long as you continue to send $30 a month to MyLeadGenSecret, you can use that mailer to send ads to the list IN MyLeadGenSecret.  Yes, you CAN export them, but the biggest problem with lead systems is that your ability to mail them only lasts until you stop purchasing leads.  Most autoresponders do not allow imports from bulk lead suppliers.

Network Marketing is a PROCESS 

The most important thing you can do in Network Marketing is BUILD YOUR LIST!

  • You do that by promoting on safelists or other advertising media, or purchasing LEADS, then
  • capturing the name and email of the lead with a Lead Capture Page (also called Squeeze Page, or Landing Page).
  • That lead’s contact information is stored in the autoresponder, associated with the Campaign assigned to the Lead Capture Page.
  • Once they have “opted-in”, they begin to receive the messages in the message stream for that Campaign.

Why You Need an Autoresponder 

Network Marketing is a BUSINESS that you MUST TAKE SERIOUSLY and an Autoresponder is an Essential Tool!!

You wouldn’t want a plumber who does not own a wrench or a carpenter without a hammer or a swimming instructor without a pool, would you?



It is another source of fresh eyes.  By promoting LEAD CAPTURE PAGES to YOUR autoresponder, they become VERIFIED SUBSCRIBERS to YOUR LIST. This is a shortcut to building a strong list that you can eventually convert from LEAD to PROSPECT to BUYER (remember… 7-11 Exposures)

Q. Why MyLeadGenSecret?

I have been getting great results.  I get 100 NEW LEADS PER DAY added to my account, and I can EMAIL ALL LEADS EVERY DAY.

Q. What should you expect with bulk purchased leads?

Many bounces, and most likely fewer Opens and Clicks than Safelist Solos, but you still may get more actual exposures due to sheer volume.

Q. Is it WORTH IT?

It depends on what you are promoting, and the ultimate value of the products and upsells in your sales funnel.

Should you promote your blog or $3 eBook?  Well, it depends.  A popular strategy is to GIVE THEM SOMETHING of VALUE to get them to join YOUR list, then you present them with higher value offers in the followup.  It’s not deception, just a way to get them positioned to learn MORE though your follow-ups.  (Remember… 7-11 Exposures).

Stick Around (for at least the next 7-11 messages) and LEARN.

Ready to Jump on MyLeadGenSecret?

>>>>> Click the Credit Link

Rich Moyer 

TwilightAdz Safelist Splash Page Builder with MyVIPContacts Lead Capture Form

As an Upgraded member of MyVIPContacts Pro, you receive free Gold upgrades to 12 Top Safelists. Not only does the Gold Upgrade give you more GREAT Traffic and privileges, but also includes a nice Splashpage Builder located in Member Tools.

Each of these 12 safelists allows you to create 12 CUSTOM Splashpages. That is a total of 144 Splashpages you can create absolutely free!

The common definition of a splash page is a quick loading page that, when clicked, redirects the viewer to the target site signup page.

The Member Tools ! Splashpage Builder actually extends the capability of a simple splashpage to become a full blown Lead Capture page (also known as a Landing Page or Squeeze Page) by allowing you to paste your autoresponder HTML Form code into the Splashpage Builder.

Check out the video for an overview and step-by-step demonstration.

Rich Moyer

Creating a Splash Page in MyVIPContacts

Not a great video – I’m still working through how to use some of these things.>>>>>

Steps to Create a Splash Page for Lead Capture

  • Create Autoresponder
    • [Autoresponders] 
    • Give it a name then click [Create Autoresponder]
  • [Settings]
  • Fields to update:
    • Site Name
    • Title
    • Description
    • Keywords (ie: autoresponder, list builder, lead capture, landing page)
    • Admin Email Address (if different than MyVIPContacts admin)
    • No. of Days (I recommend 0 or 1)
    • Do you want your autoresponder to be double opt-in or single opt-in? Single or Double Opt-in.  (I recommend DOUBLE at first)
    • Return URL – Where you want the subscriber to go after opt-in (usually your Affiliate ID for the program you are promoting)
    • Home Page: Contents
      • Create home page for this autoresponder with any HTML Editor.  Copy/Paste the HTML code 
        • click Source or HTML in your WYSIWYG editor
        • Select All (Ctrl a)
        • Copy (Ctrl c)
        • Switch over to Home Page: Contents
        • Paste (Ctrl v)
      • Here is a Free HTML WYSIWYG editor
    • [Update Settings]

Create Lead Capture Form

  • [Splash Page Builder]
    • Enter a name and click [Create Splash Page]
  • [Change Template]
    • Choose template style
    • Click [Update Template]
  • Add [Main Picture]
  • [Other Settings] – This is where you actually “design” what you want to say on your page
    • Title, Short Description, Keywords (optional)
    • Background Color Settings
    • Headline #2 Text,  Headline #2 Text Color
    • Headline #3 Text,  Headline #3 Text Color
    • Main Contents Area Text
    • Format using HTML WYSIWYG editor and copy/paste to this field
    • [Update Settings]
      • Go to [Autoresponders] [HTML Code] for your Autoresponder
      • Copy Ctrl c 
    • Go back to [Splash Page Builder] [Other Settings]
      • Paste into Main Contents Area Text  with Ctrl v
      • [Update Settings]
    • [Click Here to view your Splash Page]  
    • Grab the URL from the address bar of your browser with Ctrl c
    • [Link Cloaker]
      • Give it a Campaign Name
      • Paste into Website URL: with Ctrl v
      • [Add URL]
    • Promote your cloaked link