Fast-Track Your List Building

Here’s a resource I use that automatically ads 100 new, fresh leads to your account every single day of the week.

It includes an in-house mailer, as well.

There’s a one-time setup fee of $30.00 + $30/mo subscription. So $60 your first month, and then just $30/mo after that.

In one year’s time, you could have up to 36,500 subscribers. You can email up to 9,000 leads every 24-hours!

You can download your leads every day.

Why MyLeadGenSecret? 

Most people think that they can buy bulk leads, send their affiliate ID for a program in an email about your product or service, and sales will just come pouring in. 


Without a List, You Have No Network Marketing Business.

Without FOLLOWUP to Your List You Make No Money.

People rarely buy on first exposure to a product or service, in fact, it takes 7-11 exposures to move someone from…

Lead (curious)  to  Prospect (interested)   to   Potential Buyer (making buying decision)

They are looking for INFORMATION, not sales pitches.

By capturing that lead and doing the FOLLOWUP, YOU become the authority that provides that information and are positioned to make that sale when THEY are ready to make that buying decision!

Are you throwing stones at birds on a wire? 

If you are just promoting affiliate pages without capturing those leads FIRST so you can provide that information, it is like you are throwing stones at birds on a wire…

You may or may not hit one, but one thing for sure, you will NEVER be able to contact any of them again! 

But I Already HAVE Leads through  MyLeadGenSecret! 

Of course you do and as long as you continue to send $30 a month to MyLeadGenSecret, you can use that mailer to send ads to the list IN MyLeadGenSecret.  Yes, you CAN export them, but the biggest problem with lead systems is that your ability to mail them only lasts until you stop purchasing leads.  Most autoresponders do not allow imports from bulk lead suppliers.

Network Marketing is a PROCESS 

The most important thing you can do in Network Marketing is BUILD YOUR LIST!

  • You do that by promoting on safelists or other advertising media, or purchasing LEADS, then
  • capturing the name and email of the lead with a Lead Capture Page (also called Squeeze Page, or Landing Page).
  • That lead’s contact information is stored in the autoresponder, associated with the Campaign assigned to the Lead Capture Page.
  • Once they have “opted-in”, they begin to receive the messages in the message stream for that Campaign.

Why You Need an Autoresponder 

Network Marketing is a BUSINESS that you MUST TAKE SERIOUSLY and an Autoresponder is an Essential Tool!!

You wouldn’t want a plumber who does not own a wrench or a carpenter without a hammer or a swimming instructor without a pool, would you?



It is another source of fresh eyes.  By promoting LEAD CAPTURE PAGES to YOUR autoresponder, they become VERIFIED SUBSCRIBERS to YOUR LIST. This is a shortcut to building a strong list that you can eventually convert from LEAD to PROSPECT to BUYER (remember… 7-11 Exposures)

Q. Why MyLeadGenSecret?

I have been getting great results.  I get 100 NEW LEADS PER DAY added to my account, and I can EMAIL ALL LEADS EVERY DAY.

Q. What should you expect with bulk purchased leads?

Many bounces, and most likely fewer Opens and Clicks than Safelist Solos, but you still may get more actual exposures due to sheer volume.

Q. Is it WORTH IT?

It depends on what you are promoting, and the ultimate value of the products and upsells in your sales funnel.

Should you promote your blog or $3 eBook?  Well, it depends.  A popular strategy is to GIVE THEM SOMETHING of VALUE to get them to join YOUR list, then you present them with higher value offers in the followup.  It’s not deception, just a way to get them positioned to learn MORE though your follow-ups.  (Remember… 7-11 Exposures).

Stick Around (for at least the next 7-11 messages) and LEARN.

Ready to Jump on MyLeadGenSecret?

>>>>> Click the Credit Link

Rich Moyer