JitBit: Start Promoting in ONE Click!

JitBit: Start Promoting in ONE Click!

JitBit Software.

No this is not something out of a science-fiction novel. JitBit is a multi clipboard that is VERY powerful.

Jitbit is a HUGE and I mean HUGE time saver for affiliate marketer and people who are not good typers.

They allow you to do your promotion faster with less clicks. Seriously. I’m not kidding. Read on.

What is JitBit?

It’s software you load onto your computer that allows multiple clipboards so you can post ads using just a few key strokes or key words.
You create your own "codes" or short forms that when used results in "Pasting" of a larger block of copy.


Using JitBit, create a short form like this. ee44

When you type ee44

It changes to this longer wording: Traffic To 5 Sites For ONE Full Year with NO Limits – Promote Affiliate Links – Change ANYTIME (Details Inside)

Watch the video to best understand how this works.

Here is a short video that should answer most of your questions on how to use it to speed up promotion 10 fold!


My system of shortcuts I use EVERY DAY

I have a standard set of shortcuts that speeds up my safelist advertising. The first letter or two (based on of center-of-keyboard placement) is the ad type, and the next couple letters is the project.

Shortcut Ad Type
b- 468×60 banner URL
f- 125×125 button URL
g- Project Name
gu Target URL
h- 600×300 Login Ad URL
t- Text message ad copy

Example of the projects

Shortcut Project
mvc MyVIPContacts
icpc Instant Cash Promo Codes
mlgs MyLeadGenSecret
saw SoloAdsWork
ice InstantCashEngine

So, lets put this all together, for example, a banner entry for InstantCashEngine (a safelist)

Field Name Shortcut Entered in Field
Name g-ice InstantCashEngine
Banner URL b-ice http://instantcashengine.com/images/468-60.gif
Target URL guice http://trk.webcastsource.com/ice


  • I’ve reduced my own typing
  • I’ve reduced the number of times I needed to switch back and forth to copy/paste
  • My entries are consistent and error free
  • I’ve saved time


Rich Moyer