Link Cloaking Tool

Link Cloaking Tool – NO COST
When you become an Affiliate Marketer or reseller for someone’s else’s products or services, you are provided with a URL (website address). The address or link provided to you, includes your referral ID so that you get credit for sales when orders are placed using your link.

What is Link Cloaking?

No, it’s not a scientific term used on Star Trek. Link cloaking is a way to mask or hide the URL code of the Affiliate link. Most online marketers understand this and rely on a cloaking tool for analysis of advertising efforts. Add to this the fact that when marketing reseller products it simply looks more professional and reputable to have an actual domain name. Link cloaking and Masking are a term that for this discussion mean the same thing.

Link cloaking is a common practice used by Affiliate marketers.

In the long ago distant past there was fear of ID theft or commission theft from not cloaking a link to hide the ID, this is not an issue and we say this based on 20+ years of being involved in Affiliate marketing.

In this lesson we introduce you to the URL/Masking/Cloaking Tool

Worldprofit provides all Silver and Platinum VIP Members with a Link Cloaking Tool for use in masking other vendor’s referral links.

Why mask a link?

When you mask your URL, you look more professional by using an actual domain address, and you are then able to use Worldprofit’s Ad Tracker Tool to see how many clicks you get on your links.

You can use the Masking/Cloaking Tool to convert the original URL (website address) into your own domain name. This can be used for your Landing Pages, Click Bank product promotion, essentially any Affiliate Marketing products you are promoting. There is no limit on how many URL’s you can cloak.

For your convenience we have also included the URL masking/cloaking tool in the Ad Examples section of your Member area and also in the CB Promo Kit.

Manage Change with your URL Masking/Cloaking Tool

How many times do you change landing pages or redirects after posting your ads? In my experience – LOTS!

It used to mean one of two things:

  • Litter the internet with bad links or…
  • having to go to every place you posted an ad for that program to update the target URL

Well, by posting your ads using the URL from your URL Masking/Cloaking Tool, you don’t have to do either. The URL Masking/Cloaking Tool allows you to change the redirect URL. This means you make ONE change in your URL Masking/Cloaking Tool only, and do not have to change any instance of that ad.

How to access your URL Masking/Cloaking Tool

In your Member area, on the left menu, select ADVERTISING/TRAFFIC then select Mask/Cloak URLS.

It’s also included in the CLICK BANK store section of your Member area, on Left menu select CLICKBANK STORE, then click on MASK/CLOAK URLs. There you will see both the original link that you are provided by the vendor to promote a specific product. When you "MASK" the URL you will see the new address appear and it will be one that using your own domain address.

We urge you to watch the training video in this section of your Member area to further your understanding.

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Rich Moyer

WorldProfit Platinum VIP Member 5+ years