Matthew Graves – AmazonAWS Complaint

2/4/2021 Submitted to Amazon AWS

Case Number: 50815037589
==Original Report==

Destination URLs (space separated):
Abuse date (yyyy-mm-dd)*: 2021-01-15
Abuse time, 24-hr format (hh:mm)*: 12:01
Time zone*: -0500
The host clock is synchronized by NTP:

Logs (4KB max)*: I keep a monthly spreadsheet detailing lifetime commissions earned and commissions owed to me, and I have a record of the few, and incomplete payments received.

Comments (4KB max): Matthew Graves is using amazonaws hosting for websites associated with Web’s Best Marketing Ltd. He uses this platform to collect payments via credit card for his affiliate programs but he refuses to pay commissions due to his affiliates. He owes me over $1200 USD.

I am only one of hundreds he has scammed.

I’ve invested a ton of money in Founder’s memberships, Site Partnerships, Premium Lifetime Pass, launches, and other upgrades with Matthew Graves, and have been burned. I’ve earned literally THOUSANDS of dollars in commissions but it is like pulling teeth to get paid.

I have consistently been in the top 20 on leader boards for launches over the past 3 years and have made HIM a ton of money. He currently owes me over $1200 in back commissions and does not respond to emails, invoices, and support requests to resolve this issue. I have even gotten him to agree to a weekly payment plan, but he has never made a single payment per our agreement.

His programs include Your Success Advantage, Your Viral Network Mailers, and Supercharged Solo Ads. I can provide a complete list of websites.

Reply from AmazonAWS 2/4/2021

We’ve received your report concerning unwanted content hosted on Amazon Web Services. In investigating this content, we’ve determined that it is currently managed by a user of our network. While the IP address of the material may indicate that the network is ours, the user is actually the one controlling the content in question.

We understand your concern regarding the availability of this content. We’ll investigate your complaint to determine what additional actions, if any, need to be taken in this case. As a courtesy we have notified our customer of your request to have the content removed or access disabled.

If you wish to provide additional information to us or our customer regarding this case, please reply directly to this email.

Thanks again for alerting us to this issue,

AWS Trust & Safety

Followup from AmazonAWS 2/4/2021

This is a follow up regarding the abusive content or activity report that you submitted to AWS. After our investigation, we are unable to verify your claim. Please provide additional details to assist us in further investigation.

If we do not receive a response within 24 hours we will consider this matter resolved.

Please note that if the activity or content has been determined to be non-abusive or a false-positive, we may not reply to any future messages regarding the activity or content.

Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention.

AWS Trust & Safety