MotionLeads Walkthrough and Demo

Dave Mosher has just added a brand new landing page and funnel tool to the already PACKED MyVIPContacts Pro membership called MotionLeads.

Dave has an Unlimited Site License, as long as the domains the software are installed on domains he owns so he is offering this FEATURE-PACKED tool ABSOLUTELY FREE to MyVIPContacts Pro members.

To give you an idea of just a small example of how awesome this sofware is, Click HERE to see Dave’s 10 minute creation!

Here’s a NEW MyVIPContacts Capture-Page Dave created in less than 10 minutes – Click HERE!

Here’s a YouTube Video that gives you a bit of an idea of how awesome this software it: Click HERE!

You get several image and sound files immediately upon install. You are also free to upload as many image and audio files to your account as you wish.

The Step-by-Step


Admin Settings

  • Your Username and Email should already be pre-filled
  • Change your default password by entering the assigned password, then creating a new password to enter in BOTH new password boxes
  • Uncheck Powered By MotionLeads
  • Leave the affiliate ID field blank (you cannot resell this software. A better tact would be to have your prospects join MyVIPContacts and upgrade to Pro, where they get this software free.

Create Your Landing Page

  • Click the big “+ New Landing Page” button (top right)
  • HINT: hover over the question mark (?) for a description of each field
  • Fill in a Page Name (your reference only) and Page Title (will appear in the browser tab)
  • Optional: Give your page a makes-sense word to create a more friendly landing page URL. THIS IS CASE SENSITIVE!!!
  • Landing Page URL – Use this URL to promote this landing page
  • Don’t worry about Head Analytics Code and Foot Analytics Code. If you had a banner rotator, Chatbot code, or VideoPal code, this is where you would paste that code.
  • Optional: Set Animation Settings, Background Design,
    Background Music, and Controls as you wish. Great way to experiment
  • Form Target: set to New Window
  • Save

Your Landing Page has been Created.

  • Click Add Steps
  • Add a short description (your eyes only)
  • At the bottom of the screen, click Templates. Use the left and right arrows to scroll through the available templates. Click Insert Template
  • Click anywhere in the template you just inserted to bring up the editing bar. From here, you can type, format text, insert pictures, videos, navigation buttons (from the image library button)

Insert your Autoresponder HTML Form Code

  • Go into MyVIPContacts
  • Click Autoresponders. Create an Autoresponder Campaign or use an existing Autoresponder Campaign.
  • Click Settings for that Autoresponder Campaign .
    • Site Name
    • Title – will appear in browser tab
    • Short Description
    • Admin Email Address – set to your email
    • No of Days – set to 1
    • Opt-in: set to Single Opt-in
    • Return URL – IMPORTANT: set to your sales page or affiliate URL for program you are promoting
    • Click Update Settings at bottom of page
  • Click Autoresponders.
    • Click HTML CODE for your Autoresponder Campaign
    • Click inside the code box and Select All (Ctrl a) then Copy (Ctrl c)
  • Go to your MotionLeads template that you were editing
  • Click in the template where you want your autoresponder capture form and click < > on the editing bar
  • Paste your HTML code (Ctrl v)
  • Save