MyVIPContacts Broadcast to Your Subscribers

Steps to Create a Broadcast

We have to assume that you already have created an Autoresponder campaign, and you have either acquired your subscribers through lead capture, or have uploaded subscribers from another autoresponder to the Admin at MyVIPContacts.  

A Broadcast can be sent to only ONE Subscriber List at a time.

Only ACTIVE Subscribers will receive email broadcasts

  • Verify you do have Active Subscribers in the chosen Autoresponder
  • Create Your Content
    • Text-only email broadcasts (the simplest)
      • Fill in your Subject
      • Be sure to set the Format to TEXT
      • Create  or Copy/Paste the Body of your message into the Message box
      • Click  [Send Mail]
    • Formatted email broadcasts in HTML
      • Fill in your Subject
      • Be sure to set the Format to HTML
      • Use the HTML WYSIWYG editor to create great-looking pages
        • On the left NAV Menu, Right Click [HTML Editor] and open in a new Tab
        • Create and format your message
        • Click on the [SOURCE] button
      • Click into the code window and Select All with Ctrl a
      • Copy the code into your clipboard with Ctrl c
      • Paste the Body of your message into the Message box with Ctrl v
      • Click  [Send Mail]
    • Repeat for each campaign (remember, your HTML code is still in the HTML Editor window)

Verify Message Status

  • [Message History]
    • Select the autoresponder campaign to view the message history
    • You can delete messages by clicking [Remove]