MyVIPContacts Multiple-Stream of Income autoresponder Swipes

Everybody talks about The Blueprint, The Plan, Residual Income this and Multi-Steam Income that, but they don’t really give you the TOOLS to make it happen. I’m going to disprove this RIGHT NOW.

I’m not only going to give you the PLAN, but will hook you up RIGHT NOW.

Step 1: Get your autoresponder. I recommend MyVIPContacts Pro

MyVIPContacts is an UNLIMITED autoresponder, which means your autoresponder costs will not increase as your list grows. I will step you through setup, using the feature and functions of MyVIPContacts and associated programs you receive as a Pro member.

If you already have an unlimited autoresponder, it would be up to you to create the necessary tools to make true Multi-stream income a reality.

Step 2: Download the PDF File that contains MY autoresponder follow-up message swipes for my Multi-Stream Income Programs campaign.

Step 3: Follow the plan


This is NOT a Done-For-You Easy Button program, set up intentionally so that you LEARN the concepts, LEARN how to use the tools, and LEARN how to make free or low-cost tools and affiliate programs into REVENUE GENERATING VENTURES.

You may use or share the follow-up message stream swipes and modify them to reflect YOUR affiliate IDs and personality.

As you join the various opportunities, be sure to update your follow-up swipes with YOUR affiliate IDs

I am here to help, but want YOU to learn so I will expect YOU to do the actual work, and promote these opportunities.

I personally USE and ENDORSE all the programs, tools, and traffic sources you will find in the Plan. I USE WHAT I SELL, and recommend the same to you. To borrow from CTFO founder Michael Swilling, “Be a Product of the Product”.

Rich Moyer