Newsletter Mailer

Newsletter Mailer in your Silver or Platinum Package – are you using it?

Silver and Platinum VIP Members you have a Newsletter Mailer included in your package.

If you follow the steps of the Bootcamp Training you are taught how to mail out your newsletter to your subscribers.
We’ve provided you with dozens and dozens of newsletter templates already written that you can use to promote Worldprofit products and services and generate site traffic and leads. OR, you have the option to customize your own newsletters with your own wording and email out your OWN offers, products and services to promote whatever you like.

Aside from accessing the Newsletter through the bootcamp you can also access it on the LEFT hand menu of the Member area. Look for the link that says "Newsletter". If you then click on "Post Newsletter" you will be taken to the available newsletter templates and can select from a drop down menu.
There you can use the pre-written templates or create your own, instructions are included.

Sending your newsletter out 3-5 times a week with various offers, and wording is a powerful way to build site traffic, get your website name out there and generate leads! Effective marketing means putting your offer and information in front of people in various ways to get their attention and encourage a response.

Did you know?

The description above refers to only the NEWSETTER subscribers, found on the top blue menu under NEWSLETTER. There are TWO OTHER NEWSLETTER MAILERS in the Silver or Platinum Packages? These are separate from the Newsletter mailer and the custom newsletters are separate from the other custom newsletter content.

1. Both Silver and Platinum VIP members can contact their WHOLE LIST of Associates or specific groups within Prospect Manager

2. All Platinum VIP and Silver members who subscribe to the Autoresponder service can send custom newsletters in the AUTORESPONDER.

There are restrictions that permit broadcasting newsletters only ONCE PER DAY, but there are some tricks. In PROSPECT MANAGER you can send to the whole list only once, but you can send to INDIVIDUAL GROUPS multiple times per day. I created groups for Exclusive Leads, Associates, and Dealers (I manually add my dealers). You can send to AUTORESPONDER groups as often as you like.

Clickbank Promo Kit and Money Makers provide Done-For-You pre-formatted, click and send promo newsletters for both Newsletter List and Prospect Manager List. SO EASY!!! THIS IS WHERE YOU MAKE SALES!!!


Haven’t Upgraded to Silver yet?

Rich Moyer