NOTICE: Matthew Graves Sites Blocked

As admin for 9 sites of my own, I have blocked all URLs and content promoting Matthew’s programs

 Any ads or content for his programs will not be approved. Your ads will be returned to your account.

This includes sites:

SoloAdsWork, FunSoloAds, SuperLinkSolos, AeroMailsClub, AmazingTextAds, ViperTextAds, HotTextAds, InstantCashEngine, and 4AcesMailer

Other owners like Maryanne Myers and Darren Olander have already taken similar actions.  Dave Mosher is ready to ban all Matthew’s sites and content on all 300+ of his safelists 


I will no longer be promoting offers by Matthew Graves nor will I allow promotion on my safelists for Your Success Advantage, Your Viral Network Mailers,  Supercharged Solo Ads or any coaching programs.

There are so many good things I have gotten from Matthew Graves’ programs:

  • Amazing list building capability
  • Frequent Launches to keep energy and interest high
  • Great rewards and incentives
  • Autopilot Done-For-You system


Matthew Graves DOES NOT PAY YOUR HARD EARNED COMMISSIONS.  I’ve earned literally THOUSANDS of dollars in commissions but it is like pulling teeth to get paid.  

I have consistently been in the top 20 on leader boards for launches over the past 3 years and have made HIM a ton of money.  He currently owes me over $1200 in back commissions and does not respond to emails, invoices, and support requests to resolve this issue.  I have even gotten him to agree to a weekly payment plan, but he has never made a single payment per our agreement. 

This is the definition of a SCAM.

See my blog for actions that have been taken so far.

>>>>> Click the Credit Link 

Rich Moyer – Admin