Q. What method do you use to obtain prospects?

I post only Landing Pages on safelists.  EVERYTHING has a lead capture opportunity (somewhere).

I send 250,000 to 1 million emails PER DAY. (my ebook)

I promote using ACTIVE TRAFFIC: credit mails, Solos, SuperSolos.  I rarely post PASSIVE TRAFFIC like banners or text links (unless a rotator)


  • I have a library of promos.  I spend an hour or more a day reviewing stats, creating or refining ad copy, tuning subject lines, creating new banners or graphics
  • I generally select 3-4 projects I promote per day and rotate them: always BigDogs, WorldProfit, and then 1-2 others
  • For WorldProfit, I pick from a mix of list builders, lead magnets, freebie giveaways, sometimes traffic packages or Clickbank
  • I set up today’s ads in Autofill (Chrome plug-in): 5 subject lines, URLs, banners/graphics, HTML and TEXT formatted ad copy. then and sort them in order of promotion priority
  • I have all my userid’s and passwords in Roboform – when I open a site to the login page, roboform pops-up with a button to fill the form and go.
  • I add any new banners to my banner trackers and banner rotators in HitsConnect


  • For BigDogs I follow the schedule of which CHIPS (recommended high conversion sites) on which days.  I have 15-20 different emails to choose from.
  • I have my safelist bookmarks organized in folders of 10-20 sites per folder, by member level, member count per site.  I pick 1-2 folders to work from
  • For sites with new promo codes in Advertising Blowout, Instant Cash Promo Codes, Instant Pay Downline Builder, or PromoPalaceAdz, I select 5-10 sites to promote from today
  • When I login to a safelist, I click the Daily Contest button.  I get so many free ads by doing this.
  • I have tons of promo code sites and many upgrades, so I have tons of ACTIVE TRAFFIC ads and credits.  I rarely click for credits except when a minimum is required to send.
  • As available on a site I send (order of priority) HP Solo, Solo, and Credit Mail.  That’s 3 emails from a single site.  Maybe I will post a couple banners (low CTRs so I usually don’t bother)
  • I may send 0-5 SuperSolos per day.  I select the SuperNetworks by distribution site groups: Many sites have groups of SuperNetworks. I select the SuperNetworks by groupings.  Each Super has 5 subject lines.  HINT: check your stats on Supers to identify most effective subject lines.
  • I have some “blaster” sites I send to every day or every other day


  • I send broadcasts 3-5 times per week to my lists. 
  • I have MULTIPLE Autoresponders and MULTIPLE LISTS.  I generally broadcast the same message to all lists
  • Broadcasts do not need to have landing pages UNLESS there is VALUE by having your subscribers receive messages from MULTIPLE Autoresponder message streams
  • Provide VALUE in your message streams and broadcasts with hints and tips, a free ebook, promo codes, or a trusted traffic source (I use a rotator below signature line), Clickbank product
  • Don’t SELL on safelists.  Build your LIST on safelists.  You CAN sell stuff to your subscribers on your lists through message streams and broadcasts.
  • You CAN SELL on Classified Ads