Resources to Create Autoresponder Message Streams

It seems like such an easy concept. Post Landing Pages on safelists to build your list, then Sell to your List. BUT… what do you do with them once you get them on your list?

It is called FOLLOW-UP. Yes you MUST build your list, but the MONEY IS IN THE FOLLOW-UP.

If you are a WorldProfit dealer (Silver or Platinum VIP member), WorldProfit sends out a professionally written newsletter to your Associates every day. When just starting out, WorldProfit tells new dealers they need to focus on bringing in new Associates to Prospect Manager – the built-in contact management application included with the upgraded memberships. Do not worry about follow-up FOR NOW.

BUT… if you do not have these automatic newsletters and processes that WorldProfit has included in the upgraded memberships, you MUST DO FOLLOW-UP YOURSELF.

I preach that EVERY Network Marketer MUST HAVE AN AUTORESPONDER. It is an ESSENTIAL TOOL. You would not want a plumber who does not use a wrench, or a carpenter who does not own a hammer, would you?

So, how do you create the follow-up messages?

First, understand that the BEST way to retain subscribers is to answer the question, WIIFM (What’s In It For Me?). They want INFORMATION about the product or service, they want to know what works FOR YOU and WHY they should purchase this product or service. Educate them, Enlighten them. Give them YOUR perspective. Share YOUR thoughts and reviews. They do NOT want to be SOLD TO.

Broadcasting to your List

I have a simple philosophy that has worked well for me. I USE WHAT I SELL.

I SHARE information about what I use, Launches, Events, Bargains, Discounts, and Promo Codes with my LIST through BROADCASTS.

  • I tell them about TRAFFIC SOURCES that I PERSONALLY USE to promote.
  • I SHARE my STRATEGIES and PROCESSES that I use that keep me on the LEADER BOARDS.
  • I invite them to JOIN programs that I USE TO MAKE MONEY.
  • I tell them about STRATEGIC UPGRADES that will yield the MOST REFERRALS and yield the BEST COMMISSIONS.

How To Create Lasting Subscribers. Give Them Quality Content

I had a subscriber ask if he could use the messages from my most popular newsletter, Home Business Tips. These messages were written by Stone Evans, and these messages are copyrighted. I purchased the license for $395, so please do not use those.

Sources of Content

In MyVIPContacts Pro, there are tons of Done-For-You PLR autoresponder message streams or source material in Digital Downloads!List Building Tools section.

  • 100 Advertising Tips
  • 100 Paid Advertising Secrets
  • 50 Techniques To Boost Conversions
  • Autoresponder Email Goldmine
  • Home Based Business Newsletters

In your WorldProfit Associate member area, in the Goody Bag there is the Vault and Funnels with even more material. (these examples are from the 1st 2 pages of The Vault…)

  • Unrestricted Marketing Articles
  • Newsletters In A Box
  • 110 Bite Sized Traffic Super Tips
  • 100 Ways To Get More Traffic
  • How To Use PLR To Make Money
  • How to Build Effective Sales Funnels

About PLR/MRR Rights

With any PLR or MRR, check the PLR Rights to verify you can break it up as you wish. Some say you can give it away but only in its entirety.

They Wrote It, Just Get People to Read It.

Many times, I will simply create a message stream from the sales page of a program. People do not read sales pages – they read the first couple paragraphs then simply hit the END button so they can get to the bottom where the price is. There is TONS of great material, usually “instructive” about the product or service that you can spoon feed to them over a week to 10 days.

Give them Another Opportunity to Join or Purchase

End each message with your AFFILIATE LINK (they are already on your list so you do not need a lead capture page).

Monetize Your List Messages

At the bottom of each message, placed subtly beneath your signature line, place a link to a rotator, or free ebook, a marketing report, Clickbank product.

Use Rotators

I create a rotator (free with MyVIPContacts Pro) with each of these themes, and post ONE beneath your signature line. You can add or delete links from a rotator without going into each message you monetized.

Here are the rotators I typically use:

Check Out Today’s Featured ClickBank Product

Check out Lead Generation Club Current Product Catalog

Check out Today’s Free eBook or Video

Check Out Today’s Featured Home Business System

(Click Link Again for More Choices)

This is by no means an exhaustive list, but rather a starting point for you. I am here to help.


Rich Moyer
1-484-902-8819 m-f 8am-5pm EST
Get a Free 10 Minute Consult.
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