There’s Gold in Your WorldProfit Newsletter Lists

There’s Gold in Your WorldProfit Newsletter Lists

There are TWO EXCLUSIVE newsletter lists in your Silver/Platinum VIP member area: Prospect Manager and Newsletters. You can send newsletters to BOTH LISTS but the members of the Newsletter List do not receive newsletters you send from Prospect Manager. You must send newsletters to EACH LIST SEPARATELY.

While the NEWSLETTER subscribers receive messages sent on your behalf from WorldProfit, you are missing an opportunity to send your OWN broadcasts to them.

You have the opportunity to send newsletters to NEWSLETTER subscribers:

  • without a template. You can create your own, and save them, adding them to the database or
  • directly from the Newsletter template database.
  • From the Clickbank Promo Kit (column labeled Newsletter)
  • From the Money Maker Kit ( (column labeled Newsletter)

Two Other Lists

Did you know there are two OTHER lists? That’s right: Dealers and Associates.


First, there is a list of DEALERS in your direct downline. There is no broadcast capability (officially) through WorldProfit, but because the email mailto: link is shown in the DEALERS view, you can retrieve the email address by right clicking email link and Copy Email Address. What I have done is created a new Prospect Type in Prospect Manager (Dealer) and manually added my dealer’s contact information through Prospect Manager Add Prospect screen. Don’t forget that you are responsible for maintaining any manual entries.


Your Associates all receive the daily Associate Newsletter broadcasts and promos sent on your behalf by WorldProfit. But not all Associates appear in Prospect Manager, so YOU MAY BE MISSING THE OPPORTUNITY to communicate with them though newsletters and broadcasts. This can easily be fixed!

Look at the ASSOCIATES screen. In the Last Name column, there are one of two symbols you will see. An asterisk indicates that associate appears in Prospect Manager, but if there is a checkbox, this associate is NOT in Prospect Manager and would not receive newsletters or broadcasts YOU submit. To add these associates to Prospect Manager, click the checkbox and at the bottom of the page, click the "Add to Prospect Manager" button. Repeat for every page in your Associates pages.

I actually "recovered" over 100 associates, adding them to Prospect Manager so they now receive newsletters or broadcasts I submit. Once they are in Prospect Manager, you have full control.

You have the opportunity to send newsletters to Associates through Prospect Manager

  • Stir Up Prospects Into The Associate Program or use these to help you create your own letters!
  • Custom Prospect Letters
  • From the Clickbank Promo Kit (column labeled PM)
  • From the Money Maker Kit ( (column labeled PM)

You can send to All Prospect Manager Leads (default) or select a specific Prospect Type (group). You can only select one group at a time, but once you submit, hit the backspace key and select another group from the pulldown.

Other Great Information on the Associates Screen

The Associates screen is the only place where you can see at a glance what purchases, if any, an associate as made. The bold red letters with yellow highlights signify packages purchased.

  • D beside the Associate ID it means they are a Diamond URL Rotator Customer.
  • G is Gold Banner Rotator,
  • S is Sapphire Solo Rotator
  • R is Ruby Solo Blaster and
  • T is Traffic Pack.

It took a little time, but I created a new Prospect Type called BUYER and moved those associates who have made a purchase to that group. I can now send a broadcast or newsletter that targets those who have previously made purchases.

Here’s a little trick. You can send only one broadcast to your whole Prospect Manager list per day, but did you know that you can send MULTIPLE broadcasts to specific GROUPS?

Hope this was of some value. I am here to help.

Rich Moyer

WorldProfit Platinum VIP 6+ years