To WildWestDomains: Site Owner Matthew Graves Refuses to Pay Commissions

Matthew Graves under the company name of Web’s Best Marketing has been stealing commissions owed to his site members for years. I am only one of SO MANY people Matthew Graves has stolen commissions from.  Others are documented on this forum.  It goes on for about 13 pages.
Matthew Graves has over 30,000 members on his sites.  Matthew launches a new site just about every month.  Members promote the site launches to get referrals.  Each new launch adds 500 to 1000 or more new members, with a percentage of those members purchasing monthly, annual, or lifetime memberships.  Premium Members earn 50% commission on Premium Membership Upgrades, Paid Referral Programs, Solo Ad Purchases, and Coaching Programs made by referrals they bring in.  
Commission Payment Policy
The Commission Payment Policy is posted on the site. Lifetime commissions are tallied and posted to the Commission Overview section of each site, and referral purchases are listed in Commission Details.  Commission “owed” shown in the Commission Overview is subject to 30 day “hold” to accommodate chargebacks.  All “Commissions Owed” on or before the 15th of the previous month are to be paid on the 15th of the current month.  
Requests for payouts are ignored.  No response to emails, support requests, or voicemails to his cell phone are ever received unless drastic measures such as mine get his attention.
I Have Invested Thousands

I have paid literally THOUSANDS of dollars in Founders Memberships, a Site Partnership, Lifetime Pass, Premium Memberships (before Lifetime Pass), etc.   I have been at the top of the Leader Boards for most of the launches in the last 3 years and have EARNED HIM THOUSANDS in revenue. 

Safelist Owners Take Action

I own 9 safelist advertising membership sites, and admin over 200 sites for Dave Mosher who owns over 300 safelist advertising membership sites and 15 SuperNetworks.  Because Matthew refuses to pay me and others, I have blocked his domains from my 9 advertising sites, and in solidarity, Dave Mosher has blocked them on all 300+ of his advertising sites.  Other site owners are joining this protest by blocking him on their advertising sites also.  This means that over 3,000 members of my 9 advertising sites and 541,000 members of Dave Mosher’s advertising sites cannot advertise any sites owned by Matthew Graves.  Our members cannot get referrals or generate revenue for Matthew Graves by posting advertisements such as banners or text links, or by sending emails from our sites.

Matthew Graves Suspended All My Accounts

Not only does Matthew Graves owe me over $1,200 in commissions and refuses to pay me, but in retaliation for suspending his domain names on my safe list sites, he suspended all of the accounts I have with him. I can’t even find out how much he owes me now

The last partial commission payment I received was in December 2020.  He tells me that I am the 3rd highest commission earner on his sites. I offered to accept partial payments.  He agreed to a weekly payment plan, but has never made one payment as to our agreement.

Denial of Services I Paid For


Matthew promoted launches of new sites with promised functionality to both Free and Premium members.  The functionality and upgrades were never delivered.  Examples:  YourViralBanners, WhatWorks4Me, Webs Best Traffic Club.

I have NEVER received Site Partner Revenue Sharing nor a portion of the Partner Referrals for 100 Percent Mailer and CANNOT REALIZE THOSE PARTNER BENEFITS BECAUSE 100 Percent Mailer has been OFFLINE since AUGUST.  Is it a coincidence that only AFTER he suspended my accounts, did 100 Percent Mailer come back online?

No Payment AGAIN in February.  His Explanation…

See my video rant.  See the rest of my blog while you are here.

Web’s Best Marketing Domains
This is a partial list of domain names for systems operated by Matthew Graves, all registrars being with one noted exception:



​​​ – registrar GoDaddy​


​Please confirm receipt of this complaint. I am available to discuss the facts I have presented, and would like to learn about any recommendations you might have.

My goal is simple: get paid for commissions I have earned, and get the dozens of members also owed commissions paid.  Any actions are strictly to bring attention to unethical business practices.  I will champion the removal of restrictions if these grievances are corrected.
By the way, Matthew has dual citizenship in USA and Canada, which makes legal action difficult.   
I have filed complaints with the Federal Trade Commission, Halifax NS Consumer Protection agency,  Amazon Web Services, and his Merchant Account platform provider.   
His business address is a rented mailbox at the UPS Store in Winter Garden, Florida.  Since your company maintains the domain registrations, the information he provided should be suspect.
Rich Moyer
1-484-902-8819 ​voicemail