Understanding Safelist Login Ads

Safelist Login Ads are an incredibly powerful advertising medium because EVERYONE who logs into the site MUST VIEW THEM, and they are a good incentive to encourage subscribers to login to the site since they are rewarded (most times)  with free credits for simply viewing a single ad.

Sponsor Login Ads

On the most popular safelist scripts, there are SPONSOR LOGIN ADS or  FULLPAGE LOGIN ADS or FULLPAGE SURF ADS – simply a URL that displays a webpage during user login.



Then there are LOGIN ADS that are 600×300 GRAPHIC ADS.

Some safelist scripts give you specific fields for Name, 600×300 graphic image URL, and targetURL.  These are straight forward.


Other scripts provide what LOOKS like a Solo Ad HTML editor frame, but it does not have an input field for the targetURL  These are tricky.

The problem is that members often paste in  HTML code and it displays as an unformatted mess.  These are categorically DISAPPROVED by most safelist admins.

The HTML editors come in several different varieties:

+ html button – opens a code window.  Paste the HTML code into the code window


SOURCE button – greys out all buttons and turns text window into a code window.  Paste the HTML code into the code window and SAVE


+ View!<>Source Code – opens a code window.  Paste the HTML code into the code window  and SAVE


+ Insert!Image and Insert!Link – Requires BOTH actions – insert your 600×300 bannerURL into the pop-up and save, then highlight the gaphic and insert your target URL.  IMPORTANT – select NEW WINDOW in Open Link in… pull-down box


For those with a code window or SOURCE, USE THIS HTML CODE:

<a href=”http://targeturl” target=”_blank” ><img src=”http://600x300imageURL” ></img></a>


The reason login ads are 600×300 graphics only is that larger graphics sizes do not fit in the designated frame, and cause graphics to overlay other screen elements like menus and other “pieces” of the screen you see. Screen elements are segmented for faster loading.  Text ads in that frame are worse because the HTML elements to display text just make everything out of whack.

The safelist members MUST REVIEW THE INSTRUCTIONS ON EACH SITE to determine the type of input required.


See the latest video on how to create a 600×300 graphic ad in minutes.

Instructions for Posting 600×300 Login Ads
A bit dated, but a good demo. This video demonstrates how to use the new Login Ad graphic editor to setup your 600×300 login ads.

Use the WorldProfit Graphics Gallery to create your login ad 600×300 graphics.  There is no template that size so just enter 600 px width by 300 px height.  Graphics Gallery icludes hosting for your banners and graphics.


Upgraded WorldProfit members can use the WorldProfit Image/Book Hosting to store images (those not created with WorldProfit Graphics Gallery)


Worldprofit Verified Login Ads

While the Worldprofit Verified Login Ads are highly effective traffic generators, they are not safelist login ads per se, but they ARE used to generate Highly Targeted Website Traffic Using Login Ads From WorldProfit’s 18 TOP Safelists/Exchanges!  Total membership is OVER 135,000 Members!

WorldProfit has 18 High Traffic Sites that get THOUSANDS of logins every day by members.    YOUR FULL PAGE ad is put in front of them BEFORE they are sent into their member area.

This is a standalone WorldProfit traffic package.  You do not need to be a member of all 18 sites to order the Worldprofit Verified Login Ads, however these are GREAT full-function safelists for advertising your affilate programs.  Join them for free with Worldprofit’s Multi-Commission System and get your bonuses!

Rich Moyer

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