I was wasting my time and money until…

I Had It All Wrong!
Not getting the desired results in Network Marketing?
If you are not a member of WorldProfit, you are missing out on key information you need to run your online business, but also some great business opportunities that are included in your membership.  Personally, I am a Platinum VIP Member of WorldProfit (the highest paid membership position).
WorldProfit Tools, Traffic, and Training can be used to promote WorldProfit products and services, Clickbank, JVZoo, or ANY other affiliate program.
I just added 3 video recordings of my Live Business Center discussion the other morning
Information You Need
Before I get into the tools (my favorite topics) you need to understand the importance of information, specifically, how many clicks you have for each URL that you have published.  By using the WorldProfit URL cloaker, you automatically get tracking of not only clicks on that URL, but using the Ad Tracker, where those clicks are coming from for each specific product or program you are promoting.  I ABSOLUTELY, POSITIVELY TRACK EVERY URL I PUBLISH!!!
Lazy Blogger – included
Post to your blog via email – takes seconds.  I post the great WorldProfit newsletters I receive on my daily Prospect Manager report to my blog in a category WorldProfit.  I also post my solo adcopy to a category called Current Promotions (I borrowed this idea from Leased Ad Space – I get organic traffic to my ads for months after sending out solos).
Make Any Webpage a Capture Page – included
Worldprofit Magic List Builder allows you to define a popup, popover, or popunder to present an offer, and capture sign-up information on any webpage.  An additional bonus is that every time your URL is clicked, you get to record the tracking, and also use Ad Tracker to trace where your traffic is coming from.
There is a new tool called Lead Magnet that trumps the Magic List Builder on ease of use and facilitates the use of interruptive technology like popups or exit pops to present lead capture or secondary offer.  Free but has a one-time install fee
Home Page – included
WorldProfit creates a wonderful fully customizable webpage for you, with the opportunity to post all of your offers, all of the initiatives you promote, and even a section you can define yourself.  This is your lead capture page, and has the same root as used in all your cloaking (ie.  mine is WebCastsource. com).  So many features build into this page PLUS I opted to get the Responsive mobile framework!
Includes Amazon Store, eBay Store, Clickbank Store
PLR Vault – included
Mega PLR Store – optional
As a Silver member, I not only have access to these PLR materials for personal use, to give away as incentives, or to sell individually, but with the Worldprofit Mega PLR Store installed, they are all available for sale on  my website.  As a Platinum VIP member this is included with the upgrade.
As a new Silver member you get 1000 newsletter subscribers (maybe more with bonuses).  Every day, WorldProfit sends a letter to ALL of my newsletter subscribers and associates on my behalf.  These are professionally written newsletters, tips, articles, and promotions that I don’t have to take the time to write myself.  Anybody who makes a purchase or upgrades who receives my newsletter, I am eligible for commission.
If I do want to send my own newsletter, I can send to my whole list every day.  A great opportunity to send newsletters or offers to your downlines.  Of course, there is no limit on how many individual emails or calls I make to my associates.  There is tie-in to Clickbank Promo Kit and Money Maker Kit Done-For-You newsletters that make this easy to schedule and automate
More Contact Methods
Your prospect manager is integrated with CALL LOOP service which allows you to pre-record a message and send it to any one you like with a push of a button.  Several years ago, I put $30 on this account and I still haven’t run out.
You can send individual emails, call on the phone, or text right from your prospect manager
An optional Personal Live Business Center can be added to your website
Sales Chat –  optional
Integration is included but you must subscribe to LiveChat.  I have a chat bubble on every landing page, sales page, website, safelist (that I own) – I get signups using this!
You can also use a free chat system like MyLiveChat but it is not fully integrated.  Each landing page you create can include the html code for this so it also works well, just does not have the level of integration of LiveChat.
Email Commander – Included
SendGrid Guaranteed Delivery – Optional
This feature allows the use of 3rd party Guaranteed Delivery email services (I use SendGrid) to send email.  Fully integrated – You can choose to turn on or off for any system or broadcast email.  This has made an incredible difference for me – I get 99% delivery rate,  2% to 20% open rates.  I also use this service for RapidMailer – a WordPress plugin that allowed me to import the tens of thousands of leads I had purchased over the years (I added over 5100 new subscribers of gmail-only addresses from those lead lists).
20+ Traffic Streams – included
Nice feature: send ads to 50+ traffic streams.  If you are a member of any or all of these safelists or traffic exchanges, your email will be distributed to each if you have mailing credits.  If you get any signups, they are credited to your affiliate ID.
Your Silver membership includes upgraded lifetime memberships to 12 top safelists – you get a monthly “Traffic Injection” – one button click to add 100’s of thousands of points to these sites every month.
ClickBank Promo Kit – included
Thousands of products available for you to promote.  The difference is that the ad copy, newsletters, and sales pages are Done-For-You, and they are directed to CONSUMERS of these products, not others selling them.
ClickBank Maximizer – optional
A cool twist that displays information about a random Clickbank product while presenting a capture page for the product the user clicked on to get information about.  Includes autoresponder, and send out info about other top selling clickbank products every couple days.
Sales Funnels – included
Just another avenue to capture affiliate profits if a visitor to your website clicks on a link or accepts an offer.  Done-For-You funnels literally take minutes to set up and start promoting.
Sales Funnels – included
5 customizable rotators to display YOUR affiliate websites. Example
Landing Page Creator – included
Templates are being added regularly – create landing pages in a minute and tie into the Prospect Manager, any autoresponder, or both
Squeeze Page Generators –  optional – Squeeze Ninja, InstaBuilder
For any initiative, you can now use this WordPress plugin to create an unlimited number of squeeze pages.  This tool has many high-end features, like video, adding OTO pages, autoresponder form codes, background colors.  I’ve even figured out a way to capture the output as a standalone HTML page so I can break free of WordPress, and simply address them with a cloaked URL on any server I wish.  You see, I have multiple unlimited hosting accounts.  I reserve one account for standalone squeeze pages, one for WordPress blogs, several for eCommerce accounts.  From a backlink quality perspective, all my cross-links to my other sites come from different IP addresses.
Universal Bonus Builder – included
Give away traffic packages as incentives – valued from $17 to $397 – give away as many as you like.  Builds your downline on these sites and gives people incentive to look at your offers
Offer Generator – included
This facility allows you to define a free offer of ebooks, videos, training materials, with its own capture and delivery.  You simply promote the bonus, and point the lead to the offer.  Full product vault is included.
Video Locker – included
WorldProfit-posted or Member-posted videos.  I have many of my YouTube videos uploaded there
Image/eBook Hosting – included
Free storage of your images, banners, ebooks
eBook Creator/Cover Creator – included
Using my own ebooks, articles, or articles from the massive Article Vault, create your own branded ebooks and covers in minutes.
Graphics Tools – included
Header/Banner creator, graphics source
Organization Tools – included
Promo organizer, link manager, reminder system, email ad generator
What WorldProfit products/services I promote
  • Any of the Done-For-You ad copy/landing pages designed to build my list of associates
  • WorldProfit Silver memberships
  • SEO Packages, Traffic Packages, Rotators, Ruby Solos, Affiliate Link Blaster
  • All the above in autoresponder streams (direct promotion or subtle rotators after my signature line)
  • Senior Monitor in the Live Business Center (get tons of free associates)
  • Solo eBlast to 15,000 every 3 days (90,000 per month as Silver)
  • 12 Upgraded memberships to WorldProfit top safelists – receive monthly Traffic Injections
  • Diamond URL Rotator
  • Affiliate Link Blaster
  • Broadcast (as often as daily) to my Prospects
  • SEO Optimizer Pro
  • Facebook Group
  • WordPress Blog
  • Banner Rotator Widget on all my websites
  • Banner advertising
So, you see that MY processes are tied into all the tools (and associated training for each tool), not only “bootcamp”. Join here
BTW, I was a Silver Member for almost a year when I figured out that my mentor in another program HAD IT ALL WRONG.  I did a reboot, and paid attention, taking the Bootcamp seriously – a turning point for me.
Rich Moyer
WorldProfit Platinum VIP Member
5+ years