Writing Emails

Marketing emails are like a Tootsie Pop – they have to eat through the candy to get the good stuff.

Tell them what you know.  Keep it short (I’m not good at that). Give them a little at a time.  This is where the autoresponder comes into play.  Spoon feed them one THOUGHT at a time.  

People don’t actually read sales pages or long emails, they rarely sit through a whole video, so I’ve been known to simply copy/paste one section of a webpage or sales page at a time into an autoresponder follow-up sequence, or WATCH the video an take notes that I transcribe into follow-up messages.

Not everything needs to be about THE PROJECT.  Use the WP Article Directory, share a video from the video library.  “Hey – I wanted to share a recording by my friend Rich”… 

It’s About the Relationship

I have SO many autoresponder campaigns, for not only affiliate programs, but Tips and Techniques, Home Business Tips (one of my most popular), and eCourses (dozens of them). My autoresponders have earned their rightful place as ABSOLUTELY ESSENTIAL BUSINESS TOOLS that HELP me not only GET LEADS, but my autoresponder follow-ups are turning those LEADS to SUBSCRIBERS and CUSTOMERS.

Writing Emails

You do not need to be a master copywriter. Have you tried Email Marketing Masters?  It’s free.  Amazing tool to create emails.

If you want some fantastic content, look at the “goodies” available absolutely free.

  • Many of these resources are in the massive RR-MRR-PLR library available to MyVIPContacts Pro members.
  • Join as a WorldProfit Free Associate where your “Goody Bag” includes 220 PLR items in The Vault and 65 Lead Generators

Creating autoresponder message content

MyVIPContacts Listbuilding Tools

  • 100 Advertising Tips
  • 30 More Internet Marketing Promo Emails
  • Autoresponder Email Goldmine
  • Easy Book Writing Autoresponder Series
  • Follow Up System In A Box
  • Home Based Business Newsletters
  • IM Niche Salesletter Swipes
  • Online Business Planning Autoreponder Series
  • Ultimate Done For You Autoresponder Emails Series V1

WorldProfit Goody Bag ! Reseller’ Club

  • # 12. 597 Letters 
  • # 21. Internet Marketing Newsletters 
  • # 41. Email Writing Secrets 
  • # 48. Online Copywriting Pro 
  • # 50. My Internet Marketing Newsletter – Ready To Go Money Making Newsletter In A Box 
  • #61. Super Money Emails

Content WorldProfit Silver Members – Your Goodies. Take excerpts from these, blurbs, or send them the whole ebook

  • # 17. 100 Sales Tips
  • # 22. 100 SEO Tips
  • # 24. Clickbank: 180 Autoresponder Sets
  • # 28. 21 Strategies For Generating Traffic

WorldProfit Silver Members – Clickbank Promo Kit – End user targeted ad copy

RELAX – you do not need to have ALL the answers, and you do not need to do it all at once! 

Self Improvement

Tip: learn one new thing  every day.  Set aside at least 30 minutes per day for YOUR personal development.  Read an ebook, browse articles, watch a Youtube video.  Doesn’t have to be about Network Marketing.  Fresh ideas, different perspectives.


Rich Moyer
1-484-902-8819 m-f 8am-5pm EST
Email: RichMoyer@WebcastSource.com
Get a Free 10 Minute Consult.
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