About Leads – Newsletter 12/12/2023

Rich Moyer Newsletter 12/12/2023

Let’s Talk About Leads

Working with LEADS is different than with someone already on your list.

Don’t just blindly send them offers or an affiliate link to a signup page… you will get blocked.

Your best bet is to send them a BRIEF lead capture page so you get them on YOUR LIST.

Offer a BONUS that HAS VALUE TO YOUR PROSPECT, like traffic sites, promo codes, or training once they verify their email.  For instance, I love to give away:

Spoon-feed your subscribers information about your business opportunity through an autoresponder message stream. 

  • Remember, your goal is to convert LEADS into SUBSCRIBERS, and
  • get your subscribers to KNOW, LIKE, AND TRUST you as their sponsor. 
  • People BUY from people THEY TRUST.

BuildABizOnline has some pre-built autoresponder campaigns and has many templates so you can get up and running quickly.

There are also some Done-For-You autoresponder email stream packages in the Worldprofit PLR Vault.

CAUTION:  You will not be permitted to load PURCHASED LEADS into ANY autoresponder EXCEPT ListGeniePro, and only if those leads are acquired through an approved lead source like MLGS.

I use jMailerPro to create lists of verified leads , create, and send campaigns. The list hygiene feature is great!

Highest Quality Leads I’ve Found

You have probably heard George Kosch on the Worldrofit Live Workshop (or recording) talk about PlatinumVIP members getting 100 free leads per month with their monthly traffic injections, or that Silver members can purchase these high quality leads.

Did you know that I am a CUSTOMER and an AFFILIATE of the SAME SUPPLIER of those leads, Lead Power.  I give you access to the SAME LEAD SOURCES I USE without being an upgraded Worldprofit member.

LeadPower is one of the  affiliate programs I offer through the Ad Revenue Module in Automatic Builder.  I not only get free signups for Automatic Builder, occasional $27 or $47 direct payments, but also affiliate commissions for the programs I offer in the Ad Revenue Module like LeadPower, Udimi Solos, Referral Frenzy, Master Safelist Blaster,  Herculist, and Global Safelist.

Ron is offering 10 Free MLM Leads (Fresh Leads).  Also, they can teach you how to work your leads by providing with ongoing live training.  The leads and training are awesome.  Check it out.



Another lead source I’ve used… Extreme Lead Program

Unlock Your Business Potential With Our Premium MLM Leads At Extreme Lead Program.

They offer many options and reasonably priced packages.

3 Leads Per Day

Here’s another offer I recommend.  Get 3 Free Leads A Day For The Next 10 Days.

I extended past the 10 days of free leads, and made sure I used a tracker so I could verify my clicks and conversions.

My Lead Gen Secret

I was a long-time subscriber of My Lead Gen Secret where I got 100 leads per day added to my list.  You use the built-in mailer to send up to 9,000 leads per day.

There is no faster way to GROW YOUR LIST but keep in mind that these are HIGH QUALITY LEADS, so expect to pay a fair price.  You are effectively trading CASH for TIME.

I have NEVER found a source of FREE LEADS that did not disappoint, except by using safelists.

Rich Moyer
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