About Promoting Clickbank Products. Rich Moyer Newsletter 3/1/2024

Rich Moyer Newsletter 3/1/2024



Today’s Updates​
  • Resources: Newsletter Archive, Youtube Channels, Website
  • Emerald Traffic Boost Has Launched. Still $47 per month
  • Free Bonus Download Just For Reviewing Clickbank Products
  • Tips for Promoting Clickbank, Warrior+ and JVZoo Product
  • Are You Posting Affiliate Links on Safelists?
  • The way to make money online
  • BuildABizOnline What’s New from Martin Chantler (ReduceTheHype)
  • WorldProfit Live Workshop Recording


Do you like these newsletters?

I’ve archived copies of my newsletters to my blog at LifeBalanceB2B.com going back at least 6 months.

I want to help, and I want to hear from you.  Just click reply to your newsletter email, or send me a note at RichMoyer@WebcastSource.com

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Emerald Traffic Boost Has Launched. Still $47 per month

George just verified that the Emerald Traffic Boost pricing still remains at $47 per month.  I have no idea when it will be increased to $197 per month, but if you sign up NOW, YOU WILL BE GRANDFATHERED AT $47!

George made an interesting comment: if you are an Associate and don’t want to be bothered with the training and tools of the Silver upgrade, and YOU JUST WANT TRAFFIC, the Emerald Package is for YOU!

Free Bonus Just For Reviewing Clickbank Products

I’m giving away a valuable bonus from my massive PLR library just for considering one of hundreds of Clickbank products.  I’ve set up a rotator that shows you a random product, and by signng up to download your free product, every few days you will be shown another Clickbank product.

This is a great way to get popular tools or training, but also a way to get ideas for products to sell in your own business.

Get your free download here


Tips for Promoting Clickbank, Warrior+ and JVZoo Products

A common mistake I see as an admin approving ads on safelists is people promoting Clickbank (also Warrior+ and JVZoo) raw URLs on safelists.  THEY DO NOT WORK!  You must promote them using a SPLASH PAGE that redirects to the Clickbank, Warrior+, or JVZoo URL.

Are You Posting Affiliate Links on Safelists?

There is a more fundamental issue here.

When you promote just your affiliate link, you MAY get referrals, but it would be more likely getting signups to something of value (like a newsletter) than just a signup page like everyone else is promoting. AND…

If you do not CAPTURE THAT LEAD, you have NO WAY TO CONTACT THEM after they sign up as an affiliate. 

Why is this important?  Because it takes 7-11 EXPOSURES to get someone from

Lead (curious) to Prospect (interested) to Potential Customer (likely to buy)

You WANT these leads to OPT-IN so you can continue to contact them with messages about YOUR BUSINESS.  That means that you should be sending them to a LEAD CAPTURE PAGE that requires them to verify their email (opt-in) which gives you permission to continue sending them email messages.

Build Your List on Safelists.
Sell to Your List.

The way to make money online: LeadsYour ListMultiple Streams of Residual Income, and most importantly, FOLLOW-UP.   

  • Build Your List FIRST,
  • then nuture your subscribers so they KNOW, LIKE, and TRUST you.
  • Give them information and something of value TO THEM, not just sales pitches.

BuildABizOnline What’s New Summary

Martin Chantler posted a summary of latest updates to BABO, including free templates and tools available at ReduceTheHype.com

Get it here.

WorldProfit Live Workshop Recording

Get the latest recording:  https://webcastsource.com/livetraining

Next Friday, George will show you how to create, absolutely free, AI bots to automatically post to Facebook.

Rich Moyer
YouTube Channels

Free Home Business Tips Daily from Internet Millionaire Stone Evans
>>>>> https://trk.webcastsource.com/homebiztips 

Free Associate Membership with 600+ PLR plus Goodies
>>>>> https://worldprofit.com?id=28555

GotBackup Saved My Business TWICE. Family Plan w 6 accounts, 6TB, unlimited devices $9.97/mo
>>>>> https://richardjmoyer.gotbackuptour.com/

Check out my Top Moneymaker
>>>>> https://trk.webcastsource.com/bigdog