About Secrets of the Big Dogs. Rich Moyer Newsletter 3/2/2024

Rich Moyer Newsletter 3/2/2024



Today’s Updates​
  • Nexus Rewards  Opportunity Overview.
  • Getting to be a Full-blown Alpha Dog at Secrets of the Big Dogs 
  • Build Your List by Posting Capture Pages on Safelists..  Sell to Your List.
  • BuildABizOnline Free Image Storage
  • WorldProfit Associates are GOLD

Nexus Rewards  Opportunity Overview.

Thursday March 7th  8:00 PM EST

Open to Guests and Free Members

Zoom Link:  https://zoom.us/j/7796526043
Meeting ID# 779.652.6043
Call in for listen only: 1.346.248.7799 then enter the Meeting ID# above.

Getting to be a Full-blown Alpha Dog at Secrets of the Big Dogs 

I had a subscriber ask, “How to Upgrade to Alpha Dog?”

First, you purchase the ebook…

which triggers a professionally-written, strategically-designed series of autoresponder messages.

Each message highlights a different facet of the Big Dogs program.

Obviously, this is done in an effort to encourage you to see the various benefits and to upgrade to Alpha Dog status and join the CHIP programs.

You will be receiving the upgrade link in those emails.

Build Your List by Posting Capture Pages on Safelists.
Sell to Your List.

The way to make money online: LeadsYour ListMultiple Streams of Residual Income, and most importantly, FOLLOW-UP.   

  • Build Your List FIRST,
  • then nuture your subscribers so they KNOW, LIKE, and TRUST you.
  • Give them information and something of value TO THEM, not just sales pitches.
Get access to over 300 safelists that are free to join, and when you join Advertising Blowout, then sign up for these sites from the Level One Pages, you will receive an exclusive promo code for free ads and credits on each site you join.  Don’t forget to redeem promo code newmember

BuildABizOnline Free Image Storage

BABO Pro members have many image creation and editing tools available to them:

  • Pro Banner Generator
  • Animated GIF Generator
  • Create Clickable Banners
  • Mirror Reflection Tool
  • Water Reflection Tool
  • Image Cropping Tool
  • Image Edit and Resize
  • Royalty Free Stock Photos
  • Image Background Remover

The problem is that once you modify or create your graphics, they are usually saved on your hard drive.  But where can you store them so they have a network addressable URL?

BABO solves this problem with UNLIMITED IMAGE STORAGE 

Get it here.

WorldProfit – Why Sign Up Associates

Silver and PlatinumVIP Members Signing up Associates = Building Their List

Every time someone signs up as a free Associate Member under a Silver and PlatinumVIP Member, they are AUTOMATICALLY entered into Prospect Manager software. They can access Prospect Manager at any time in the Member area. The Prospect Manager Report is emailed to them daily to keep them up to date.

If a Silver and PlatinumVIP Member wants to email their Associates or call them they can, but they do NOT have to. If very new to Worldprofit, or not comfortable yet in contacting Associates then don’t, let our system work for you. If  with Worldprofit for awhile and want to contact  Associates to introduce yourself then do so but NOT as a sales call, just encourage them to login to their Member area. Personal contact facilitates trust and forms long lasting business relationships.

Every free Associate Member AUTOMATICALLY is sent a newsletter from Worldprofit on YOUR behalf that includes offers, incentives and promotions to encourage free Associate Members to login to their Member area to see all the products and services we offer. When Associates login, they are greeted by one of our Monitors in the Live Business Center, and are made an offer to upgrade to a paid Silver membership. When  Associates upgrade to a paid Membership YOU get the commission for the sale!

Even if your Associates don’t upgrade to a paid Membership right away, they might do so later, or they may order one of the many other products and services they see in their Member area. If your free Associate Member purchases products/services from within their Member area, you get a commission for those sales too.

As a Silver and PlatinumVIP Member, you should now start to understand that YOUR task is to promote to generate free Associate Members. Exactly how to do that is taught in the online bootcamp lessons and the LIVE weekly training with George Kosch.

Get the latest recording:  https://webcastsource.com/livetraining


Rich Moyer
YouTube Channels

Free Home Business Tips Daily from Internet Millionaire Stone Evans
>>>>> https://trk.webcastsource.com/homebiztips 

Free Associate Membership with 600+ PLR plus Goodies
>>>>> https://worldprofit.com?id=28555

GotBackup Saved My Business TWICE. Family Plan w 6 accounts, 6TB, unlimited devices $9.97/mo
>>>>> https://richardjmoyer.gotbackuptour.com/

Check out my Top Moneymaker
>>>>> https://trk.webcastsource.com/bigdog

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