Back up your…. Rich Moyer Newsletter 6/15/2024

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Rich Moyer Newsletter 6/15/2024    




Today’s Updates​

  • Newsletter Archive

  • TrafficWave Autoresponder is Shutting Down 6/21/2024
  • Server Outage on 35 Dave Mosher Sites
  • Can You Afford to Lose Your Data?
  • Back up your BOOKMARKS!
  • Protect your USERIDs and PASSWORDS

  • Worldprofit Weekly Friday Workshop

Newsletter Archive

Do you like these newsletters? 

Find an archive of recent newsletters on my blog, under heading Newsletters



TrafficWave Autoresponder is Shutting Down 6/21/2024



I want this message to get out so TrafficWave users don’t lose their lists (most important) and campaign messages (alot of work to recreate).  The only cost will be for your subscription of 

 Pro (which is cheaper than TrafficWave anyway).

Click the banner or this link to Join 




Outage 35 of Dave Mosher Safelists

It happens.  A server has a corrupt hard-drive.  Waiting for IT to make repairs, then Dave will restore from backups and restart them as soon as possible.  Dave is a professional and has the best and trusted technical resources

These things happen from time to time, and
ANYBODY who deals with hardware, software, and networks MUST take the steps to protect their data.


This is a great segue…

Can You Afford to Lose Your Data?

I want you to think about YOUR BUSINESS
, and what would happen if all of your ad copy, your capture pages, your marketing tools, your pictures, your graphics,
are GONE. 

Even if everything is on the CLOUD, how do you access your
bookmarksso you know the URLs to access those sites? 
Your userid’s and passwords?

This is why it is SO important to have backups of your PC, phone, and tablet.

I spent a large part of my career with a Fortune 50 company as an IT operations and engineering professional. I know how to do this. Even though I’m retired,
backup, recovery, and disaster recovery are hardwired into my brain –                 I lived it every day of my working life.

Every precaution you take is
not IN CASE you have a hardware failure,
but WHEN and
to what
extent your data is recoverable.

Even when you take precautions,
there will still be hardware failures, and despite efforts to minimize the effects of a hardware failure,
there will still some data loss.

Even those who DO THIS FOR A LIVING, unless they have unlimited resources at their disposal,
are susceptible to data loss.

I was involved with the original beta of this product in 2015 and
have continued an ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION ever since.  

is an
AFFORDABLE, bullet-proof, cloud based, subscription service,                 
backup product 
that seamlessly protects your data.

As a career IT computer operations professional, a senior network and systems engineer, and a responsible businessman,
I fully endorse and recommend GOTBACKUP.

Remember –
Your Data is MONEY$$$

GotBackup Family Plan

  • 6 Accounts
  • Total 6,000 GB Storage (That’s 6TB)
  • Unlimited Devices Per Account
  • PC, MAC, Android, IOS, Linux Apps
  • Data Accessible from Cloud with Any Browser

$9.97 Per Month for the Whole
Family Plan Package


Back up your BOOKMARKS!

I use Chrome.  Use
Bookmark Manager to export your bookmark files.

(three dots, Bookmarks and Lists, Bookmark Manager, three dots, export bookmarks).  This will create a dated file in Documents folder on your hard drive. 
BE SURE to include this folderin your backup software setup.


Protect your USERIDs and PASSWORDS

If you are saving your passwords in your browser-based password manager,

I recommend regularly clearing cache, personal data, and cookies.  In fact, I have it setup to run this cleanup whenever I shut down Chrome. 

First, I use a
free Chrome Extension called
Click&Clean that gives me absolute control, and easy access to cleanup functions,

Finally, I take no chance with my userids and passwords.  I use
Roboform that stores data on the cloud, but synchronizes with all platforms: PC, Android smartphone, and tablet.


Speaking of the Cloud

Another key class of data is my
affiliate Referral IDs and
Capture Page URLs.

Most of my URLs are stored in
Tohodo Autofill, that is exported and backed up weekly to the cloud, but for the masses, I recommend utilizing the free tools you get with your Gmail account: 
Google SHEETS.

Microsoft Excel equivalent with all the functionality most users would need, and it is
ABSOLUTELY FREE. Data is stored on
Google Drive(the Cloud storage used by Gmail) but can be exported to Excel, PDF, CSV, and other formats.

I keep my
affiliate Referral IDs all in one place: a
Sheets spreadsheet.  You may want to consider this also for various URLs like banners, buttons, etc.  See my
YouTube video that refers to Excel but the concept is the same with SHEETS.



Worldprofit Weekly Friday Workshop
– Friday’s Workshop Recording will be Posted soon


George Kosch has been doing LIVE weekly Workshops for years, and posting the recordings on the
Worldprofit YouTube Channel so that NON-MEMBERS and ASSOCIATES can view them.

Get the latest recording:  Sign up to be a Free Associate from this page to get tons of valuable freebies from the Goody Bag.


Rich Moyer

YouTube Channels



Free Home Business Tips Daily from Internet Millionaire Stone Evans


Free Associate Membership with 50,000 Visitors


GotBackup Saved My Business TWICE. Family Plan w 6 accounts, 6TB, unlimited devices $9.97/mo


Check out my Top Moneymaker


100% Direct Pay Commissions. Automatic Signups & Traffic
