Be Yourself. Rich Moyer Newsletter 5/29/2024

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Rich Moyer Newsletter 5/30/2024    



Today's Updates​
  • Newsletter Archive
  • Time for a Reality Check
  • Import Example Capture Page and ThankYou Page
  • Worldprofit Weekly Friday Workshop

Newsletter Archive

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Time for a Reality Check

George Kosch at Worldprofit, encountered something today that really stood out. A support ticket came in from a customer who said, "I've been in your program for 8 days and haven't made any money."

Upon reviewing the account, we found that the customer had not started the bootcamp training. This training is essential for making profits with Worldprofit's system. We offer this free training as part of our membership because we genuinely want our members to succeed. However, members need to be willing to put in some effort.

In today's world of instant gratification and get-rich-quick schemes, it's important to have a reality check. Success in any business – whether it's a franchise or an apprenticeship – requires dedication and hard work.

Indeed, every business, franchise, internship, café, burger joint, lemonade stand, education, or skill needs a fair slice of training time, a little financial investment, and yes, that traditional ingredient called effort

Did Google touch the pinnacle of its phenomenal success in just a few days? Let's think realistically. It took them well over two decades and counting.

What about Starbucks? Were they rolling in profits within a week? A big no. They had to sell bucket-loads of coffee and endure significant growing pains before they could savor the taste of international success. As ever, they still face fresh challenges with changing times.

Do you really assume those Affiliate Marketing heavy-hitters boasted gargantuan earnings in a few weeks? Speaking as someone who knows a number of these leaders personally, overnight success is not their story. The truth behind their success is a lot more than just the flashy six-figure earnings they display on their landing pages. Persistent efforts, time investment, a bit of help from others, mishaps and recoveries, and some monetary investment were their tickets to success.

Think about other success stories. Were they achieved overnight? Far from it. 

A General Surgeon.  4-years college, 4 years medical school, 1 year internship, 4 years residency (just earning a stipend), before starting to drawing a salary, half of which goes towards the $300,000 in outstanding student loans.

Take McDonald’s. Did they pull off a meteoric rise in a few months? The real journey started back in 1940 and was sprinkled with highs and lows along the way to their current success. 

That's the corporation.  Each store owner is a franchisee.  It takes $500,000 to buy into a franchise plus monthly franchise payments, lease, insurance, employee salaries. Expect 10 years before turning a profit.

What about professional careers like nurses? Expect a 4-6 year journey through college or university for a masters-level nursing degree, bearing tuition fees, before finally drawing a meager salary after graduation for the privilege of working long hours, loss of nights and weekends until getting seniority.  Nurses willing to withstand this are now hard to find so hospitals hire contractor nurses working side-by-side with them who earn 2-3 times what full-time nurses make in exchange for travel and lack of stability.

And a plumber? That’s 3 – 4 years of apprenticeship.  Remember what you call them to wade through to fix your loo.

Consider Olympic athletes. Jamie Sale, an Olympic Gold Medal Winner in Skating, began her journey at a tender age of 5 and clinched the gold when she was 23 at the Winter Olympic Games. It took countless hours of practice, expenditures, sweat, and heartaches to reach the pinnacle.

Success in education, marriage, parenting, sports, entrepreneurship, professional career, or business ownership demands training, time, and habitual hard work, not to mention the constant assistance from others.

Why would anyone be so gullible to believe the push button instant riches hype in Network Marketing?  If it seems to be too good to be true…

It's NOT a hobby.  TREAT IT LIKE A BUSINESS.  Don't know what that means?  ASK.

How to Import Example Capture Page and ThankYou Page

There is no import function in Motion Leads, the Capture Page Builder with MyVIPContacts, but here is a workaround

Capture page

  • Be sure your MVC campaign is created and you have your HTML Form Code
  • create a page in MotionLeads
  • create a step in MotionLeads
  • Go into the html source code in the Step editor (<>)
  • Copy/paste the code from the attached file motionleadsCapture.txt
  • Delete my HTML form code (everything between <form></form>
  • Paste YOUR HTML form code from your MVC campaign.

TY Page

  • create a page in MotionLeads
  • create a step in MotionLeads
  • Go into the html source code in the Step editor (<>)
  • Copy/paste the code from the attached file motionleadsTY.txt
  • Update MVC banner with YOUR MVC REFERRAL ID
  • Same with "Join" link down the page
  • In section Traffic and List Builders I Personally Use, delete or replace banners with your OWN affiliate banners

Worldprofit Weekly Friday Workshop
– This Week's Workshop Recording has been Posted

George Kosch has been doing LIVE weekly Workshops for years, and posting the recordings on the Worldprofit YouTube Channel so that NON-MEMBERS and ASSOCIATES can view them.

Get the latest recording:  Sign up to be a Free Associate from this page to get tons of valuable freebies from the Goody Bag.


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