Blogging the superpower of digital profitability. Rich Moyer Newsletter 5/27/2024

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Rich Moyer Newsletter 5/27/2024    
Happy Memorial Day

I hope that this day is more than picnics
and the start of the summer season.

To those who served. 
Thank you.

For those who made the ultimate sacrifice. 
You are remembered.

For those who are left behind.
Our thoughts and prayers are with you.


Today's Updatesโ€‹
  • Newsletter Archive
  • How A Blog Can Be Your New Coin Machine
  • How I Use Blogs
  • Worldprofit Weekly Friday Workshop

Newsletter Archive

Do you like these newsletters? 

Find an archive of recent newsletters on my blog, under heading Newsletters

How A Blog Can Be Your New Coin Machine

Blogging is like the superpower of digital profitability – it's laughably good at making your online business banknotes multiply!

So What Is This Blog Thing, Anyway?

"Blog" must be a strange alien code, right? Not exactly. It's just a teeny-weeny version of "weblog"—Sounds like something Spiderman would do!

Essentially, blogs are websites that chronicle information like a continual ticker tape of wisdom. They come in all shapes and sizes, from diary-like outpours of thoughts to more professional topic-focused content. Some are eclectic, throwing out links to the most diverse array of places. Let's just say, blogs are the unlimited buffet of the Internet, serving up everything from personal life anecdotes to political rants.

But what makes a blog more than just a cyber diary? Here's the skinny. 

1. Your blog can become the candy to the baby called Google and other search engines.

How so? Well, by consistently updating your blog with unique content, seasoned with all the right keywords, you'll have these search engine giants constantly scanning and indexing your site. Think of it as telling Google, "Hey, look how awesome we are!"

The more focused your blog, the better your charm offensive. This technique is part of the digital game we call niche marketing.

2. Higher blog popularity equals increased traffic equates to a larger audience. Like magic! More people stopping by your blog translate to more eyeballs on your products or services. Your blog becomes a marketing superhero, capable of feats like product reviews with integrated order links.

For a fancy trick, add ads from programs like Google AdSense to your blog. When folks click on these ads, cha-ching! You’ve started making money from your blog. To ice this cake, you could also add YouTube videos for some extra dough. Who knew that blogging could turn into your personal mint?

To Make Your Blog an Asset:

  • Update frequently with unique, keyword-rich content (don't worry, we'll explain!)
  • Write about timely issues for quicker scanning
  • Add clickbait-y titles with your primary keywords
  • Try for daily posts if you can
  • Get in Google's good books by integrating their Ads on your blog
  • Same for YouTube videos. 
  • Reviewing and interviewing speed up your blogs indexing—talk about a supercharged performance!
  • Social media links help your readers share the love (and your posts).
Now, what’s "Keyword Rich" you ask?

Imagine your ideal customer and what they might Google to find your kind of services. Those are your golden keywords! Incorporate them naturally into your blog content and titles.

To figure out the best keywords, see what Google throws up when you search using your guessed versions. Also, snoop around your competitors' websites for clues.

Setting up an AdWords account with Google can also give you some deeper insights. 

Ready to start minting with blogs?

Blogging is an important part of growing your online business – and a money maker! 

Worldprofit offers WordPress Blogs installed on YOUR DOMAIN, which further promotes YOUR BRANDING. They are easy to use and a very popular blog format. Hosted Blogs are available as a premium service (modest additional cost) available to Silver or Platinum VIP Members. 

Wordpress blogs are available for free with many Hosting Accounts like HostGator or ViralHosts

Blogging Tools I Use.

It's so easy to post articles with Worldprofit's Lazy Blog Poster. 

AI ChatGPT is a fantastic tool to help you generate fresh, unique content.

Get a 90 day free trial of Worldprofit's SEO Optimizer Pro that helps tune up your blog and submits to hundreds of search engines.

A lifesaver Yost SEO Wordpress Plug-in takes the hard work out of figuring out how to please the search engine gods that can be so cruel.

JetPack consolidates all the necessary functions in one free plug-in.

How I Use Blogs

I established a Newsletter page on my blog at as an archive for THESE newsletters so 1) my subscribers can access previously posted newsletters, and 2) my content is SCANNED and INDEXED by Google and thousands of other search engines.

At one time, I had about 25 niche blogs aligned with product lines in my two 10,000 product e-commerce stores.  It was a full-time job keeping up with merchandising, blog posts, product reviews and SEO.  I didn't have tools like ChatGPT to help with generating unique content.

My wife and I had a very active "Foodie Network" blog for many years.  As an assistant chef and cooking school teacher, she fed me tons of content, and through her connections, we did interviews and chef profiles, foodie travel experiences, and reviews.  This site was a very expensive but popular custom built, commercial blogging platform, not WordPress, with consultant-provided SEO and lots of programming update support.

My blogs were "monetized" with banners and buttons in the margins and footers for my e-commerce sites, cross-promoting to other niche blogs, Related Articlesproduct rotatorsAdsense ads, and YouTube videos in content areas..  

It took lots of work to keep up with the constantly changing SEO rules.  I did a pretty good job, was driving a fair amount of organic traffic to my blogs and e-commerce stores until… Google Panda.  Google completely changed EVERYTHING with one overnight search engine software release.  All the other search engines eventually followed suit.  All the organic traffic to my sites FLAT-LINED, as did visitors and sales.

This one event left a negative balance in the coffers to start over.

Enter Network Marketing stage left… 

I had my experiences, and failures, with mentors who were so-called Gurus, who taught me Network Marketing, the version that made THEM money. 

I signed up for Worldprofit and forgot about everything I THOUGHT I KNEW, and took the Bootcamp training to heart. I learned how to do Network Marketing RIGHT

I learned about free traffic and how to leverage safelists, both as a user, and admin of sites I rented to get the Supersolos and build my list.

The rest is history.

Herculist Memorial Day Specials

You know that Herculist delivers HERCULEAN traffic.  As a Lifetime Gold member, I email 371,970+ EVERY DAY with NO CLICKING FOR CREDITS.

Lifetime Gold, believe it or not, is not only AFFORDABLE, but ridiculously CHEAP at $49.95 ONE-TIME Payment for the sheer VOLUME of traffic at your disposal EVERY DAY.


the membership noticeably GROWS EVERY DAY.  I track it.


promote it, and EARN 50% COMMISSIONS.

The big money is not selling Gold upgrades for $50 one-time, but in the RECURRING ad hoc traffic package purchases.  For instance:

  •  ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ 50% OFF MEMORIAL DAY WEEKEND HercuList PRIME Ad Packages Special!
  • ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ QUINTUPLED MEMORIAL DAY WEEKEND HercuList/Smart-list Solo Ad Special!
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  • ๐Ÿš€ NEW! 3000 PRIME Ad Visitor Traffic BOMBS TODAY! PLUS THREE Hour i-BLAST!


Do thisHerculist Lifetime Gold Save $150

Worldprofit Weekly Friday Workshop
– This Week's Workshop Recording has been Posted

George Kosch has been doing LIVE weekly Workshops for years, and posting the recordings on the Worldprofit YouTube Channel so that NON-MEMBERS and ASSOCIATES can view them.

Get the latest recording:  Sign up to be a Free Associate from this page to get tons of valuable freebies from the Goody Bag.


Rich Moyer
YouTube Channels

Free Home Business Tips Daily from Internet Millionaire Stone Evans

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GotBackup Saved My Business TWICE. Family Plan w 6 accounts, 6TB, unlimited devices $9.97/mo

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