Break It Down. Rich Moyer Newsletter 5/31/2024

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Rich Moyer Newsletter 5/31/2024    



Today's Updates​
  • Newsletter Archive
  • Do Not Promote to Drive Traffic to Your Website
  • Let's Expand on Diluted Focus
  • Sources for Capture Pages
  • Worldprofit Weekly Friday Workshop

Newsletter Archive

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Why You Should Not Promote to Drive Traffic to Your Website or Blog

In the digital age, driving traffic to your website is often seen as a primary goal for businesses and content creators. However, there are several reasons why you might want to reconsider this approach. Here are some compelling arguments against focusing solely on promoting traffic to your website.

1. Quality Over Quantity

One of the most significant drawbacks of focusing on driving traffic is that it often prioritizes quantity over quality. High volumes of visitors mean little if they aren't genuinely interested in what you offer or if they don't convert into customers or loyal followers. Instead, targeting a smaller but more engaged audience can lead to better results in terms of sales, subscriptions, and user engagement.

2. Misaligned Metrics

Traffic numbers can be misleading and may not accurately reflect the success of your business or content strategy. High traffic doesn't necessarily equate to high revenue or meaningful engagement. Focusing too much on metrics like page views can divert attention from more important KPIs such as conversion rates, customer satisfaction, and retention.

3. Increased Bounce Rates

When you drive large amounts of untargeted traffic to your site through aggressive promotion tactics like clickbait headlines or irrelevant ads, you're likely to see higher bounce rates – visitors who leave almost immediately after arriving because they didn't find what they were looking for. This not only skews your analytics but also negatively impacts your site's SEO ranking.

4. Cost Implications

Promotional campaigns aimed at increasing web traffic can be expensive without guaranteeing a return on investment (ROI). Paid advertising campaigns require continuous funding and optimization efforts that may drain resources better spent elsewhere – like improving product quality or customer service.

5. Potential Brand Damage

Aggressive promotional tactics can sometimes harm your brand's reputation rather than help it grow. Pop-up ads, spammy emails, and intrusive social media promotions can annoy potential customers and create a negative perception of your brand.

6. Diluted Focus

Focusing too much on driving web traffic might dilute other essential aspects of running a successful online presence – such as creating high-quality content, building relationships with existing customers, and improving user experience (UX). A balanced approach ensures that all facets work together harmoniously for long-term success.

Alternative Strategies for Sustainable Growth

Instead of concentrating solely on increasing web traffic through promotion:

  • Content Marketing: Create valuable content tailored specifically for your target audience.

  • SEO Optimization: Improve organic search rankings by optimizing keywords relevantly.

  • Social Proof: Leverage testimonials & reviews from satisfied clients/customers.

  • Email Marketing: Build an email list & nurture leads with personalized communication.

  • Community Engagement: Foster genuine connections via forums/groups related directly/indirectly towards niche market interests/topics discussed within them regularly!

By adopting these strategies alongside mindful promotional efforts when necessary – businesses stand better chances achieving sustainable growth while maintaining positive reputations among audiences served throughout journey taken together!

In conclusion: While promoting drive increased visitor counts initially seems appealing; careful consideration must given towards potential downsides involved ensuring overall objectives met effectively efficiently possible!


Let's Expand on Diluted Focus

It sounds like a good idea, to just point  visitors to your website and get them to click on a SALES PAGE, when in fact, IT IS A BAD IDEA.  Suppose they have a passing interest, but need more information, or time to think about it.  If they go off your sales page, YOU HAVE NO WAY TO CONTACT THEM unless you CAPTURE THAT LEAD.

By just directing visitors to a salespage on a website or blog, there are typically TOO MANY DISTRACTIONS, and NOT ENOUGH FOCUS to get them to BUY.

It takes 7-11 exposures to move someone from

Lead (curious) to Prospect (interested) to Customer (Buyer)

If you are just posting an affiliate link or sales page without a means to capture the name and email of that lead to a list manager or autoresponder, you have no ability to maintain further contact with that lead. 

In email marketing (that's what you are doing when you send Credit Mails and Solo Ads on Safelists), your goal is to GET TARGETED LEADS with interest in your product or service as SPECIFIED ON YOUR CAPTURE PAGE to SUBSCRIBE to YOUR "LIST"


Your LIST is a generic term that is essentially a composite of MANY TARGETED LISTS (campaigns), and when I talk about capturing TARGETED LEADS, I want those TARGETED LEADS to go to the message stream of a campaign that specifically addresses the TOPIC from the CAPTURE PAGE.

Crafting a MESSAGE STREAM that simply breaks down the information they would see on the sales page into BITE-SIZED CHUNKS is a good way to INCREASE UNDERSTANDING and set YOU up as the authority. 

People don't read sales pages because they are typically TOO LONG, TOO CONFUSING, TOO MUCH HYPE, and TOO REPETITIOUS.  People have short attention spans, so when you break down the sales page to one READABLE CHUNK per message, you are more likely to have your message READ and UNDERSTOOD

By having your message stream consist of 10-14 days of TARGETED messages, you are more likely to give your subscribers the necessary 7-11 EXPOSURES it takes for them to GET IT!

People BUY from someone they KNOW, LIKE, and TRUST.

If you do not COMMUNICATE with your subscribers, and BUILD RAPPORT, you have almost no possibility of making sales.

Sources for Capture Pages

While having capture pages is great, you need a LIST MANAGER to manage your subscribers, but unless you can deliver targeted streams of messages to those subscribers, and broadcasts, you will lose them.  That's why I recommend autoresponder systems that have the tools to do the whole job.

I sometimes promote several of the many autoresponders I USE.  For those who know me, you guessed correctly that I am a POWER USER of just about everything.

Naturally, as PlatinumVIP at Woldprofit, I use the 40 capture page designs that integrate so nicely with the unlimited Worldprofit Autoresponder.  Design #40 allows full HTML editing and I often import and customize Martin's templates from  Unfortunately, no share codes.

My next favorite is BuildABizOnline, primarily because Martin Chantler is the lead programmer, who has integrated all his designs into first-rate builders that integrate nicely with the unlimited BABO autoresponder.  Share codes can be generated for pages AND campaigns. Pro is $10 per month, but ProExecutive is only $14 per month.  Up to 70% commissions.

MyVIPContacts is next on the hit parade.  MotionLeads Capture Page Builder is very flexible.  Again, with full HTML editing, I can import any of Martin's designs.  There is no integration between MotionLeads and the unlimited MVC Autoresponder, but you just import the HTML Capture Form Code.  MotionLeads does not have share codes but I demonstrated a work-around in yesterday's newsletter.  Share codes can be generated for campaigns.  $10.97 per month.  40% commissions. 

LeadsLeap offers free marketing tools (limited) but the Page Manager can be challenging if you stray outside the built-in designs.  The biggest advantage is the availability of share codes for pages and campaigns.  The downside is limitations of the free membership and high price for upgrade to Pro at $27 per month

Aweber is one I keep around because I would have a hard time moving my subscribers to another autoresponder.  I am not directing any new subscribers here because the price goes up the more subscribers you have.  The cost to add the marketing tools is a deal breaker. 

Likewise with GetResponse and GVO.  The autoresponders are so expensive but I have an embedded base of long-term subscribers.  I do not plan to grow either one.

Capture Page Builders are available for free on all Dave Mosher's safelists, at MemberTools!Splashpage Builder on the main menu.  The number available depends on your member level on each site.  While pretty basic, they will accept the HTML Capture Form Code from any autoresponder.

If you have your own hosting account with CPANEL, you can upload any of Martin's templates from  The CPANEL File Manager HTML Editor is pretty decent.  Martin does a nice job of annotating the source code so it is not difficult to see where to place your HTML Capture Form Code  (between <form> and </form> tags).


Worldprofit Weekly Friday Workshop
– This Week's Workshop Recording has been Posted

George Kosch has been doing LIVE weekly Workshops for years, and posting the recordings on the Worldprofit YouTube Channel so that NON-MEMBERS and ASSOCIATES can view them.

Get the latest recording:  Sign up to be a Free Associate from this page to get tons of valuable freebies from the Goody Bag.


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