Capture Page Templates. Rich Moyer Newsletter 5/26/2024

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Rich Moyer Newsletter 5/26/2024    



Today's Updates​
  • Newsletter Archive
  • For New Network Marketers!  Coming June 4th!
  • Do You Need Templates for Capture Pages?
  • Did You Know…Safelist Hidden Tools?
  • Worldprofit Weekly Friday Workshop

Newsletter Archive

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For New Network Marketers!  Coming June 4th!

Many of your less seasoned peers tend to heavily rely on the Autoresponder Follow-ups given by their top Affiliate Programs. Unfortunately, this often means just 10 to 15 email follow-ups, leaving your subscribers wanting more.

Here's the thing, if you're not constantly providing something valuable to your subscribers, you'll find your subscriber list getting thinner and thinner.

But we've got you covered with a golden opportunity!  Dave Mosher established a 1-Year Gold Safelist Upgrade at 104 Safelists, simultaneously crafting 104 follow-up emails so that you're equipped to offer your subscribers a fresh 1-Year Gold Safelist Upgrade every week for an impressive TWO-YEAR duration!

All you need to do is customize these follow-up emails with YOUR Referral Link for each safelist. Schedule your autoresponder to send out 1 every week, and to keep things interesting, mix in updates about your current programs, perhaps every 3 days. And, yes, you have full freedom to broadcast emails to your subscribers whenever you see fit.

Now, you have the tools to offer your subscribers considerable value every week for TWO FULL YEARS!

And guess what? This positions YOU as an INSTANT List Authority!

What You Need To Know

  • This is being offered only to GOLD-level subscribers at MyVIPContactsPro
  • You must JOIN each of the 104 safelists.  You will need to record your REFERRAL ID for each site for your autoresponder messages, along with your userid and password to update MasterSafelistMails to prevent Gmail overloads.
  • This is HUGE.  You can use these promo codes YOURSELF so YOU become a Gold member for 1 year at each of the 104 safelists
    • You get a 5-pack of credits and ads for joining EACH SAFELIST
    • Redeem promo code newmember for an additional 5-pack on EACH SAFELIST
    • Redeem YOUR PROMO CODE for the Gold Upgrade on EACH SAFELIST
    • As a Gold Safelist member, you earn 30% Commission when your safelist referrals purchase upgrades, OTOs, Login Offers, or Supersolos
    • As a Gold safelist member, you get monthly, 20,000 credits plus a 2-pack on EACH SAFELIST

      THAT'S 208 Solos, 208 HP Solos, PLUS 2 MILLION CREDITS PER MONTH!

    • As a Gold MVC member, you get monthly, 10,000 credits plus a 1-pack
  • You can only use the 104 Autoresponder Followups and 104 Promo Codes with the MyVIPContactsPro autoresponder, and give away promo codes only to MVC autoresponder subscribers (and yourself)
  • You can BROADCAST to any and all autoresponder Campaigns ONCE per Day!
  • Be sure you promote MyVIPContactsPro because you EARN 40% RECURRING monthly or annual Commissions.  Autoresponder referrals tend to be LONG TERM because it is too difficult to transfer subscribers from one system to another.
  • You will have full access to over 1,000 Digital Downloads for Ebooks, Graphics, Templates, Videos, etc. with Resale Rights, Master Resales Rights, and Private Label Rights. You can USE, GIVE AWAY, or SELL.  I recommend using these as LEAD MAGNETS by offering for free on a capture page, or offering on a Bonus/ThankYou page.

For only $10.97 a month, this is a massive amount of traffic PLUS an unlimited autoresponder with all the tools to BUILD YOUR LIST and BUILD RAPPORT with your subscribers.  Subscribers BUY from marketers they TRUST.

With all these solos, you will save SO MUCH TIME because there will be no clicking for credits. You can spend that time LEARNINGPROMOTING, and CREATIVE ENDEAVORS like building new ad copy, new capture pages, and bonus/thankyou pages.

After June 4th,  the safelists, promo codes and follow-up messages will be available, but it's never too soon to get started BUILDING YOUR LIST with MyVIPContactsPro.

Put in the work, promote only capture pages, and watch your subscriber list grow.

Do You Need Templates for Capture Pages?

Martin Chantler has been offering free templates for years at

Many of these templates, tools, and generators are incorporated into BuildABizOnline, but they can be downloaded and used with other page builders like MotionLeads, the unlimited page builder tool included with MyVIPContactsPro and ListGeniePro

In MotionLeads:

  • Create a new Page, and
  • Create a new STEP,
  • then go into the MotionLeads HTML Editor
  • Download the template from  (you may need to unzip)
  • Copy the HTML source code from Martin's template
  • Paste the HTML source code into the MotionLeads HTML Editor
  • Update the Title, other copy per the comments in the code, and autoresponder HTML Form Code
  • then SAVE.

Did You Know…Safelist Hidden Tools?

  • Each of Dave Mosher's safelists offer free splash pages in MemberTools!Splashpage Builder?  The number available depends on your member level.  These are great for quick capture pages by including your HTML Form Code.
  • Each of Dave Mosher's safelists offer a free My Top 10 page where you can post 10 125×125 button ads, and promote with a single URL.  MemberTools!My Top 10.  Best for sharing with subscribers.
  • Each of Dave Mosher's safelists offer a Personal Builder where you can post up to 15 programs (dependent on member level) with description and graphics. MemberTools!Personal Builder.  Promote with a single URL.  Best for sharing your programs with subscribers.

Worldprofit Weekly Friday Workshop
– Today's Workshop Recording has been Posted

George Kosch has been doing LIVE weekly Workshops for years, and posting the recordings on the Worldprofit YouTube Channel so that NON-MEMBERS and ASSOCIATES can view them.

Get the latest recording:  Sign up to be a Free Associate from this page to get tons of valuable freebies from the Goody Bag.


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