Category Archives: Scams

To WildWestDomains: Site Owner Matthew Graves Refuses to Pay Commissions

Matthew Graves under the company name of Web’s Best Marketing has been stealing commissions owed to his site members for years. I am only one of SO MANY people Matthew Graves has stolen commissions from.  Others are documented on this forum.  It goes on for about 13 pages.
Matthew Graves has over 30,000 members on his sites.  Matthew launches a new site just about every month.  Members promote the site launches to get referrals.  Each new launch adds 500 to 1000 or more new members, with a percentage of those members purchasing monthly, annual, or lifetime memberships.  Premium Members earn 50% commission on Premium Membership Upgrades, Paid Referral Programs, Solo Ad Purchases, and Coaching Programs made by referrals they bring in.  
Commission Payment Policy
The Commission Payment Policy is posted on the site. Lifetime commissions are tallied and posted to the Commission Overview section of each site, and referral purchases are listed in Commission Details.  Commission “owed” shown in the Commission Overview is subject to 30 day “hold” to accommodate chargebacks.  All “Commissions Owed” on or before the 15th of the previous month are to be paid on the 15th of the current month.  
Requests for payouts are ignored.  No response to emails, support requests, or voicemails to his cell phone are ever received unless drastic measures such as mine get his attention.
I Have Invested Thousands

I have paid literally THOUSANDS of dollars in Founders Memberships, a Site Partnership, Lifetime Pass, Premium Memberships (before Lifetime Pass), etc.   I have been at the top of the Leader Boards for most of the launches in the last 3 years and have EARNED HIM THOUSANDS in revenue. 

Safelist Owners Take Action

I own 9 safelist advertising membership sites, and admin over 200 sites for Dave Mosher who owns over 300 safelist advertising membership sites and 15 SuperNetworks.  Because Matthew refuses to pay me and others, I have blocked his domains from my 9 advertising sites, and in solidarity, Dave Mosher has blocked them on all 300+ of his advertising sites.  Other site owners are joining this protest by blocking him on their advertising sites also.  This means that over 3,000 members of my 9 advertising sites and 541,000 members of Dave Mosher’s advertising sites cannot advertise any sites owned by Matthew Graves.  Our members cannot get referrals or generate revenue for Matthew Graves by posting advertisements such as banners or text links, or by sending emails from our sites.

Matthew Graves Suspended All My Accounts

Not only does Matthew Graves owe me over $1,200 in commissions and refuses to pay me, but in retaliation for suspending his domain names on my safe list sites, he suspended all of the accounts I have with him. I can’t even find out how much he owes me now

The last partial commission payment I received was in December 2020.  He tells me that I am the 3rd highest commission earner on his sites. I offered to accept partial payments.  He agreed to a weekly payment plan, but has never made one payment as to our agreement.

Denial of Services I Paid For


Matthew promoted launches of new sites with promised functionality to both Free and Premium members.  The functionality and upgrades were never delivered.  Examples:  YourViralBanners, WhatWorks4Me, Webs Best Traffic Club.

I have NEVER received Site Partner Revenue Sharing nor a portion of the Partner Referrals for 100 Percent Mailer and CANNOT REALIZE THOSE PARTNER BENEFITS BECAUSE 100 Percent Mailer has been OFFLINE since AUGUST.  Is it a coincidence that only AFTER he suspended my accounts, did 100 Percent Mailer come back online?

No Payment AGAIN in February.  His Explanation…

See my video rant.  See the rest of my blog while you are here.

Web’s Best Marketing Domains
This is a partial list of domain names for systems operated by Matthew Graves, all registrars being with one noted exception:



​​​ – registrar GoDaddy​


​Please confirm receipt of this complaint. I am available to discuss the facts I have presented, and would like to learn about any recommendations you might have.

My goal is simple: get paid for commissions I have earned, and get the dozens of members also owed commissions paid.  Any actions are strictly to bring attention to unethical business practices.  I will champion the removal of restrictions if these grievances are corrected.
By the way, Matthew has dual citizenship in USA and Canada, which makes legal action difficult.   
I have filed complaints with the Federal Trade Commission, Halifax NS Consumer Protection agency,  Amazon Web Services, and his Merchant Account platform provider.   
His business address is a rented mailbox at the UPS Store in Winter Garden, Florida.  Since your company maintains the domain registrations, the information he provided should be suspect.
Rich Moyer
1-484-902-8819 ​voicemail

More… Please Do Not Get Scammed By This Guy

Please Do Not Get Scammed By This Guy

I have paid literally THOUSANDS of dollars in Founders memberships, a Site Partnership, Lifetime Pass, Premium Memberships (before Lifetime Pass), etc.   I have been at the top of the Leader Boards for most of the launches in the last 3 years and have EARNED HIM THOUSANDS in revenue. 

Matthew Graves Suspended All My Accounts

Not only does Matthew Graves owe me over $1,200 in commissions and refuses to pay me, but in retaliation for suspending his domain names on my safe list sites, he suspended all of the accounts I have with him. I can’t even find out how much he owes me now. The last partial commission payment I received was in December 2020.  He tells me that I am the 3rd highest commission earner on his sites. 


I have NEVER received Site Partner Revenue Sharing nor a portion of the Partner Referrals for 100 Percent Mailer and CANNOT REALIZE THOSE PARTNER BENEFITS BECAUSE 100 Percent Mailer has been OFFLINE since AUGUST.  Is it a coincidence that only AFTER he suspended my accounts, did 100 Percent Mailer come back online?

I will say that the YourSuccessAdvantage system does work.  I think it is hilarious that, even though I am not PROMOTING anything by Matthew, and my accounts are suspended, I am still getting emails announcing new referrals (that are being added to my Aweber) and that I have EARNED NEW COMMISSIONS.  I just cannot see my member area or email from those sites.


No Payment AGAIN in February.  His Explanation…

See my video rant.  See the rest of my blog while you are here.

Rich Moyer

No Payment AGAIN in February. His Explanation…

My Commentary

Here is an email I sent to Matthew on 2/19/2021

On Fri, 19 Feb at 9:12 AM , Richard Moyer <> wrote:

Come on…  SOMETHING!
Rich Moyer

His Reply

Matthew Graves

Feb 19, 2021, 1:35 PM (18 hours ago)

to mesupport

Hi Rich​

I am prioritizing commission requests based on how long the commissions have been owing and how much affiliates are working the system as intended.  Those whose unpaid commissions were earned earlier are getting priority.
Since you received payments late last year, there are other YSA members who have commissions that were due for payment before yours.  Your request for commissions is in my spreadsheet and I am working my way down the list.
Hope that helps.


Rich Moyer
1-484-902-8819 m-f 8am-5pm EST
Get a Free 10 Minute Consult.
Paying It Forward…

NOTICE: Matthew Graves Sites Blocked

As admin for 9 sites of my own, I have blocked all URLs and content promoting Matthew’s programs

 Any ads or content for his programs will not be approved. Your ads will be returned to your account.

This includes sites:

SoloAdsWork, FunSoloAds, SuperLinkSolos, AeroMailsClub, AmazingTextAds, ViperTextAds, HotTextAds, InstantCashEngine, and 4AcesMailer

Other owners like Maryanne Myers and Darren Olander have already taken similar actions.  Dave Mosher is ready to ban all Matthew’s sites and content on all 300+ of his safelists 


I will no longer be promoting offers by Matthew Graves nor will I allow promotion on my safelists for Your Success Advantage, Your Viral Network Mailers,  Supercharged Solo Ads or any coaching programs.

There are so many good things I have gotten from Matthew Graves’ programs:

  • Amazing list building capability
  • Frequent Launches to keep energy and interest high
  • Great rewards and incentives
  • Autopilot Done-For-You system


Matthew Graves DOES NOT PAY YOUR HARD EARNED COMMISSIONS.  I’ve earned literally THOUSANDS of dollars in commissions but it is like pulling teeth to get paid.  

I have consistently been in the top 20 on leader boards for launches over the past 3 years and have made HIM a ton of money.  He currently owes me over $1200 in back commissions and does not respond to emails, invoices, and support requests to resolve this issue.  I have even gotten him to agree to a weekly payment plan, but he has never made a single payment per our agreement. 

This is the definition of a SCAM.

See my blog for actions that have been taken so far.

>>>>> Click the Credit Link 

Rich Moyer – Admin 

AmazonAWS Documentation Reply

Amazon AWS Case Number: 50815037589

In response to AmazonAWS request for additional information regarding evidence of fraud by Matthew Graves by refusing to pay affiliate commissions, non-delivery of functionality, and unfulfilled partnerships on applications hosted by Amazon AWS.

This is only one small example but demonstrates a consistent pattern of abuse of HIS own commissions policy.

Commissions Policy posted on

We pay 50% commissions on Premium Upgrades by anyone on your list. That includes random referrals and those passed up to you.

Commissions are paid by Zelle (US Only), Payoneer (In Process), and Coin Payments/Bitcoin.

There is a 30 day hold to allow for refunds. Payments are made the 15th of each month on all upgrades which were made before the 15th of the previous month. For example, payment will be made March 15th for all commissions earned up to February 15th. You must have a minimum of $20 in owing commissions and have provided the information to complete the transfer to be paid.

Volley of emails on 10/1/2020 where Matthew acknowledges poor accounting and accepts my amounts due.  At that time, $54.50 commission for the newly launched QuickStartMailer was earned but not payable until 11/15/2020.

20201013 Reply_ Your Viral Network Commissions Due

Email volley venting my frustration with him.

20201024 Re_ Commission Payment Overdue

Snapshot of my commissions log on showing earned commission transaction 12/28/2020 for $10.50

20210117 email to Matthew Graves Commission Payment Past Due

Snapshot of my commissions notification from showing earned commission transaction for $10.50  (Notice sent 1/1/2021 for 12/28/2020 transaction)

20210101 Quick Start Mailer – You Earned a Commission!

Matthew agrees to pay weekly.  No payment received

20201028 Re_ Evolved Traffic Tunes Itself To Each Member

Email notices to Mathew Graves of overdue commissions from December 2020 that includes commissions earned up to 12/15/2020 and continued attempts to get a response and ultimately payment.

20210108 email to Matthew Graves Commission Summary

20210115 email to Matthew Graves Commissions Payable TODAY

20210117 email to Matthew Graves Commission Payment Past Due

20210118 Fwd_ email to Matthew Graves Commission Payment Past Due

20201118 partial payment received

20210119 email to Matthew Graves Commission Payment Not Received

20210120 RESEND_ Commission Payment Not Received

20210127 email to Matthew Graves Commission Payment Past Due

20210130 email to Matthew Graves Commission Payment Past Due

20210202 email to Matthew Graves w attachment Commissions Payable details

Partner Site Unavailability

I paid $500 to become a Site Partner for 100 Percent Mailer.  Revenue Sharing and a portion of unassigned referrals was promised in that partnership solicitation.  This site has been offline since at least as far back as August.

Here are the rewards promised when you become a Site Partner.

Site Partners get a share of all the revenue from the site, plus a guaranteed 500 subscribers added to their list for every share.

His sign-up page:

I never received any revenue sharing payments, and because the site  has been down, I cannot see my commissions earned and referrals.

I requested numerous times to be assigned as Site Partner to another functioning site.

Founding Partner Positions

Founding Partners was another way for Matthew to raise money.  There is no direct tracking so I cannot definitively state which of these benefits I have received or not.  Here was his pitch.  I bought 2 Founding Partner shares at $1000 each.

These benefits are exclusive to Founding Partners.
    • Founding Partners get Lifetime Premium Membership at Your Success Advantage, but also get:
    • Lifetime Random Referrals from All My Promotions (Only Founding Members Get Random Referrals)
    • 500 Guaranteed Random Referrals Added to Your Email Funnel in YSA plus your Auto-Responder
    • Rotation in the back end pages plus emails of their referral links in over 100 different traffic programs and tools
    • Another 1,000 Guaranteed Prospects Added to Your Auto-Responder From Other Member’s Promotions
    • Ongoing Random Referrals and Prospect Referrals for Life
    • Profit Sharing on All the Revenue from the Site
    • 1 Year of Unlimited Credits at All 17 of my Mailers (Email the Entire List Everyday Without Clicking)
    • 1 Year of Mentoring in my Quick Start Coach Mentoring Program
    • Matthew  will be running over $10,000 in paid advertising in the first 30 days after launch and giving all those signups to Founding Partners.

Letters To Other Leader Board Members Re: Getting Paid

20201118 letter to other inner circle members Re_ Matthew paying_

20201118 Dr Bruce Rae reply

20201118 Matthew reply to Lon Lindsey

20201118 leo dewaal reply

20201120 lon lindsey replies

20201120 lon lindsey replies 2



Matthew Graves – AmazonAWS Complaint

2/4/2021 Submitted to Amazon AWS

Case Number: 50815037589
==Original Report==

Destination URLs (space separated):
Abuse date (yyyy-mm-dd)*: 2021-01-15
Abuse time, 24-hr format (hh:mm)*: 12:01
Time zone*: -0500
The host clock is synchronized by NTP:

Logs (4KB max)*: I keep a monthly spreadsheet detailing lifetime commissions earned and commissions owed to me, and I have a record of the few, and incomplete payments received.

Comments (4KB max): Matthew Graves is using amazonaws hosting for websites associated with Web’s Best Marketing Ltd. He uses this platform to collect payments via credit card for his affiliate programs but he refuses to pay commissions due to his affiliates. He owes me over $1200 USD.

I am only one of hundreds he has scammed.

I’ve invested a ton of money in Founder’s memberships, Site Partnerships, Premium Lifetime Pass, launches, and other upgrades with Matthew Graves, and have been burned. I’ve earned literally THOUSANDS of dollars in commissions but it is like pulling teeth to get paid.

I have consistently been in the top 20 on leader boards for launches over the past 3 years and have made HIM a ton of money. He currently owes me over $1200 in back commissions and does not respond to emails, invoices, and support requests to resolve this issue. I have even gotten him to agree to a weekly payment plan, but he has never made a single payment per our agreement.

His programs include Your Success Advantage, Your Viral Network Mailers, and Supercharged Solo Ads. I can provide a complete list of websites.

Reply from AmazonAWS 2/4/2021

We’ve received your report concerning unwanted content hosted on Amazon Web Services. In investigating this content, we’ve determined that it is currently managed by a user of our network. While the IP address of the material may indicate that the network is ours, the user is actually the one controlling the content in question.

We understand your concern regarding the availability of this content. We’ll investigate your complaint to determine what additional actions, if any, need to be taken in this case. As a courtesy we have notified our customer of your request to have the content removed or access disabled.

If you wish to provide additional information to us or our customer regarding this case, please reply directly to this email.

Thanks again for alerting us to this issue,

AWS Trust & Safety

Followup from AmazonAWS 2/4/2021

This is a follow up regarding the abusive content or activity report that you submitted to AWS. After our investigation, we are unable to verify your claim. Please provide additional details to assist us in further investigation.

If we do not receive a response within 24 hours we will consider this matter resolved.

Please note that if the activity or content has been determined to be non-abusive or a false-positive, we may not reply to any future messages regarding the activity or content.

Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention.

AWS Trust & Safety

Webs Best Marketing Ltd. – Matthew Graves

Matthew Graves is using his umbrella company Web’s Best Marketing Ltd.  for  programs that include Your Success Advantage, Your Viral Network Mailers, and Supercharged Solo Ads
I’ve invested a ton of money in Founder’s memberships, Site Partnerships, Premium Lifetime Pass, launches, and other upgrades with Matthew Graves, and have been burned.  I’ve earned literally THOUSANDS of dollars in commissions but it is like pulling teeth to get paid.  
I have consistently been in the top 20 on leader boards for launches over the past 3 years and have made HIM a ton of money. 
Commission Payments
  • He uses this platform to collect payments via credit card for sales associated with his affiliate programs but he refuses to pay commissions due to his affiliates.
  • He owes me over $1200 USD. 
  • He does not respond to emails, invoices, and support requests to resolve this issue. 
  • I have even gotten him to agree to a weekly payment plan, but he has never made a single payment per our agreement.
  • I am only one of hundreds he has scammed.  

Fraud Basis

  • He is collecting payments for memberships, traffic, and services via credit card using samcart as a platform for his payment sites
  • He has been banned from Paypal for years

Complaints Filed

  • FTC Complaint submitted 1/2021
  • AmazonAWS complaint submitted 2/2021
  • Halifax NS Complaint submitted 2/2021
  • SamCart complaint submitted 2/2021

Functionality Paid for but Not Delivered

  • Some sites he has collected money for have not delivered promised functionality
    • websbesttraffic – additional monthly free and premium traffic packages have no been added since first month
    • whatworks4me – tracking and organization functionality never delivered
    • yourviralbanners – not migrated to new platform – functionality disabled

Partner Site 100percentmailer

  • I am a Site Partner t 100percentmailer but the site has been down for months.  I cannot earn promote, earn commissions, use mailer functionality
  • Partnership terms not delivered: revenue sharing,  portion of leads

His Contact Information

His Addresses
  • Matthew Graves
    13750 W Colonial Drive, Suite 350, Box 148, Winter Garden, FL 34787
  • He also uses his dual citizenship for an address in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada.
His Emails
His Phone 
  • 1+ (407) 902-4334