Confucius Say… Rich Moyer Newsletter 8-13-2024

Confucius Say… Rich Moyer Newsletter 8-13-2024

Rich Moyer Newsletter 8/13/2024



Today’s Topics
  • Are you using follow-up emails?
  • Review Your Click Rate Data for Each Page
  • Only 150 Founders Memberships, Limited Time
  • Worldprofit Workshop – new recording posted


Are you using follow-up emails?

Follow-up strategies like email marketing can be very effective in nurturing leads who may not convert immediately.

Remember the 7-11 exposure rule, and that you must BUILD RAPPORT with your subscribers to achieve KNOWLIKE, and TRUST, because people BUY from people THEY TRUST.

Here are some steps to implement an effective follow-up strategy:

Segment Your Audience: Divide your leads into different segments based on their behavior, interests, and where they are in the buying journey.

I do segment my subscribers, and one that is most important categories is for those who are BUYERS. These are the people most likely to BUY AGAIN.

Personalized Content: Send personalized emails that address the specific needs and interests of each segment.

Automated Email Sequences: Set up automated email sequences that provide valuable content over time, such as educational articles, case studies, or special offers.

Be sure to provide content that is OF VALUE to your subscribers, not just promo after promo.

Engaging Subject Lines: Use compelling subject lines to increase open rates.

I try to delineate my autoresponder message subject lines by leading with [campaign name] so subscribers can distinguish CONTENT emails from ads.

Clear Call-to-Action (CTA): Include clear and enticing CTAs in your emails to guide recipients towards taking the next step.

Ask yourself the question, “did I tell them what to do next?”

Monitor and Optimize: Track the performance of your email campaigns (open rates, click-through rates, conversions) and make adjustments as needed for better results.

If you are not TRACKING your promotions, and SPLIT TESTING, how do you know if they are working, and achieving the desired results?

By consistently engaging with your leads through well-crafted email campaigns, you can build relationships and encourage them to eventually convert into customers.

Review Your Click Rate Data for Each Page.

Do you see a significant number of clicks right away?

Look at your trackers. When a landing page is promoted in a Solo Ad, do the clicks come in within seconds and minutes and hour of the posting, then stop completely?

RED FLAG: this is likely to be due to bots.  These are not real humans, and it is unlikely that you will EVER get REAL LEADS and even LESS LIKELY to get conversions.  Re-evaluate your traffic sources.

Are you getting no clicks at all after about an hour?

In my experience when I post an ad, especially to a list, I get leads for the next few days, even the next week. When you post an ad, that does not necessarily mean that the email is being sent out immediately, especially if ads must be approved by an admin.

Even then, once distributed, the recipients don’t check or read their emails at the same time. The responses don’t abruptly stop within an hour of the posting.

If you have history on this traffic source, look for a pattern, and look at date/time stamps.

RED FLAG: some sites give “guaranteed clicks”.  I’ve seen this happen in my own promotions, where I saw 40 of my own promos with status “IN PROGRESS” for weeks because they haven’t attained the “guaranteed” clicks yet.

Look at Your Leads – do they look kosher?

When examining the leads received as a long list, a suspicious pattern emerged. The entry data was strikingly similar:

  • only the first initial and last name were provided.
  • Some names matched exactly with their email addresses, while
  • others were entered in all capital letters or used consistent styles of abbreviations.

This was odd. People rarely enter data in the same way. On a list of 100 leads, it’s uncommon to see such uniformity or very similar data entry patterns.

At a glance:

  • Many had just random alphanumeric gooble-dee-goop characters in the name field
  • email addresses were like joeb8835@….com with just a numeric variant
  • Email systems were from MSN, Hotmail, Yahoo, or from a ISP email account.

RED FLAG:  Because most of my advertising is on safelists that require GMAIL addresses, when I look at my subscriber lists, I frequently, and routinely PURGE all NON-GMAIL leads unless they have shown evidence of being BUYERS in which case I segment them into a BUYERS category.

As you know, I broadcast frequently (duh, this newsletter) to my list. Most autoresponders will supply data related to the delivery of broadcasted emails.  When looking at my BROADCAST STATISTICS, I look for:

  • BOUNCES:  This meas that the system has attempted delivery of email to that address but delivery has FAILED.  This could be due to many factors, but the system will attempt delivery multiple times.
    • If marked un-deliverable, the system has given up.  This could be due to weather, power, etc. so give it another try.  If consistently failing, purge.
    • Many failures may be due to overloaded or overused gmail accounts.  Gmail will retry or slow down (Pacing) attempts to deliver the message(s).
  • Opens.  If someone on my list has not OPENED an email in 6 months, they’re GONE.

Since many autoresponders and mailers charge by the number of subscribers, it is in your best interest, and budget, to carefully scrutinize the quality of the leads you get, and the quality of the subscribers you retain on your list.


Only 150 Founders Memberships Available for a Limited Time

Dave Mosher is offering Lifetime Founders Memberships being PRESOLD for his new UNLIMITED Autoresponder for a one-time total cost of only $99.95.

Purchase MasterSafelistBlaster Login Offer #1 for $99.95 that includes

  • 24 Solos blasted to 315 sites, 548,165 members
  • 24 Banners
  • 24 Buttons
  • 24 Textlinks

Dave will GIVE you the Founders membership for FREE

Monthly cost of this new UNLIMITED Autoresponder will be $14.97.  ROI for getting the one-time Founders membership is 6.6 Months PLUS you are getting all this INCREDIBLE ADVERTISING too!

MasterSafelistBlaster is MY Solo Blaster of Choice! 

Get this AMAZING offer NOW

Worldprofit Weekly Workshop

New Workshop recording posted for 8-9-2024

George Kosch has been doing LIVE weekly Workshops for years, and posting the recordings on the Worldprofit YouTube Channel so that NON-MEMBERS and ASSOCIATES can view them.

Get the latest recording:  Sign up to be a Free Associate from this page to get tons of valuable freebies from the Goody Bag.

Copyright 2024 Richard Moyer dba Spaho Consulting