Dont Stumble. Rich Moyer Newsletter 6/3/2024

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Rich Moyer Newsletter 6/3/2024    



Today's Updates​
  • Newsletter Archive
  • Why do I Need to Login Twice to MyVIPContacts?
  • 5 Top Safelist Elite Upgrades Only One-Time $97.00 USD
  • There was no newsletter yesterday…
  • The Money is in the Follow-up
  • Oops.  I made a Mistake.  Here's how to avoid it yourself
  • What is the difference between MyVIPContacts and ListGeniePro
  • Worldprofit Weekly Friday Workshop

Newsletter Archive

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Find an archive of recent newsletters on my blog, under heading Newsletters

Why do I Need to Login Twice to MyVIPContacts?

Weird, but it's the way the programmer set it up  (programmers, right?  Oh, I R one).

The first login is for the MVC SAFELIST, and

the second login is for the AUTORESPONDER

Both are required even if you are a free member that only has access to the safelist.  Free members do not see the upgraded features on the menu.

5 Top Safelist Elite Upgrades Only One-Time $97.00 USD
BONUS:   250 Super Solos

Still a couple remaining.

Plus EXTRA Bonus #1 From MasterSafelistBlaster

Plus EXTRA Bonus #2 From FeaturedOffersXtreme

Free Ads for Joining each Site.
Free Ads on Each Site with Promo Code newmember.

Join AdvertisingBlowout Free to Get Up to 5 Levels of Promo Codes on Each Site.

TIP:  Your ads on this FeaturedOffersXtreme offer only have 2500 views each.  That does not take long to exhaust UNLESS you subscribe.  Even the lowest cost subscription at $4.97 per month gets you UNLIMITED VIEWS for your ads!  THE MORE ADS, THE MORE UNLIMITED VIEWS!

There was no newsletter yesterday…

because I spent ALL DAY entering those 100+ messages into a shareable MyVIPContacts campaign I will give to my MVC upgraded downlines.

See below to find out how to get the SHARE CODE to import this complete message stream into your own autoresponder campaign

You will still need to join all 104 safelists (duh, you also get promo codes for credits and ads, and the Gold upgrades) and update the messages with YOUR REFERRAL IDs), but importing the message stream saves you HOURS of copy/paste.

TIP:  When joining safelists, use the same login id for each one when you join.  Each message contains MY referral ID in the format:
I have several different login ID's:  richardmoyer or webcastsource (as admin, sometimes I needed to create others for testing).  Simply replace my loginid with YOUR login id for the site.  Using the same loginid makes this task EASY.

The Money is in the Follow-up.

"I Can't Write Follow-Up Messages" – FAIL

Dave Mosher is making 104 Safelist 1 Year Upgrades available, but BETTER YET,  he is GIVING AWAY the  Autoresponder Follow-up Messages, to be sent every 7 days, with a new Safelist promo code weekly to receive the 1 Year Gold Upgrade.

The license to use his message stream is FREE if you join the MyVIPContacts Unlimited Autoresponder and upgrade to GOLD, for only $10.97 per month, or $97 per year. 

If you want to use this message stream with another autoresponder without joining MVC, Option B extends the license for a one-time $47.00.  

That's TWO YEARS of weekly follow-up messages that gives away a total of 208 Solos ad 2 Million Credits absolutely free to your subscribers (and you too).

You do need to JOIN each safelist, and update each of the autoresponder messages with YOUR REFERRAL ID for the respective safelists, but then YOU can use the promo code YOURSELF to get the GOLD UPGRADE, then when your subscribers join those safelists, they join under YOU and YOU collect commissions of 30% when they purchase upgrades, ads, OTOs, Supersolos, or admin offers.

This has SO many Advantages:

  • The lead magnet here to GET and KEEP subscribers is 104 1-Year Gold Upgrades.  This is a BRILLIANT WAY to keep your subscribers ENGAGED for the long term.
  • The license to use these follow-up messages is FREE, as long as you maintain your Gold Upgrade at MyVIPContacts
  • You can use these follow-up messages with OTHER autoresponder systems as long as you maintain your Gold Upgrade at MyVIPContacts OR select Option B that extends that license for a one-time $47 (without the MyVIPContacts requirement)
  • You can PROMOTE MyVIPContacts and GIVE AWAY these follow-up messages, earning 40% Recurring Income. 

    Autoresponder referrals tend to be long-term, especially when you have a growing subscriber base attributed to a KILLER Campaign like this.

  • You can broadcast ANY TIME to YOUR LIST in MyVIPContacts
  • Use the Tools included with MVC
    • MotionLeads to create Capture Pages, ThankYou Pages
    • Digital Downloads to Use, Sell, or Give Away as Lead Magnets (per PLR/MRR license permissions), use as Bonuses, Re-Brand as your own, monetize, or create new autoresponder campaigns
    • Rotators to show different versions of capture pages or spit-test
    • Trackers to monitor your promotion results
  • You can add additional follow-up messages in-between the 7-day interval messages.  Simply adjust the intervals before, and on messages you add.
  • You can MONETIZE these emails by placing links to YOUR affiliate programs after your signature line (see mine below).

    TIP: In Campaign Setup, update header with the unsubscribe notice (at top of this page) and footer, with the signature line (see mine below) 

Now, let ME help YOU.
  • If you are in my downline for MyVIPContacts, I will supply a SHARE CODE that allows import of the follow-up messages for all 104 sites. 

    Join MyVIPContacts under me NOW.

  • I will give you the source code that can be imported to any HTML Editor (including MotionLeads) for my capture page and thankyou/bonus page to promote the 104 1 Year Upgrades
    • ​In MotionLeads, first create your PAGE and setup the page name, then select a background.  Save, then
    • create a STEP, where you can access SOURCE mode and paste the HTML code from the text file I provide. 
    • Update with your autresponder Capture Form HTML Code between the <form></form> tags then Save.
Here are the first 20 sites to join before entering/importing your follow-up messages.  (get your 1-year Gold upgrade promo codes from the follow-up ad copy)
TIP:  Get additional promo codes for even MORE free credits and ads at Advertising Blowout.  Find these sites on the Level One Promo Codes pages with Ctrl f, then redeem that promo code on the home page in the member area for the respective safelist. 

TIP:  Advertising Blowout has 4 additional, affordable levels of promo codes for all 400+ sites.  NEVER WASTE TIME CLICKING FOR CREDITS AGAIN!

TIP:  If you take the time to fill out the Affiliate Builder in Advertising Blowout with your REFERRAL IDs in MemberTools!Affiliate BuilderAdvertising Blowout is a GREAT lead magnet that enables YOU to get referrals on SO MANY LEVELS!  I personally put the banner for ABO on every ThankYou/Bonus page

Oops.  I made a Mistake.  Here's how to avoid it yourself

When setting up my campaign in MyVIPContacts, I forgot to set up the CONFIRMATION MESSAGE.

Both MyVIPContacts and ListGeniePro are DOUBLE-OPT-IN only so if your sign-ups do not receive a confirmation message, they remain PENDING.

Here is a generic Confirmation Message you can use with any campaign in MyVIPContacts or ListGeniePro:


Hi, this is [AUTOFROMNAME],

You signed up to receive [AUTONAME] 
from [SUBIP] with email [SUBEMAIL]

To receive those access and bonuses you must first verify your email.



Unfortunately, even the admin does not have a way to resend that confirmation message – only a generic message goes out.  And because they are PENDING, they will not receive autoresponder messages or broadcasts.

Don't make this a showstopper for signing up for MyVIPContacts or ListGeniePro as your autoresponder.  Just remember to do this when you set up a campaign.

What is the difference between MyVIPContacts and ListGeniePro

The MyVIPContacts Autoresponder and ListGeniePro Autoresponder are both built on the same software platform.  The Campaigns, Messages, and Broadcasts WORK the same, but there are some subtle differences.

MyVIPContacts Pro does not allow bulk import of leads.  Cost $10.97 per month

ListGeniePro Silver DOES allow bulk import from a REPUTABLE lead supplier like  LeadFlow247  or  MyLeadGenSecret.  Upload up to 500 leads per day.  Maximum subscribers 25,000.  Cost $15 per month or $97 per year.

ListGeniePro Gold DOES allow bulk import from a REPUTABLE lead supplier like  LeadFlow247  or  MyLeadGenSecret.  Upload up to 1,000 leads per day.  Maximum subscribers 50,000.  Cost $30 per month or $197 per year.

Both MyVIPContacts Pro and ListGeniePro are front-ended with a safelist that provides login security, and a custom menu that provides access to the

  •  Autoresponder,
  • Tutorials,
  • MotionLeads Capture Pages,
  • Standard Splash Pages,
  • Graphics,
  • Link Rotator,
  • Ad Tracker, and the
  • Digital Download Library. 

The safelist functions like

  • Credit Mailer,
  • Solo Ads, HP Solos, SNF Solos
  • Supersolos
  • Banner Ads, Button Ads, Textlinks
  • Login Ads, and
  • Surf/Traffic Sites

perform as so many of Dave's other safelists, except that you must first sign on the the SAFELIST to access the Autoresponder features.

Worldprofit Weekly Friday Workshop
– Friday's Workshop Recording has been Posted


George Kosch has been doing LIVE weekly Workshops for years, and posting the recordings on the Worldprofit YouTube Channel so that NON-MEMBERS and ASSOCIATES can view them.

Get the latest recording:  Sign up to be a Free Associate from this page to get tons of valuable freebies from the Goody Bag.


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