Dreaming. Rich Moyer Newsletter 9-24-2024

Dreaming. Rich Moyer Newsletter 9-24-2024

Rich Moyer Newsletter 9/24/2024  



Today’s Topics
  • Personal Endorsement of Programs
  • No Worldprofit Workshop 9/20/2024.


Personal Endorsement of Programs

I’ve been getting barraged with emails like “Try this”, “Welcome to the system of the day,” or other short, generic, nondescript ad copy that give you absolutely no information about the product or opportunity.

  • It is left to YOU to click a link that takes you to an equally uninformative squeeze page.
  • You have to give up your email to even find out what it is about.
  • Inevitably, it is a free program that promises a lot,
  • but delivers very little unless you get sucked in to multiple up-sells to get any functionality.
The worst part is that these emails come from supposedly reputable marketers.  The fact is that those promoting these opportunities have NO personal knowledge of the programs they are promoting.  Their exposure is limited to how to select an appropriate block of ad copy from a library of generic “fluff” promotions that can be tailored to ANY product, service, or opportunity, AND their involvement is no more than selling someone a couple hundred clicks for solo ads that leverage their name as an internet marketing guru.

Their only interest is to get the UPSELLS because their modus operandi is to just get you on their list so they can flood you with these baseless offers day after day because, sooner or later, you WILL be sucked in and spend money.

If you check their REFUNDED stats, you will see MANY RETURNS FOR REFUNDS.  They are the first to brag about SALES, but what you should really be looking at is NET SALES (Gross Sales minus Returns).

I USE What I Sell

This has been my motto for the 14 years I’ve been doing network marketing.  But, I’d like to revise it somewhat…

You see, I rarely “SELL” to my subscribers.  I promote with the purpose to INFORM, GUIDE, and RECOMMEND based on personal experience, sound and ethical business principles, the TRUST of my subscribers, and absolute TRUTH.  In fact, I would characterize the information as TELL, not SELL.

I Am A Consultant First, Salesman Last.

I used to have this as part of my signature line, but was advised by many, including mentors and fellow marketers, that it was not a good idea.  In fact, I had points shaved from my SEO score for using it.

I got into a very philosophical and heated debate with the owner of one program, a Harvard professor, who told me that I was not to assume that attitude if participating in his program.  My job was to CLOSE THAT SALE at whatever cost. Network Marketing moved too fast and there was no room for “consulting”.  I was booted out of his program for awhile.  We continued to have these debates erstwhile, and I was eventually brought back into good graces. Kinda…

You see, at that point, I had been running my business consulting firm for over 7 years, working with small businesses, Fortune 500 companies, Government, and Military clients.

I pretty much ignored Dr. Professor, and proved that my “consultative selling” methods DID produce results, but it took LONGER to CLOSE.  My RETURN RATES were LOW, and my RETENTION RATES were higher than HIS.

consultative selling approach goal is to SOLVE A PROBLEM for the CLIENT.  If I solve their BUSINESS PROBLEM (not just “I need money”), the SALES WILL COME.

I proved this time and time again.  For one client, my colleague and I did a project at HQ that ended up SAVING them 5 million dollars over 5 years of NET INVESTMENT by implementing some process and hardware consolidation changes.

Understand the Problem

There’s a saying, “I suppose it is tempting, if the only tool you have is a hammer, to treat everything as if it were a nail” — Abraham Maslow 1966

If you are simply promoting these “flood the market” programs, you are coming to the table with a SOLUTION (hammer) before you have Assessed and Analyzed the current state environment (the nail a.k.a the PROBLEM).

In many cases, I would send MONTHS in the Assessment Phase, and generally develop the concept of a solution with a realistic ROI estimate in a couple weeks.  (Once approved by the client, then fight with the engineers for a year.  I get it… I was an engineer before consultant).

Not ONCE on any successful project was I able to pull a solution from my back pocket.  If a project was important enough to bring in a consultant, it was important enough to thoroughly understand and assess the business problem

How this Applies to Network Marketing

My success has always be gauged by my RELATIONSHIP with the client. But, before you bring me (the consultant) in, YOU HAVE TO ASK FOR HELP.  This is something I OFFER, but is RARELY PURSUED.

What is different with network marketers is that the largest group does not understand that THIS IS A BUSINESS! 

  • They have no BUSINESS PLAN.
  • They don’t INVEST in their business for even the most basic tools.
  • They gravitate to only FREE TRAFFIC SOURCES.
  • They don’t consider ACTIVE, PASSIVE, and ORGANIC TRAFFIC
  • They don’t DO THE WORK (ie. Easy Button)
  • They DO NOT HAVE ANY PERSISTENCE.  They are impatient and move to another
I try to EXPLAIN the benefits I have experienced (not sales or earnings) before someone makes a commitment.  That’s why my ad copy tends to be rather lengthy.

I’ll never make income claims because I have no way of knowing how YOU will dedicate your TIME, INVESTMENT, and PERSISTENCE.  It’s YOUR BUSINESS

If you are reading this newsletter, you will NOT be receiving those baseless emails from ME.

Worldprofit Weekly Workshop

No Workshop on 9/20/2024
Workshop last recording posted for 9-13-2024

George Kosch has been doing LIVE weekly Workshops for years, and posting the recordings on the Worldprofit YouTube Channel so that NON-MEMBERS and ASSOCIATES can view them.

Get the latest recording:    https://webcastsource.com/livetraining.  Sign up to be a Free Associate from this page to get tons of valuable freebies from the Goody Bag.

Copyright 2024 Richard Moyer dba Spaho Consulting