Happy Father’s Day. Rich Moyer Newsletter 6/16/2024

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Rich Moyer Newsletter 6/16/2024    

Happy Father's Day


Today's Updates​
  • Newsletter Archive
  • TrafficWave Autoresponder is Shutting Down 6/21/2024
  • Newest Secrets of the Big Dogs CHIPs Mailer
  • Worldprofit Weekly Friday Workshop

Newsletter Archive

Do you like these newsletters? 

Find an archive of recent newsletters on my blog, LifeBalanceB2B.com under heading Newsletters

TrafficWave Autoresponder is Shutting Down 6/21/2024
Click the banner to Join MyVIPContacts Pro
Dave will import your TrafficWave lists into MyVIPContacts Pro for you.  You must be a Monthly Pro or Annual Pro member of MyVIPContacts.

The good news, the monthly fee for TrafficWave was $17.95, whereas the fee for MyVIPContacts Monthly Pro is only $10.97 per month.  Get even greater savings with MyVIPContacts Yearly Pro for $97 per year.

JOIN MyVIPContacts Pro here, then submit a support ticket to Dave (on the MVC website).

Newest Secrets of the Big Dogs CHIPs Mailer

Stan"the BigDog" showed me this yesterday, and I jumped right on it for the Pre-Launch pricing of Lifetime Gold that includes

  • 5000 credits,
  • Mail 5 times per day,
  • Earn 50% Commission, and
  • includes an AutoSubmit feature.

I LOVE LAUNCHES.  I've made tons of referrals, and earned tons in commissions by promoting safelist launches in the past. 

I was consistently on the Top Referrer's List for over a year promoting launches.  The secret:

  • Get in early,
  • Upgrade to the highest level,
  • PROMOTE like crazy to get subscribers to your LIST,
  • Offer a BONUS to sign up, then
  • FOLLOW-UP with all your referrals.


Upgrade to Lifetime Silver or Lifetime Gold at Your Return Mailer and I will GIVE you the SHARE CODES for MY capture page and ThankYou/Bonus Page created with BuildABizOnline.  Set up one of the Done-For-You campaigns, update your capture page HTML Form Code, and you are ready to BUILD YOUR LIST.

Need places to promote?   If you have been reading these newsetters, and taking action, the answer should be, "No Sir.  You've already given me:"


Network Marketing is a game of LARGE NUMBERS. To succeed, you must PROMOTE to many, to GET MANY SUBSCRIBERS, to NUTURE and CULTIVATE into BUYERS.  


Worldprofit Weekly Friday Workshop
– Friday's Workshop Recording will be Posted soon

George Kosch has been doing LIVE weekly Workshops for years, and posting the recordings on the Worldprofit YouTube Channel so that NON-MEMBERS and ASSOCIATES can view them.

Get the latest recording:  https://webcastsource.com/livetraining.  Sign up to be a Free Associate from this page to get tons of valuable freebies from the Goody Bag.


Rich Moyer
YouTube Channels

Free Home Business Tips Daily from Internet Millionaire Stone Evans
>>>>> https://trk.webcastsource.com/homebiztips 

Free Associate Membership with 50,000 Visitors
>>>>> https://worldprofit.com?id=28555

GotBackup Saved My Business TWICE. Family Plan w 6 accounts, 6TB, unlimited devices $9.97/mo
>>>>> https://richardjmoyer.gotbackuptour.com/

Check out my Top Moneymaker
>>>>> https://trk.webcastsource.com/bigdog

100% Direct Pay Commissions. Automatic Signups & Traffic
>>>>> https://llpgpro.com/rjmabbigdogs