Happy October. Rich Moyer Newsletter 10-1-2024

Happy October. Rich Moyer Newsletter 10-1-2024

Rich Moyer Newsletter 10/1/2024

Happy October!



Today’s Topics
  • Should You Fill Out Affiliate Builders?
  • How I promote Advertising Blowout
  • The Difference between Referral ID and Referral URL
  • New Worldprofit Workshop Recorded on 9/27/2024.


Should You Fill Out Affiliate Builders (aka Referral Builders, Downline Builders)?

Affiliate Builders, theoretically, should help you build a massive list of referrals on each safelist, by giving your referrals the opportunity to join the sites in the Affiliate Builder UNDER YOU.

This assumes you PROMder with YOUR Affiliate ID for the site.
OTE the safelist where the Affiliate Builder resides, you get REFERRALS to sign up under you, and THOSE REFERRALS join sites that YOU have joined, and updated the Affiliate Buil
If you do not PROMOTE the site, and have no referrals on that site, it is a waste of time to fill out the Affiliate Builder because ONLY YOUR REFERRALS WILL SEE IT.

If you join many safelists,

  • it’s a lot of work to fill out the Affiliate Builder.  
    • Many Affiliate Builders have 100 or more entries
  • requires record keeping to store the site name, referral URL, userid, and password, and
  • there are few tools to automate this task for you.

My observation:

  • Very few people take the time to record their affiliate IDs, so they have to open each site to retrieve it
  • Because it is a tedious task, very few people make the effort to fill in referral builders.

Here’s one tool I’ve used, Referral Builder Elite

You can purchase a 1 Year Membership at an Affordable Price of $57.00

That’s 1 year access Plus All the Monthly Advertising!

  • 16,000 Surf Credits EVERY MONTH!
  • 100,000 Mailing Credits EVERY MONTH!
  • 140,000 Banners/Texts EVERY MONTH!

You Also Get 3 Banners and Texts ON Site With Unlimited Views.

EARN 40% Commissions By Promoting!

Earn Commissions From People Joining Under You IN the Referral Builder Elite extraordinary list of sites!

My Referral Builder Elite review points

  • It requires hours of work to join, affirm, and add affiliate ID, userid, and passwords
  • You must update Referral Builder Elite regularly to include new sites if you join many other sites, then synch all the sites for the new entries
  • This works very well for defined sites within the Referral Builder Elite tool
  • Very few of Dave Mosher’s 300sites are included
What I Do
  • Besides Referral Builder Elite, I record my affiliate IDs in a Google Sheets spreadsheet (it’s free), where I can quickly search (Ctrl f) and copy/paste
  • Rather than updating the hundreds of entries in individual safelists, I update the Affiliate Builder in only ONE place:  Advertising Blowout
    • I promote Advertising Blowout as a source of FREE PROMO CODES for over 400 sites (most belong to Dave Mosher, but there are also many from other admins)
    • I only have ONE PLACE to update my affiliate URLs
    • I direct people to JOIN THE SAFELIST from the Free Member Promo Codes Pages (currently 5 pages of sites to join)
    • People get a free ad/credit pack just for joining,
      • an ad/credit pack for redeeming promo code newmember, and
      • another ad/credit pack for redeeming the exclusive promo code from the Advertising Blowout promo code pages.
    • There are 4 other levels of promo codes that can be purchased.  These are affordable upgrades but each level provides THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS WORTH of free advertising.
      • As an Elite Member I earn 50% commissions when my referrals upgrade.

How I promote Advertising Blowout

My ad copy I Use (you are welcome to copy it)

Subject Lines:
Secret Way to Make Your Referrals View ONLY YOUR TEXT ADS
Your Text Ads Shown To Your Referrals at Login
You Should Post Text Ads If You Have Safelist Referrals
Promote Safelists So Your Text Ads Are Shown To Your Referrals at Login

Ad Body:
Wanna know a Secret Way to get Your Safelist Referrals to View ONLY YOUR ADS?

Dave Mosher’s newest safelist software displays a full screen of only YOUR Text Links to your referrals as an opportunity to earn credits when they log in.

This safelist script is PACKED FULL of AWESOME FEATURES

  • Contact Solo Ads
  • Surfing Ads
  • Banner and Button Ads
  • Text Links
  • Full Page Sponsored Ads
  • Affiliate Builder
  • Personal Affiliate Builder
  • Earn Free Ads Every Time You Click “X” Amount Of Ads
  • Earn Discounts By Clicking Ads
  • Personal Splash Page Builder
  • Earn DOUBLE-CREDITS During Happy Hour!
  • PLUS Many Other Membership Benefits!
What is the best way to get the MOST out of these sites? 

Well, don’t just join ONE site, JOIN THEM ALL through Advertising Blowout!

Advertising Blowout GIVES you Promo Codes for over 300 sites AT EACH MEMBERSHIP LEVEL.

  • The first membership level is FREE.  5-pack+credits on EACH SITE times 300sites = 1500 solos, banners, buttons, textlinks and TONS of credits!
  • There are FOUR MORE affordable paid membership levels
  • That means that for about $50, you could get promo codes on all 5 membership levels!  That’s 7500 solos!
  • On each site, Redeem promo code newmember plus your exclusive promo code from Advertising Blowout
Post your Ads
1. Join Advertising Blowout as a Free Member

Verify your email (check the SPAM folder and whitelist the Advertising Blowout site in Gmail)

2. Join each site from the FREE MEMBER PROMO CODES pages on Advertising Blowout.  (I suggest  joining 1-5 new sites every day)

After joining the individual site and verifying your email, you will receive a 5-pack of ads credits

Redeem Promo Code newmember for another 5-pack credits

Grab the Promo Code from Advertising Blowout and redeem it on the site you just joined for yet ANOTHER 5-pack credits

Find your REFERRAL LINK in MEMBER TOOLS!REFERRAL TOOLS for each site that you join.


Be sure to post your TEXT ADS because THESE are the ads YOUR REFERRALS WILL SEE when logging on!

3. These are GREAT traffic sites but they are also GREAT SITES to PROMOTE.  EVERYBODY NEEDS TRAFFIC!

4. Get even MORE promo codes from Advertising Blowout by upgrading. EACH MEMBERSHIP LEVEL WILL GIVE YOU 300+ PROMO CODES

>>>>> Click the Credit Link

Rich Moyer

HINT:  if you promote Advertising Blowout, you will get referrals at least for Advertising Blowout, but also for EACH site in the Affiliate Builder you have joined, and updated in the Affiliate Builder with YOUR referral URL for that site.

What is the Difference between Referral ID and Referral URL?

When an Affiliate Builder asks for a Referral URL, they are asking for the complete URL, including https://.  For example:


Referral ID is simply the ID portion of the Referral URL (in bold above)

What happens if you do not complete the Affiliate Builder?

When your referrals go to the Affiliate Builder to join a site, but you, as their sponsor, did not fill out the Affiliate Builder with YOUR referral info, the referral ID used for your referrals to join that site is the default.

The default is YOUR SPONSOR’s ID, or if your sponsor has not filled out the entry, the site owner’s affiliate ID.

It is important to supply the correct format when filling out the Affiliate Builder, otherwise, it will use the default.

Do You Need to Fill Out Every Affiliate Builder for Every Safelist?

IMHO, no.  Most of Dave Mosher’s sites have hundreds of sites listed in the Affiliate Builder.  It is SO much work, and it consumes so much time that you can be spending JOINING NEW SITES, Redeeming PROMO CODES, and submitting actual PROMOTIONS.

In my experience, the rewards (actual referrals that joined your downline) are not commensurate with the time and effort.


Join Advertising Blowout for free.

As you join sites from the Affiliate Builder page of ABO, update with your Referral URL IN THIS ONE PLACE ONLY, not on individual sites.

Don’t forget to redeem promo code newmember, and also grab the exclusive promo code from the Free Member Promo Codes pages

TIP:  There are five or more pages of promo codes on each ABO membership level.  Join the site from the ABO Affiliate Builder page, the on the  Free Member Promo Codes pages, use Ctrl f on each page until you locate the site by name.

NOW, you can PROMOTE Advertising Blowout to Get Safelist Referrals

  • I recommend offering Free Promo Codes on a capture page to build your list.
    • After signup to your list, redirect to your ABO Referral URL
    • When you get a new subscriber, set your first message (Day 0) to instruct them as above:
      • join sites from Affiliate Builder, ​
      • redeem promo code newmember, and
      • redeem the exclusive promo code from the Free Member Promo Codes pages
  • Offer Free Promo Codes on all ThankYou Pages
  • Post a PS after your signature line on emails to your subscribers.  Sample PS:
    ==> PS.  Get Hundreds of Promo Codes for Free Credits and Ads
  • Include a PS after your signature line

TIP:  Never include URLs in any safelist credit mails or solo ads unless told explicitly to include them (ie on ViralURLViralhostsViralPLR)

Worldprofit Weekly Workshop

New Workshop Recorded on 9/27/2024

George Kosch has been doing LIVE weekly Workshops for years, and posting the recordings on the Worldprofit YouTube Channel so that NON-MEMBERS and ASSOCIATES can view them.

Get the latest recording:    https://webcastsource.com/livetraining.  Sign up to be a Free Associate from this page to get tons of valuable freebies from the Goody Bag.

Copyright 2024 Richard Moyer dba Spaho Consulting