How High You Bounce. Rich Moyer Newsletter 6/1/2024

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Rich Moyer Newsletter 6/1/2024    



Today's Updates​
  • Newsletter Archive
  • Never Post your Raw Clickbank Links on Safelists.
  • SetNForget
  • 5 Top Safelist Elite Upgrades Only One-Time $97.00 USD
  • NO COST 104 Safelists 1 Year Gold Upgrades
  • The Money is in the Follow-up
  • Worldprofit Weekly Friday Workshop

Newsletter Archive

Do you like these newsletters? 

Find an archive of recent newsletters on my blog, under heading Newsletters

Never Post your Raw Clickbank Links on Safelists.

TIP:  Always use a Splash page or (preferably) a Capture Page that redirects to your Clickbank link.  The same goes for JVZoo and Warroir+ links.


SetNForget ads are a great PASSIVE advertising method but…

Yep, you DO forget them.

I post a calendar entry for long term SetNForget sites, or if it has a monthly subscription I place a note in Quickbooks.


Rotators are a trick I use to spread traffic over several versions of a page, or over several programs.  Be sure to check each link in the rotator.  I like using a rotator as a "split tester" because my trackers provide detailed stats on each link.


How do you know if your traffic is effective?  Are you getting the expected volume of VISITS and CLICKS  (There is a difference).

When I submit a URL to a SetNForget system that requires approvals or updates through a support ticket, I create a separate tracker so that I have the freedom to change the source URL without admin intervention or  delays.

TEST Your Links

So many times, programs change slash/capture pages, and the SetNForget ads seem to get lost in the do-list to update.  ALWAYS TEST YOUR LINKS!.

Be sure to use only https://

The majority of sites now require using secure links (except some older sites running on backlevel software).  Your site may look good if you test it standalone, but may be rejected by framebreaker checkers, or simply will not display.

SetNForget I Use


5 Top Safelist Elite Upgrades Only One-Time $97.00 USD
BONUS:   250 Super Solos

Still a couple remaining.

Plus EXTRA Bonus #1 From MasterSafelistBlaster

Plus EXTRA Bonus #2 From FeaturedOffersXtreme

Free Ads for Joining each Site.
Free Ads on Each Site with Promo Code newmember.

Join AdvertisingBlowout Free to Get Up to 5 Levels of Promo Codes on Each Site.

NO COST 104 Safelists 1 Year Gold Upgrades

I Will Give You a 1 Year Gold Upgrade to a New Safelist EVERY WEEK for TWO YEARS ABSOLUTELY FREE!

That's 104 Safelists!  104 1-Year Gold Upgrades!  $3848.00 Value

Build Your Stable of Traffic Sites that have TONS of Free Credits and Free Ads.  Send with Minimal Clicking.

Send Credit eMails and Solo Ads for BEST RESULTS with Promotions for ANY of Your Affiliate Programs.

Post Banners, Buttons, Textlinks, and Surf Sites for Long Term Results.

Promote These Sites and Earn 30% Commissions when YOUR REFERRALSPurchase Ads, Upgrades, OTOs, Offers, or SuperSolos.

+ Join Each Weekly Safelist for FREE.
+ Verify Your Email.
+ Get a 5-pack of Ads and Credits for Joining.
+ Redeem Promo Code newmember for Another Ad-Pack.
+ Redeem your Exclusive Promo Code for the 1-Year Gold Upgrade.
+ Gold Members Receive Monthly Ads and Credits.
+ Even MORE Promo Codes for MORE FREE ADS ad Credits.

Are You Ready to Get Your NO COST
Safelist 1-year Gold Upgrades and Bonuses?


The Money is in the Follow-up.

"I Can't Write Follow-Up Messages" – FAIL

I remember when I was just starting out in Network Marketing.  I knew that I needed a list, but how do I do that?  I certainly did not know how to write ad copy for follow-up messages.  Well, these guys, Stone Evans and Joel Therien, were offering a complete turnkey autoresponder solution that included 400 days of "best 10" tips for Network Marketing at only $250, plus the monthly cost of GVO Host Then Profit autoresponder. 

Well, I've been promoting these tips as lead magnets for over 10 years.  I learned how to monetize my list, and still have over 400 subscribers in this one campaign.

Well, I'm going to do one better for YOU.  Dave Mosher is making 104 Safelist 1 Year Upgrades available, but BETTER YET. 

If you join the MyVIPContacts Unlimited Autoresponder and upgrade to GOLD, Dave is giving away the Autoresponder Follow-up Messages, to be sent every 7 days, with a new Safelist promo code weekly to receive the 1 Year Gold Upgrade.  The MVC Gold Upgrade is only $10.97 per month, or $97 per year.

That's TWO YEARS of weekly follow-up messages that gives away a total of 208 Solos ad 2 Million Credits absolutely free to your subscribers (and you too).

This has SO many Advantages:

  • The lead magnet here to GET and KEEP subscribers is 104 1-Year Gold Upgrades.  This is a BRILLIANT WAY to keep your subscribers ENGAGED for the long term.
  • The license to use these follow-up messages is FREE, as long as you maintain your Gold Upgrade at MyVIPContacts
  • You can use these follow-up messages with OTHER autoresponder systems as long as you maintain your Gold Upgrade at MyVIPContacts
  • You can PROMOTE MyVIPContacts and GIVE AWAY these follow-up messages, earning 40% Recurring Income. 

    Autoresponder referrals tend to be long-term, especially when you have a growing subscriber base attributed to a KILLER Campaign like this.

  • You can broadcast ANY TIME to YOUR LIST in MyVIPContacts
  • You can add additional follow-up messages in-between the 7-day interval messages.  Simply adjust the intervals before, and on messages you add.
  • You can MONETIZE these emails by placing links to YOUR affiliate programs after your signature line (see mine below).

    TIP: In Campaign Setup, update header with the unsubscribe notice (at top of this page) and footer, with the signature line (see mine below) 

Now, let ME help YOU.
  • If you are in my downline for MyVIPContacts, I will supply a SHARE CODE that allows import of the follow-up messages for first 20 sites.

    Join MyVIPContacts under me NOW.

  • I will give you the source code that can be imported to any HTML Editor (including MotionLeads) for my capture page and thankyou/bonus page to promote the 104 1 Year Upgrades
Here are the sites to join before entering/importing your follow-up messages.  (get your 1-year Gold upgrade promo codes from the follow-up ad copy)

Worldprofit Weekly Friday Workshop
– Friday's Workshop Recording has been Posted

George Kosch has been doing LIVE weekly Workshops for years, and posting the recordings on the Worldprofit YouTube Channel so that NON-MEMBERS and ASSOCIATES can view them.

Get the latest recording:  Sign up to be a Free Associate from this page to get tons of valuable freebies from the Goody Bag.


Rich Moyer
YouTube Channels

Free Home Business Tips Daily from Internet Millionaire Stone Evans

Free Associate Membership with 600+ PLR plus Goodies

GotBackup Saved My Business TWICE. Family Plan w 6 accounts, 6TB, unlimited devices $9.97/mo

Check out my Top Moneymaker

100% Direct Pay Commissions. Automatic Signups & Traffic