Is Your Advertising Effective? Rich Moyer Newsletter 5/20/2024

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Rich Moyer Newsletter 5/20/2024



Today's Updates​
  • Newsletter Archive
  • Not sure if your Advertising is Effective
  • What You Need To Know About Online Advertising
  • Worldprofit Weekly Friday Workshop  – New Recording Posted

Newsletter Archive

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Not sure if your Advertising is Effective ?

Do you feel like you are promoting like crazy but not getting signups?

Use an Ad Tracker Tool to see!

See article about Ad Trackers in tomorrow's newsletter.

Read this VITAL information before you waste your time, your money and scream out in frustration!

VITAL Tip # 1: Post to the Safelist and Exchanges that I RECOMMEND or use your own resources but do POST!

I admin over 200 safelists.  I test advertising and traffic sources, not only those from Dave Mosher, but so many others THAT I PERSONALLY USE. 

  • I post them in my Traffic Deals Newsletter,
  • I broadcast them to my subscribers.
  • I highlight them in THIS NEWSLETTER, and
  • I promote them myself. 
  • Many of the most effective recommended sites can be found on my website

You don't have to just use those.  Generate your own trusted sources, SPLIT TEST and ANALYZE them, and expand your marketing reach.

VITAL Tip # 2: Use UNIQUE Subject Lines and Ad Copy

You only have 7 seconds to make an impression so that someone will OPEN your email, so UNIQUE, HIGH IMPACT SUBJECT LINES are crucial. 

  • Do NOT make earnings promises or guarantees
  • Do NOT include dollar signs, repeated exclamatory symbols, emojis, or personalizations
  • Limit the use of ALL CAPS
  • Exclude "spam words" .   See article 100 Spam Trigger Words to avoid in 2024

I use ChatGPT to suggest some subject lines and ad copy then I tailor them, and make sure they follow anti-spam guidelines

With ad copy,

  • shorter is better, but not terse.
  • Tell, don't sell
  • OWN it, how YOU USE product or service, YOUR results
  • Do NOT make earnings promises or guarantees
  • Do not use personalizations
  • Do NOT include URLs in safelist ad body EXCEPT where required (ie. ViralURL, ViralHosts, ViralPLR, etc.)
  • Ad copy should direct to a page that ALWAYS CAPTURES THE LEAD ON YOUR LIST! 

VITAL TIP # 3: Use an Ad Tracker Tool.

To be an effective marketer means KNOWING EXACTLY where you are getting your best response. Response can be measured by clicks. When you use the tools we recommend you can use an Ad Tracker Tool to see which advertising sources are producing clicks. Clicks are actual PEOPLE, clicking on your ad to see it. 

Below is VERY important data about Ad Trackers and what kinds of click numbers you need to see conversion to sales! 




When you analyze your Ad Tracker Data you want to set your goal at 200 clicks per DAY.

Promotion is a DAILY REQUIRED TASK if you want to earn online. Don't slack. 


What You Need To Know About Online Advertising

Here is a basic summary of what you need to know about online advertising.

1) Be aware of the difference between VIEWS and HITS. Hits usually refer to someone, a person actually CLICKING on your ad. Some sites promise to deliver hits, when really they are providing only views of your ad. This means no one actually clicks on the ad, your ad just appears somewhere lost on a page.

2) Some sites use a computer-generated script that has a computer CLICK on ads meaning you think you are getting hits, but no human has actually seen your ad

3) Some sites pay people a very small amount of money to complete forms. These people have no interest in purchasing and are usually not good leads.  While they often spoof domains, ignore anything from .ru, .in, .cz

4) Some sites deliver leads to you but the leads are names of people from countries that do not have the ability to make secure verified purchases.  

5) If you see many clicks in a row in your Ad Tracker statistics from the same source, it is a bot.  They do not count.

6) There is a difference between a LEAD, a PROSPECT, and a SUBSCRIBER

  • A LEAD is someone with or without interest
  • A TARGETED VERIFIED LEAD like those offered by LeadPower are good leads and have a high probability of conversion
  • a PROSPECT has interest, has opened your email, and has clicked your link
  • a SUBSCRIBER signs up, verifies their email, and is now ON YOUR LIST.
  • a CUSTOMER is getting ahead of yourself.  You get CUSTOMERS (make SALES) after developing a RAPPORT with your SUBSCRIBERS, and EARNING KNOW, LIKE, and TRUSTPeople BUY from marketers THEY TRUST.

Worldprofit Weekly Friday Workshop – New Recording Posted

George Kosch has been doing LIVE weekly Workshops for years, and posting the recordings on the Worldprofit YouTube Channel so that NON-MEMBERS and ASSOCIATES can view them.

Get the latest recording:  Sign up to be a Free Associate from this page to get tons of valuable freebies from the Goody Bag.


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