Learning. Rich Moyer Newsletter 9-18-2024

Learning. Rich Moyer Newsletter 9-18-2024

Rich Moyer Newsletter 9/18/2024  



Today’s Topics
  • Clarification: TheClickGenerator
  • Other Ways to Justify the LeadsLeap Pro Upgrade
    • LeadsLeap Co-Op
    • LeadsLeap Course
    • LeadsLeap Promo Codes Profit System
    • LeadsLeap Profit System
    • LeadsLeap Mail Profits
  • Worldprofit Workshop – New recording posted.


Clarification: TheClickGenerator.

The only cost is for The Click Generator at $5 per month (or $45 per year if you want to save some $$).  Optionally, you can purchase the upsell for a 1-year second URL. I do recommend the upgrade to LeadsLeap Pro.

TIP:  When defining your Traffic URL(s) in TCG, be sure you use a TRACKER.

If you are in my downline for TCG (Richard Daigle’s requirement), I’ll give you, at no cost, Richard Daigle’s Resource page, which YOU can give away to YOUR Downlines.

If you already have LeadsLeap, you have some limitations as a free member. You would not be able to import the messages.  With LeadsLeap Pro, there are no limitations.

OptionalLeadsLeap Pro has so many features, including the all-important page-sharing and message stream sharing capabilities that make it attractive and easy to build downlines by giving them a complete Done-For-You funnel solution to help THEM get started in list building.  LLPro is about $30 per month (forever fast action upgrades may be available that can save cost of monthly fees).

Importing the splash pages, capture pages, thankyou pages, and if Pro, the DFY Message Stream, is EASY, and certainly within the skill level of most people.

TCG allows you to enter your HTML Form Code for your autoresponder in your TCG profile, but if you have the front-end pages, it’s not a good idea to also have your HTML form code in your TCG profile.

Other Ways to Justify the LeadsLeap Pro Upgrade

If you upgrade to Pro within 24 hours of joining, discounts may be available that can reduce your monthly fee substantially… forever.  Once you get the discount, you are grandfathered at that fee.

There are many list buildng progams that are built on LeadsLeap, that pay lucrative commissions, that have done-for-you pages you can set up quickly.  Many of these programs have resource pages that YOU can share with YOUR referrals.

Free LeadsLeap members earn 25% commission.  By sharing these programs with your referrals, you also get signups for LeadsLeap.  When your referrals upgrade, YOU earn commissions.  Upgradng early to Pro positions you not only for the forever-discount, but allows you to earn 50% commission from the start.

People get so stingy when told to sign up for an autoresponder, but this is an ESSENTIAL TOOL that EVERY MARKETER NEEDS AND MUST HAVE!

I earn enough by promoting LeadsLeap as a component of the systems below, that my referral commissions PAY FOR MY MONTHLY LEADSLEAP PRO MEMBERSHIP FEE.  In fact, I have my fees automatically withdrawn from my commissions, so it is one less invoice I need to deal with every month.

LeadsLeap Co-Op

Introducing… LeadsLeap Traffic Co-op

It’s time to get your offers out to more people, beyond LeadsLeap network.

Yes, we are already doing that through our PPC program.

But we can do more.

Introducing LeadsLeap Traffic Co-op

Most of you should know how a traffic co-op works.

  • You are given a unique co-op link
  • You promote the link in manual traffic exchanges, safelists or other traffic networks. (Visitors have to surf the link for at least 5 seconds before that visit is counted.)
  • In return, you get traffic back from the co-op.

It’s a collective effort to help each other get more exposure.

But that’s not all…

Why LeadsLeap Co-op?

1) Get Co-op Traffic To Your Credit Ads

Our Co-op Network is an exclusive network.

Only members who participate in it can have their Credit Ads being rotated in the Co-op Link. (Pro Ads are rotated in the Co-op Link automatically.)

So, if you want to get free traffic from our new Co-op program, start sending traffic to your Co-op Link now.

2) Earn Ad Credits

The traffic from your coop link will earn you Ad Credits.

You can use the Credits for advertising, or conversion into cash via Credit Encashment.

3) Earn Co-op Income

You now have not 4 but 5 ways to make money from LeadsLeap.

Co-op Income being the new way.

The earning ranges from $0.10 to $8 CPM (cost per 1000 clicks), depending on the uniqueness, location and quality of the traffic.

Your Co-op Income can stack on top of your Daily Active Bonus and Credit Encashment.

This means the credits that you earn from your Co-op Link can earn you Co-op Income, Daily Active Bonus and Credit Encashment at the same time.

4) Cross Promote Your Own Offer

You can add your own Ad Bar to your Co-op Link and cross promote your offer while earning credits and money at the same time.

5) Earn PPC Income

You can also show Ad Widget in your Co-op Link.

When visitors click the ads in it, you will earn PPC Earning, which has a much higher CPM than Co-op Earning.

This means simply promoting your co-op link can potentially make you money 4 times!

Co-op Income

+ Daily Active Bonus (if you view 10 ads personally)
+ Credit Encashment (if you encash credits)
+ PPC Income (if visitors click your Ad Widget)

In a nutshell, if you participate in our Co-op program, you can get traffic from our Co-op Network, make money in multiple ways and cross promote your other offers at the same time!

LeadsLeap Mail Profits

Get This Free System by Martin Chantler (ReduceTheHype)

How To Get Get Paid Using Mailers

With This Absolutely Free Done-For-You System You Will:

  • Build Your List
  • ​Get Signups for
    • LeadsLeap
    • ListHoopla
    • Dozens of Traffic Sites
  • Earn Commissions
  • Generate Traffic to YOUR Sites

LeadsLeap Profit System

FREE Complete Done For You System Generates You Daily Traffic and Commissions!

You can be setup in less than 10 minutes!

Click the link!

LeadsLeap Promo Codes Profit System

Give Away This Promo Codes Profit System
to Build Your List

Not only can YOU redeem all the Promo Codes
for Free Advertising,

But it gives you a chance to build YOUR LIST
and Get Referrals.

When You Join LeadsLeap for free, you can:

  • Import These Done-For-You Pages
  • Update Promo Code Sites with YOUR Affiliate IDs
  • Update with YOUR LeadsLeap Affiiate ID to get LeadsLeap Referrals
  • Use LeadsLeap to Generate Traffic
  • Use LeadsLeap to earn commissions

Get All This NOW For Free

LeadsLeap Course 

Learn with LeadsLeap Course

I Use LeadsLeap to Promote my Best Money-Making Programs,  WorldProfit and Secrets of the Big Dogs

Get ALL these tools for Free.

  • List Manager
  • SendSteed Autoresponder
  • Page Manager
  • Funnel Manager
  • URL Tracker with amazing statistics
  • URL Rotator
  • Ad Bar Tool
  • Pop-up Expert tool
  • Serious users should consider unlocking
  • UNLIMITED capabilities
  • with the Pro upgrade.
  • Upgrade to Pro within 24 Hours for Lifetime Discount

I use these tools every day to add an additional dimension to my promotions with the goal of giving page viewers more opportunities to sign up on my list.

FREE Complete Done For You System Generates You Daily Traffic and Commissions!

You can be setup in less than 10 minutes!

Click the link Now!

LeadsLeap Funnel System

FREE Done For You System Pays You To Build Your List!

Easy step-by-step system allows you to build your own list and get paid while doing it totally for FREE.

Click To Get Started Now! 

Worldprofit Weekly Workshop

Workshop last recording posted for 9-13-2024

George Kosch has been doing LIVE weekly Workshops for years, and posting the recordings on the Worldprofit YouTube Channel so that NON-MEMBERS and ASSOCIATES can view them.

Get the latest recording:    https://webcastsource.com/livetraining.  Sign up to be a Free Associate from this page to get tons of valuable freebies from the Goody Bag.

Copyright 2024 Richard Moyer dba Spaho Consulting