Live Business Center. Rich Moyer Newsletter 5/13/2024

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Rich Moyer Newsletter 5/13/2024



Today's Updates​
  • Newsletter Archive
  • Catch Me in the Live Business Center
  • Newest Killer OTO Deal
  • Worldprofit Weekly Friday Workshop  – New Recording Posted

Newsletter Archive

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Catch Me in the Live Business Center

I've agreed to start back up as a monitor for Worldprofit's Live Business Center in the next couple days.  Yep, if you happen upon the Live Business Center, you might encounter the real live ME, telling people about Worldprofit, helping people with questions, and HELPING MEMBERS BY CLOSING SALES FOR THEM.

The Live Business Center is a hybrid chatroom.  Participants can SEE and HEAR the Monitor (a Worldprofit member volunteer), but participants can only ask questions and respond by typing into the chatbox.

I had been a monitor for many years, but I had stopped being a monitor first due to scheduling and then health issues.  I have some time now, but I am still working through some issues with my hands – it is hard for me to type with arthritis and neuropathy. 

To reduce my typing issues, I use a "cannot live without it" tool called JitBit Autotext, and also fully utilize built in Windows utilities like Voice to Text, and Windows Multi-Clipboard.

I have found that interacting LIVE with leads and Associates that are brought to the LBC at signup, and when logging in, has been fulfilling, satisfying, and even exciting, although dealing with foreign language and bad typing does provide challenges.

There are so many rewards for doing this also.  First, if I facilitate a SALE of a Silver or PlatinumVIP upgrade for ANOTHER MEMBER, I get both a revenue bump of $5, $10 for a 1 year sign-up, but more importantly, I get 20 Associates and 20 Exclusive Leads! 

When I previously served as monitor several years ago, I got TONS of Associates.  Any time a lead signed up to be an Associate without a sponsor (like when responding to Worldprofit-sponsored ads or ads where the sponsor has left Worldprofit), that Associate is placed UNDER ME.  Being a Monitor was the biggest major contributor to the large number of Associates currently subscribed under me.

With Worldprofit, Associates are IMPORTANT because you can broadcast to them en masse daily without an autoresponder.  Plus, Worldprofit sends a newsletter to Associates on my behalf every day, that informs and instructs, but also drives sales FOR ME.

Becoming a monitor is a great way to learn about Network Marketing in general, and understand Worldprofit's 30 years of experience, the process, products, and services. 

There is no cost other than your membership, but you must be a Silver or PlatinumVIP member to participate in the LBC Monitor program.  All training and scripts are provided free.  You must have a video camera and microphone on a normal computer (you cannot be a monitor if using only a smartphone or tablet).

There are SO many benefits to the Worldprofit Silver membership, but for a few hours a week working as a monitor, you not only get to be KNOWN inside the Worldprofit community, but RECOGNIZED by outsiders

People who may not be Associates under me, but have recognized me from the Live Business Center, or have seen my promotions, have approached me for questions and guidance, and have signed up as subscribers to my newsletters and programs.  Some have even become CUSTOMERS.

Check out Worldprofit's Live Business Center

Newest Killer OTO Deal

Currently 2,190 Members

Get A 5-Pack Of Ads JUST For Registering!
5,000 Credits, 5 Solo Ads, 5 Banner Ads, 5 Button Ads, and 5 Text Links

New Member Promo Code: newmember
5,000 Credits, 5 Solo Ads, 5 Banner Ads, 5 Button Ads, and 5 Text Links

EXTRA Promo Code: elonmusk
2,000 Credits, 2 Solo Ads, 2 Banner Ads, 2 Button Ads, and 2 Text Links

1-Year Silver Upgrade Promo Code: 1yrsilverrocket

WIN Up To 6,000 BONUS Credits DAILY!

Now, the BEST DEAL 
OTO#1 One-Time Elite Upgrade Reduced to $49.95
50% Commissions
15,000 Credits

Monthly Ads:
15,000 Credits Monthly
1 Solo Ad Monthly
1 Banner Ad Monthly
1 Button Ad Monthly
1 Text Ad Monthly

Offer Doubled to 100 Bonus Super Solos

Click to Join for Free


Worldprofit Weekly Friday Workshop – New Recording Posted

George Kosch has been doing LIVE weekly Workshops for years, and posting the recordings on the Worldprofit YouTube Channel so that NON-MEMBERS and ASSOCIATES can view them.

Get the latest recording:  Sign up to be a Free Associate from this page to get tons of valuable freebies from the Goody Bag.


Rich Moyer
YouTube Channels

Free Home Business Tips Daily from Internet Millionaire Stone Evans

Free Associate Membership with 600+ PLR plus Goodies

GotBackup Saved My Business TWICE. Family Plan w 6 accounts, 6TB, unlimited devices $9.97/mo

Check out my Top Moneymaker

100% Direct Pay Commissions. Automatic Signups & Traffic