Money Before Work. Rich Moyer Newsletter 8-24-2024

Money Before Work. Rich Moyer Newsletter 8-24-2024

Rich Moyer Newsletter 8/24/2024

The Only Place You Will Find Money
Before Work Is In The Dictionary… 

Scott at EasyCash4Ads



Today’s Topics
  • A bad week for electronics
  • What CAN work for affiliate online retail commissions?
  • The Worldprofit ClickBank Maximizer Autoresponder System
  • How to Emulate Clickbank Maximizer
  • PLR Sources
  • Get 3 Free Leads A Day For The Next 10 Days
  • Worldprofit Workshop – No new recording this week.


A Bad Week for Electronics

Did you ever have one of those weeks, where the electronic devices of the universe are plotting against you?

Microwave died.  I don’t know about you, but in my house, this is one of the most used appliances.  For me, combined with the toaster, these two devices accommodate the sum total of my cooking skills.

I figured the best way to stay out of trouble with my wife, and avoid the hassle of trying to RETRAIN ME, was to get the EXACT MODEL we previously owned.  Really, this one doesn’t owe me anything, purchased in 2017.  I beat the planned obsolescence gods.  I usually just call up Amazon, submit an order, and get free delivery with Prime the next day, but Amazon was out of stock.  I found one at Best Buy, right near my old office 10 miles away. I ordered it online, drove up and parked in customer pickup, and popped the tailgate on my SUV.  Done.

Since I’m only 6 weeks after spinal fusion surgery, and the microwave was installed at eye level, I bribed my oldest son with lunch at the Chinese restaurant to do the swap.  Not bad; same day pickup and installation.  I got Chinese food.  All good.

Laptop Battery.  I usually keep my laptop plugged in, and generally don’t totally shut it down, just put in sleep mode so it starts up more quickly. I must have kicked out the plug while cleaning because I tried to wake it up, and when that didn’t work, tried a hard reboot.  Also failed.  I was just short of panic when I noticed the plug was out.

After 15 minutes charging, it finally booted, but yelled at me that there was an error with the battery.  Again, since this battery has been in service since 2016, I beat the odds again.  This I was able to get on  Amazon Prime. with next day delivery.

Tablet Memory Card.  I’m an avid reader, and have my Amazon Fire tablet loaded up with downloaded ebooks from Amazon and Barnes & Noble.  I get lots of free or inexpensive book deals with BookBub.  I powered up my tablet, and all my downloads were gone.  The microSD card was a brick.  Amazon Prime to the  rescue again.  Delivered in the same box as the laptop battery.

So, all this is just to emphasize that this a whole new world for retail sales that, IMHO, has made MY life easier.

  • Online ordering that allowed price comparison, and accommodating stock shortages.  I didn’t need to tromp from store to store.  Saved the planet by reducing fuel usage.
  • Same day pickup, and I never had to leave my car.
  • Saved on next day free delivery with Amazon Prime.  Saved the planet with recyclable materials for consolidated orders in the same box
  • BookBub is a service that remembers my favorite book genres, sends me offers in email every day for books I might like, at CHEAP prices or even free, bundles of series books, and watchlists for my favorite authors.  I read exclusively digital books, so I’m not killing trees, and not trekking 10 miles each way to B&N 2-3 times a week
From an Amazon affiliate sales perspective (over 14 years), I’ve NEVER had any appreciable sales from Amazon.  I’ve had websites, online marketplaces, embedded links in blogs and newsletters.  Flatlined.

Why?  People are wary of scams, so they do not use my affiliate hoplinks. Instead they switch to their apps, that are most likely already logged in, and order from there.  Affiliate commission lost.

So what CAN work for affiliate online retail commissions? 

Programs like Nexus Rewards, where I GIVE AWAY apps that allow people to SAVE MONEY on stuff they would buy anyway, then show them how to use those apps to :

  • EARN CASH BACK rewards when others use the apps, and
  • EARN COMMISSIONS FOR UPGRADED REFERRALS with a $10 per month upgrade to Nexus Rewards Premium.
If they want an affordable, full marketing system, with an amazing comp plan, they can opt for Nexus Snap.

Nexus Snap is an add-on to an already successful marketing program I was using before Nexus Rewards was introduced, called Automatic Builder.  I have been steadily building my list, and getting occasional direct payments of $27 or $47 for several years.  Nice, low cost of entry side hustle.

To get the Gold Upgrade, the combined marketing system for both Nexus Snap and Automatic Builder, is only $9.95 per month.

Using the Broadcast option ($5.95 per month for 3000 messages), all my subscribers from both Nexus Snap and Automatic Builder receive THIS NEWSLETTER, which in turn, exposes them to articles on the topic of network marketing, hints and tips, traffic deals, and business opportunities.  But the most important function, and desirable consequence of these newsletters is to ESTABLISH RAPPORT with my subscribers and KNOWLIKE, and TRUST..  People BUY from a sponsor they TRUST.

The Worldprofit ClickBank Maximizer Autoresponder System:

How Silver and PlatinumVIP Members Use it To Make Money Put their Clickbank business on PROFIT-MAKING AUTOPILOT!

The ClickBank Maximizer Autoresponder System is designed to help you automate your ClickBank business, making it easier to generate consistent profits. Here’s how you can use it to make money and put your business on profit-making autopilot:

Automated Email Campaigns: The system has set up automated email campaigns that promote ClickBank products. By sending out pre-written emails at scheduled intervals, your audience remains engaged and you can drive sales without constant manual effort.

Landing Pages: Instead of directing traffic straight to a ClickBank product page, the system has created landing pages. These pages capture leads and provide more information about the product, increasing the chances of conversion.

Follow-Up Sequences: With autoresponders, the system has follow-up sequences that nurture leads over time. This means even if someone doesn’t buy immediately, they’ll receive additional emails that could eventually lead them to make a purchase.

Segmentation: The system allows for segmentation of the email list based on user behavior or demographics. This way, the system send targeted messages that are more likely to resonate with specific groups within your audience.

Analytics and Tracking: Detailed analytics and tracking features show how well your campaigns are performing. This data helps you tweak and optimize your strategies for better results.

Ease of Use: Despite its complex functionality, the system is user-friendly and easy to set up even if you’re not tech-savvy.

By leveraging these features, the ClickBank Maximizer Autoresponder System helps streamline your marketing efforts, allowing you more time while still driving significant revenue from your ClickBank promotions.

I personally have been using the ClickBank Maximizer Autoresponder System for several years, and it has generated Clickbank product sales with VERY LITTLE EFFORT.

I simply promote the ClickBank Maximizer landing page, with a catchy subject line like, “Try a ClickBank Product. Keep the Bonus,” that presents the prospect with a free, QUALITY, topic appropriate PLR product.  To enable the download link, they must register for the autoresponder list that sends an email that shows them a new Clickbank product every two days.  There is no obligation to buy, but SOME DO!  Subscribers can unsubscribe at any time.

Through the CB Maximizer page, I can access the list of MY subscribers that have registered.  I do not have access to the proprietary autoresponder system, but I have exported my list, and have added them (hundreds) to my jMailerPro mailer.  They also receive THIS newsletter

How to Emulate Clickbank Maximizer
If You Are Not a Worldprofit Silver or PlatinumVIP

Use what I have explained to build your own autoresponder system.  WHOA!  That sounds like a lot of work! And could be expensive!

Well, here are some low-cost and even free resources:

  • BuildABizOnline Pro Autoresponder.  Pro membership allows 10 campaigns and unlimited subscribers and has all the tools you would need for only $10 per month, or get UNLIMITED campaigns with the Pro Executive membership for $14 per month.
    • Create a campaign that sends a email every 2-3 days with 55 Clickbank Review Articles and Clickbank IM Reviews.  Download and Copy from HERE.  This is a  PLR product bundle I am GIVING you (value $60). Research products referenced on Clickbank Marketplace and update with YOUR hoplinks.
    • Create Capture pages for each of the PLR Products used as a bonus
    • Create BONUS Pages for the each of the PLR download link and redirect the Capture Page to the BONUS Page.
    • Create a URL ROTATOR and add each capture page URL to the rotator.
    • Promote the ROTATOR URL

PLR Sources

Be sure to check permissions before distributing PLR as a bonus.  You must be able to share or give away product.

  • Worldprofit Associates – You DO have access to the PLR Vault with over 600 products but they are only for PERSONAL USE.  Silver and PlatinumVIP have unlimited use.
  • ViralPLR – Get free instant access to a fresh, new re-brandable product every single month which you can resell or use to build your list.
  • EasyCash4Ads – One-time $19 gives access to a new Lead Magnet PLR product monthly.  So much more to this program. Also nice side hustle.
  • MyVIPContactsPro Autoresponder – $10.97 per month for unlimited autoresponder, tools, and massive PLR library (Not recommended as an autoresponder. Will be replaced with MyIMPartners autoresponder in a couple months – $97 lifetime)

Get 3 Free Leads A Day For The Next 10 Days

Worldprofit Weekly Workshop

Workshop last recording posted for 8-16-2024

George Kosch has been doing LIVE weekly Workshops for years, and posting the recordings on the Worldprofit YouTube Channel so that NON-MEMBERS and ASSOCIATES can view them.

Get the latest recording:  Sign up to be a Free Associate from this page to get tons of valuable freebies from the Goody Bag.

Copyright 2024 Richard Moyer dba Spaho Consulting