More About Autoresponder Message Streams. Rich Moyer Newsletter 3/12/2024


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Rich Moyer Newsletter 3/12/2024



Today’s Updates​
  • If Only This Easy..
  • Help for Autoresponder Message Streams
  • ​My Favorite Place to Get Autoresponder Message Content
  • WorldProfit Live Training Recording

If Only This Easy…

I had a subscriber send me an email to my personal (unpublished) email, asking me to send him $50,000 so he could make a down payment on a house.  Oh, I jumped right on it…

This is just laughable.  I’m of the “teach you to fish” mindset.

What I AM willing to do for you is give you INFORMATION and RESOURCES, and tell you what has personally worked for me, and tell you about what has NOT worked for me.

I am a retired professional business consultant, financial and IT auditor, and IT systems and network engineer.  But I use the skills I’ve developed in two corporate careers and as owner of multiple businesses to focus on ONE BUSINESS SEGMENT:  Network Marketing

I’m not here to make a killing from bizops.  In fact, my goal is to spend my time helping people LEARN so they can BUILD their OWN BUSINESSES, and get slightly above break-even to keep my accountant off my back.  Any commissions I make go right back into the business.  Priority One is keep the lights burning, and anything else is applied  to finding new tools, traffic sources, and programs that I can PASS ON to my subscribers.

I do want to help SERIOUS subscribers.  Hobbyists need not apply. By serious, I mean someone who is WILLING to MAKE AN INVESTMENT of TIME, MONEY, and PERSEVERANCE to BUILD a business, not just make beer money for this weekend.

I guess it is more accurate to say I want to give you the guidance and resources to HELP YOURSELF.  It’s YOUR BUSINESS.

Help for Autoresponder Message Streams

I’ve put together some resources to help you write autoresponder message streams for your autoresponder, and help with copywriting.  This is absolutely free for my subscribers with no pre-requisite purchase.

=> Words To Profits (Value: $12)

Learn what words grab your prospects by their eyeballs, build unshakable trust and gently guide them to the buy button.

=> Super Money Emails (Value: $14.95)

Now You Can Build Your Website And Write Your Sales Letter The Easy Way!

=> My Internet Marketing Newsletter – Ready To Go Money Making Newsletter In A Box (Value: $17)

Publish Your Own Wildly Successful (And Profitable) Newsletter Without Writing One Single Word Yourself!

=> Chunk Copy Course (Value: $47)

WARNING: Reading This Letter Could Amount To An Unstoppable Stream Of New Sales For You Over And Over Again…

=> Online Copywriting Pro (Value: $47)

Become Your Own Instant Expert At Writing Master Pieces That Sell… And Convert Twice Or Triple As Many Customers!

=> Email Writing Secrets (Value: $17)

“I’m About To Finally Pull Back The Curtains On How YOU – Or Anyone – Can Chalk Out Your Very Own Profit Sucking Promo Emails That Moves Your Readers To Buy At Will!”

=> Internet Marketing Newsletters (Value: $7)

Brand-New Master Resell 25-Issue Internet Marketing Newsletter Lets You Easily Reach Your Customers and Subscribers With Fresh Material

Click the link below for the download page


My Favorite Place to Get Autoresponder Message Content

I LOVE using a salespage written by the program owner as the basis for my autoresponder content.

  • People Do Not Read Salespages.  They skip to the bottom to see how much it costs, which is usually preceded by a summary of what is included  The salespage contains much more detail that people never read.
  • The content is already written by professional copy writers.  It contains all the elements the program owner wants the prospects to know.
  • I start out with a thank you and welcome message.
  • Break the salespage into chunks.  In each message, I like the format:
    Tell them what you will be telling them (your brief intro or subject line)
    Tell them (content from the sales page)
    Tell them what you told them (your brief summary)
  • Add to stream with messages about other RELEVANT offers, traffic suggestions, promo codes, etc.
  • SHOUT OUT YOUR BRANDING.  Include a signature line with picture, email, website, youtube channel.  Add links to freebies, bizops, traffic sites, etc. after body of each message (see mine below)
  • Be sure to put unsubscribe info at beginning of message (see mine above)

With this alone, you can spoon feed your subscribers with a week to 10 days of MEANINGFUL CONTENT that keeps their interest, and builds KNOW, LIKE, and TRUST.


BuildABizOnline is a great, unlimited autoresponder and dynamic toolkit.  Even at the highest membership level, your TOTAL COST is $14 per month, NO UPSELLS!

If you do not have an autoresponder, YOU NEED ONE!

And, if you promote BABO, two referrals, YOU ARE IN PROFIT so you want to PROMOTE BuildABizOnline.


 LIVE weekly training with George Kosch.

Get the latest recording:


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