More Than Starting a Business. Rich Moyer Newsletter 8-15-2024

More Than Starting a Business. Rich Moyer Newsletter 8-15-2024

Rich Moyer Newsletter 8/15/2024



Today’s Topics
  • Are you missing important email?
  • Review Your Click Rate Data for Each Page
  • Only 145 Lifetime Founders Memberships Left for Autoresponder
  • Just a Note about Copyright and Permissions
  • Worldprofit Workshop – new recording posted


Are you missing important email?

This is an Important reminder to check your spam folder DAILY for important messages you may be missing due to spam filters. I’m talking about not only credit mails, but also support replies,  important updates, sales details, or payment or renewal notices.

First off, most safelists REQUIRE Gmail accounts.  From this perspective, your Spam folder my be your friend.  Check your spam folder often to make sure GOOD email has not been filtered in with the BAD email.

A way to keep most email out of the Spam folder is to Whitelist (approve) email addresses from people or companies you want to receive email from.

TIP: The spam folder can be hard to find.  Look for it under the MORE section within your Gmail program.

Another problem is that Gmail has implemented controls that are meant to protect THEIR system.  If your Gmail account is not receiving important messages, like email verifications after signing up on a capture page, this may be an indication that Gmail is “throttling” your email.  It could be due to “non-delivery” issues like timeouts or temporary network glitches, in which case Gmail will retry 7 times, or because you have exceeded the amount of email Gmail allows per hour or per day.  In some situations the SENDING email system may suspend your account as “BOUNCED”, or place you account in “vacation mode”.

TIP: To avoid email “bounces” and “slowdowns”, because safelists generate such massive amounts of email, only use the same Gmail account for 8-10 safelists

As I have said many times, Dave’s free system, MasterSafelistMails, can relieve your Gmail accounts from ALL credit mails, Solo Ads, and Supersolo ads for over 300 safelists.   You would only receive Admin and system notifications to your Gmail inbox.  Once you select the safelist and add it to My Sites, then update that entry with your userid and password, all click-for-credit messages will STOP for that site to your Gmail inbox.  You can read the first 50 emails stored in MasterSafelistMails online, or login with a single click to read them all.  There are so many other advantages to MasterSafelistMails.  Check out the FAQs.

Only 145 Lifetime Founders Memberships Left for Autoresponder

Dave Mosher is offering Lifetime Founders Memberships being PRE-SOLD for his new UNLIMITED Autoresponder for a one-time total cost of only $99.95.

This new state-of-the-art autoresponderMyIMPartner, will be released in several weeks.  Arrangements are being made for the servers to be built, and software installed so we can begin testing soon.

My preliminary perusal of the system looks impressive, and I am anxiously awaiting the opportunity to get my hands on it.  For those of you who know me, I approach with every thorough software engineering and testing methodology, and will give you an honest assessment.  I might even be talked into doing some training videos and case studies.

This is a brilliant approach to offer a lifetime Founders position for an autoresponder by offering this AMAZING ​VALUE ADDED Advertising.  MasterSafelistBlaster is MY Solo Blaster of Choice! Where else can you blast a solo ad to 548,000+ double opt-in safelist members, and get HUNDREDS OF REAL CLICKS for EACH SOLO AD.

Purchase MasterSafelistBlaster Login Offer #1 for $99.95 that includes

  • 24 Solos blasted to 315 sites, 548,165 members
  • 24 Banners
  • 24 Buttons
  • 24 Textlinks

Dave will GIVE you the Founders membership for FREE

If you do not take this Founders offer, your monthly cost for this new UNLIMITED Autoresponder will be $14.97.

Return on Investment (ROI) when comparing only the one-time Founders membership to monthly membership is 6.6 Months.  That means if you were to pay $14.97 per month, you would surpass the $99.95 out-of-pocket cost for Founders in less than 7 months. After purchasing this offer for a one-time cost of $99.95, and receiving the Founders upgrade, your monthly out-of-pocket cost would be ZERO.

This also ignores the potential RESIDUAL INCOME from commissions if you PROMOTE IT. Most of my autoresponders PAY FOR THEMSELVES in recurring commissions, with only a couple of upgraded referrals.  Autoresponder referrals are typically LONG TERM.



PERIOD. (Hmmm ya think I have some strong feelings about this?)

PLUS… you are getting all this INCREDIBLE ADVERTISING too!

TIP:  In Master Safelist Blaster, set up your SAVED ADS for each ad type.  This is effectively a ROTATOR that will PUT YOUR ADVERTISING ON AUTOPILOT.

Get this AMAZING offer NOW

Just a Note about Copyright and Permissions

I strive to be ethical and honest in network marketing, as with any other part of my business and personal life. As should you be.

I know my “bear at a picnic table” was a UNIQUE I CREATED with the help of AI, and I posted it in my copyrighted newsletter, but while approving ads, I found that it didn’t even take a whole day before someone copied it, and modified it for their own squeeze page.  I’m usually a sharing person, IF YOU ASK.

Likewise with PLR and MRR.  Be sure to honor the PERMISSIONS and RESTRICTIONS.  Authors and creators put hard work in creating these efforts, and while they may be free, free does not imply free to use in any other way than the author intended.

Despite the behavior of some of our public officials, ethical behavior and business practices are, and should be the norm, not the exception.

Worldprofit Weekly Workshop

New Workshop recording posted for 8-9-2024

George Kosch has been doing LIVE weekly Workshops for years, and posting the recordings on the Worldprofit YouTube Channel so that NON-MEMBERS and ASSOCIATES can view them.

Get the latest recording:  Sign up to be a Free Associate from this page to get tons of valuable freebies from the Goody Bag.

Copyright 2024 Richard Moyer dba Spaho Consulting