Need Leads? Rich Moyer Newsletter 1/22/2024

Rich Moyer Newsletter 1/22/2024
New This Week:
  • Get top quality leads from LeadPower, the same lead source used by WorldProfit 
  • Worldprofit Live Interactive Workshop Recording
  • I get a continuous, daily stream of new newsletter subscribers and free associates.
  • How I Use ChatGPT
  • How I Use BuildABizOnline
  • Talking-List! Half Price OTO#1 NEW Members Only
  • Do You Know of Any Businesses That Use Zoom?
  • How I use Automatic Builder
  • How I use Nexus Snap Premium

George Kosch has been assuring that Worldprofit Silver and PlatinumVIP members get the highest quality leads for many years.  PlatinumVIP members receive 100 leads per month that can be downloaded in bulk or a few at a time.  Upgraded Worldprofit members can order leads right from their member area, and have them downloaded right into Prospect Manager, but Free Associates do not have that option.  

Did you know that I am an affiliate for LeadPower?  I offer the same, best lead prices through my direct URL or from Automatic Builder.

Worldprofit Live Interactive Workshop

Want to understand more about WorldProfit and view a recording of the latest interactive workshop?

Friday January 19th Live Workshop Recording

Become a Free Worldprofit Associate

Sign up as a Free Worldprofit Associate where you get access to a ton of free resources like a 580+ item PLR library, free traffic, and training.  If you are already a Worldprofit member, you will simply be forwarded to your associate member area. 

A Few of My Newsletters

I continue to sing the praises of WorldProfit. Ive been an upgraded member for over 10 years.  I get a continuous, daily stream of new newsletter subscribers and free associates.  People join my autoresponder message streams every day.  As a Worldprofit PlatinumVIP member, I get access to all the tools I would need to create and promote these pages with a couple clicks and build my list of Associates, and get people to subscribe to my numerous newsletters.  My most popular newsletters are:

Why Recruit Free Assciates?

My largest group of subscribers is under the umbrella of WorldProfit.  I not only have over 13,000 Free Associates, but I have hundreds of newsletter subscribers, and thousands of autoresponder subscribers.  The goal is to keep a continuous flow of new associates.

  • These Associates would be greeted by the Live Business Center monitors, actual members who CLOSE SALES for  you. 
  • Worldprofit Associates receive a newsletter ON YOUR BEHALF EVERY DAY
  • You can email them individually, call them, use CallLoop automated messaging, or broadcast to your Associates EVERY DAY without the need for an autoresponder.
  • Many of these associates BUY WorldProfit traffic and advertising, many upgrade to Silver and PlatinumVIP, some buy Clickbank and JVZoo products from my e-stores, and some buy traffic from programs and sources I advertise.Worldprofit is the PLATFORM that facilitates these things that MAKE MONEY for me.


Using ChatGPT to Help Your Business

You could take any idea, plug it into an AI ChatGPT engine, and in MINUTES, get a complete campaign, new ad copy, unique subject lines, and even a complete message stream.

ChatGPT can be accessed for free. I recommend using your PC or laptop.  I personally use the Worldprofit ChatGPT toolkit, but there so so many other places that offer free tools.

For example, I just opened my Windows Edge browse and clicked into the Search bar, and I was presented with a link to access the Bing ChatGPT.

I have tons of free ChatGPT training.  Here are some links.

How I Use ChatGPT

  • I get AI to create subject lines, video titles
  • I get AI to rewrite old adcopy
  • I use AI to write original ad copy
  • I get AI to rewrite “canned” ad copy with a different tone and focus
  • I use AI to create ad copy for capture pages, sales pages.
  • I get AI to create Youtube video scripts, which I then convert into videos and post to my YouTube channels.
  • I use AI to create graphics that I incorporate into splashpages


Check out my website,


  • Free Classified Ads
  • Free Ad Stream Ads
  • 5 Dollar Friday in Marketplace
  • 10,000 products in Clickbank Super Store
  • Amazon Prime free trial in Amazon Store
  • Free Multi-Commission System
  • Preferred Traffic Sources, free to join, free ads, promo codes
  • Worldprofit products and services
  • Free Stuff, Tools, safelist tips

If you haven’t already loaded up on these MUST HAVE TOOLS (IMHO), I would recommend:

Get the tools you need

  • BuildABizOnline Pro Executive – for only $14 per month, get all the tools you need: UNLIMITED autoresponder, Capture Pages, Graphics tools, Graphics Hosting, URL Rotator, Tracker. Revenue Opportunity: Earn $10 per month per Pro Exec referral.  2 referrals and yours is free.
  • JitBit Autotext – $20 per year for unlimited keyboard shortcuts – SAVES SO MUCH TIME

How I Use BuildABizOnline

  • I love the Splashpage Pro Builder and Template Builder
  • I can create a template, (ie Thankyou/Bonus Page) and quickly replicate using Share Codes
  • I create many versions of capture pages and use the Rotator to step through the various views, and with the rotator, the stats help split test for the pages that get the most clicks.
  • I use image storage for my graphics and banners.
  • I use the autoresponder for 8 of my message streams
  • I broadcast this newsletter to my downlines, and subscribers
  • BABO is a GREAT stream of income that generates revenue that not only pays for my BABO monthly fee, generates PROFITS for me.

Make Money AND Get TONS of Traffic.

SNAP has reduced this to a $10 business.  Nexus Rewards Premium was previously $21.95 per month, but since the introduction of SNAP, it has been reduced to $9.95 per month.

  • Nexus Rewards, Snap Premium. 
    • $40 one-time set-up fee
    • $9.95 per month Premium upgrade
    • $9.95 per month Gold marketing system
    • Earn $34 for each free or premium member
    • Earn $25 for each premium member
    • Fast start bonuses, Powerline matrix
    • USE free apps for cashback.
    • Give away free apps.  When they use apps, you get cash back
    • Bill Reducer program can save you thousands
    • NXRx prescription discounts
    • Zoom discount program $12.95 per month

If you join Nexus Snap as a Premium member ON MY TEAM, I will give you promo codes for 10 Elite Safelist Upgrades 

This is an absolutely NO LOSE offer.  For the $40 set-up fee, and $9.95 per month, you get ADVERTISING AND EARNING POTENTIAL of these upgrades, and the ability to offer INCENTIVES for people to join UNDER YOU, which could minimally earn you $25 per upgraded member plus residuals and matrix placement.

How I use Nexus Snap Premium

  • I have used the Rakuten app to get $30 cash back by spending $30 within the first 30 days
  • I received cashback rewards with the Upside app for purchasing gas, and rewards when OTHERS with whom I shared my app made gas purchases.
  • I received Upside cash back rewards at a participating DQ
  • I’ve gotten cashback rewards and discounts from Longhorn and other restaurants when using the premium Shopping Boss app.
  • I get a reduced-price BJ’s membership for my son.
  • Premium Bill Reducer saved me money on my Comcast monthly bill.
  • For joining Dave Mosher’s team, I got 10 Elite upgrades on safelists that give me free monthly ads, and allow me to earn 50% commission.  I converted those commissions to highly effective Sponsor Login Ads everybody sees when they login to those sites.

After joining Nexus Snap, for one-time $47 the Automatic Builder add-on gives you the ability to collect direct $27 or $47 payments, plus promote 3 of your programs to your downline

  • Automatic Builder
    • Free to join
    • Recommend AB Silver $47 one-time includes Direct Pay module plus Ad Revenue module
    • Earn direct pay $27 or $47 payments
    • I use to promote my top 3 opportunities
    • Marketing system included with Nexus Gold
    • Recommend optional broadcast module $5.95 per month for 3000 messages.

How I use Automatic Builder

  • I get automatic signups.  Great effortless list builder
  • Subscribers are exposed to my top three programs and affiliate sites
  • I’ve received a bunch of $27 and $47 payments
  • I broadcast newsletters and offers to these subscribers
  • Automatic Builder subscribers have signed up for Nexus Rewards as free and premium members

One of my Biggest MoneyMakers

No better time to get with a program that has been delivering results for over 20 years.  You will not see overnight results, but if you have the patience, and understand the HOW and WHY, it will be obvious that this methodology can work for ANY program.

I not only promote BigDogs, but also each of the CHIPS individually, and I get signups through Hound Dog Text Ads and other downline builders.

  • Secrets of the Big Dogs
    • $7 one-time – ebook gives you the roadmap
    • $10 per month Alpha Dog – gives you the PLAN and puts your referrals into autoresponder message stream
    • CHIPS sites – join and upgrade as you can afford.  THIS is your TRAFFIC SOURCE and REVENUE SOURCE.
    • Several new sites have been added to the CHIPS:
      Atlas Safelist  
      Extraordinary Solos


  • FeaturedOffersXtreme
    • $4.97 per month or higher subscription gives UNLIMITED VIEWS
  • Master Safelist Blaster
    • Ads sent to 561,000 members on 300+ sites
    • You do not have to join any of the 300+ sites
    • Recommended: $19.97 per month Bronze subscription gets 4 pack of each ad type (Solo, banner, button, textlinks)
  • SimpleTextAdz SuperSolos
    • OTO #1 still doubled. Get 400 Supersolos for $160
    • Other lower cost packages
  • AdZoneCentral Top Level Upgrade DIMESALE
    • Starts at $20.24 w 25 SuperSolos 
    • Price increases with every sale 
    • NOW AT $25.94
  • Talking-List! Half Price OTO#1 NEW Members Only
    • ?One-Time Elite Upgrade $49.98
    • Includes 100 Super Solos
    • 50% Referral Commissions

The above recommendations will give you the tools you need and traffic to BUILD YOUR LIST, promote money-making business opportunities, and create a strong multi-stream RESIDUAL income

Do You Know of Any Businesses That Use Zoom?

  • Many businesses are paying EXORBITANT rates to conduct Zoom meetings.  This could be a major expense that DRAINS PROFITS.
  • As a  Nexus Rewards SNAP Premium member, YOU could get a HUGE DISCOUNT for Zoom at only $12.95 per month.
  • If YOU become a Nexus Rewards SNAP Premium member, YOU could offer this SAME DISCOUNT to OTHERS and collect COMMISSIONS and BONUSES.
    • They sign up for Nexus Rewards SNAP.
      One-time account setup fee of $40, then $9.95 per month. They sign up for a ZOOM subscription for only $12.95 per month.