Never Forget. Rich Moyer Newsletter 9-11-2024

Never Forget. Rich Moyer Newsletter 9-11-2024

Rich Moyer Newsletter 9/11/2024  

A Day That Shocked America
23 Years Ago.
Never Forget.


Today’s Topics
  • SO Much More – an Amazing $5 List Building and Traffic Program
  • New Course from Martin Chantler
  • Why I Spend Time as a “Monitor” In the Worldprofit Live Business Center
  • Worldprofit Workshop – New recording posted.


SO Much More – an Amazing $5 List Building and Traffic Program

Yesterday, I talked about TheClickGenerator.

Because I enrolled under Richard Daigle, he sent an incredible Resource Page that included share codes for everything needed to create a complete list building funnel.

The good news is that if you sign up under ME, (you must be a paid member of TheClickGenerator IN MY DOWNLINE), I can provide you with the  same Resource Page containing all the share codes.

Once you sign up for my list, then register for TheClickEngine and purchase the $5 subscription, send me an email with your WarriorPlus receipt(s) to
I will send you the link to my Resource Page.

What else do you need?  LeadsLeap Pro, although available as a free membership, it would be limited.  I strongly recommend upgrading to Pro.


  • 2 Splash pages
  • 6 capture pages
  • 6 Bonus capture pages
  • 30 days of autoresponder follow-up messages.
    • ​Remember… it takes 7-11 exposures for someone to “get it”.
  • ThankYou Page
  • TheClickGenerator traffic system
  • Affiliate tools, banners, textlnks, ad copy, PS links
ALL THIS FOR $5.00!  Frank Salinas charges $99.

AND… I am offering to install this on YOUR LeadsLeap Pro account for only $27.00 USD.

Today, I spent about an hour:

  • Creating my list in LeadsLeap and importing the 30 message stream emails  This has to be done first because all the capture pages need this List ID.
    • Set up your subject line, to be shown on all emails.
    • After your subject line, set up a PS: “See What Others Are Promoting” using the TCG Rotator URL (in TCG Affiliate Tools)
    • Replace all URLs in emails with YOUR TCG Affiliate ID
  • Importing and updating the Exit-Pop capture page.  This must be defined before creating the Capture pages.  You want to present one last opportunity to join if they don’t sign up on the Capture page.
  • Importing and updating the ThankYou page.  This must be done before the capture pages so you can select it to be the redirect page
  • Importing the 12 Done-For-You professional-looking capture pages.  These require only minimal editing, like updating your picture, connecting to the LeadsLeap list, and setting the redirect URL to that of the ThankYou page.
  • Creating a Rotator and adding each Capture Page.  Save the URL of the Rotator.  
  • Importing the 2 Splash pages.  Set the button URL to the Capture Page Rotator.
  • Creating a Rotator for the Splash Pages, and add them to that rotator. Save the URL for these pages  You will be promoting the splash page rotator URL on safelists.
TIP: I recommend promoting the splash pages to get higher quality, pre-qualified leads

So, this is the final flow…

Splash pages will send them to a capture page.

If they exit before completing sign-up to your list, the exit-pop will try capture again.

If capture is successful, they will be asked to verify on the Thankyou Page.

Once verified they will be sent to TheClickGenerator

New Course from Martin Chantler

Get it Free.  Monetizing Your Blog eCourse!

Why I Spend Time as a “Monitor” in the Worldprofit Live Business Center

It’s a great way to earn some nice PERKS and CASH BONUSES!

SR Monitors enjoy MORE WAYS to make more money and build their business with the following benefits.

  • Learn from this INSIDE, about the extensive, sophisticated, comprehensive services and training offered at Worldprofit
  • The opportunity to learn yourself and help other people understand the valuable services offered at Worldprofit
  • Assignment of free Associate Members (SR Monitors earn 20 Associates per Silver sale) INSTANT way to GROW your buyers list!
  • Award of 20 Exclusive Leads per Silver sale close while on Duty. Use these for ANY Affiliate program you are involved in.
  • Assignment of unsponsored Associates to you when you are Monitor on Duty.
  • This can lead to SALES for you!
  • When you’re on Duty as a Monitor, some of the Associates logging in may be sponsored by you! This is a great opportunity to connect with your own Associates LIVE and in person, make a good impression, make them an offer to upgrade to Silver membership.
  • Preferential rates on selected software and Special OFFERS on renewal of services with Monitor ONLY reserved pricing.
  • SR Monitors earn a Cash Bonus of $5 for closing monthly Silver Membership sales/upgrades and $10 for closing a ONE YEAR Silver Membership sale. This can add up nicely – and is tallied at month end then added to your Commissions.
  • For each Silver sale you close, enjoy 5,000 mailing credits at Use these to promote anything you like.
  • For each Silver sale you close, enjoy 5,000 mailing credits at Use these to promote anything you like.
  • Enjoy the enormous gratitude of all Members of our community who benefit from sales being made for them by the Monitors!  (Dealers promote and the Monitors try to close the sales.)
  • Be an active part of our Worldprofit home business community, it’s rewarding, build friendships all over the world.

Worldprofit is the only company that offers a Monitor Network as part of our Live Business Center.

The purpose of the Live Business Center is for closing sales for ALL Members of our growing Home Business Community.

Monitors are the key people that take part in this very important sales closing system while learning the workings of Worldproft’s earn at home training system. Worldprofit’s LIVE Business Center is where it all happens!

Free Associates referred by our Members login and see the Live Business Center – and see our Monitors. Many of these free Associates upgrade to Silver membership to enjoy full privileges.

For people worldwide, our LIVE Business Center is their portal into the excitement of all of the services, resources, training and software offered at Worldprofit.

I dedicate at least 3 hours per week to being a Monitor in the Live Business Center.

Worldprofit Weekly Workshop

Workshop last recording posted for 9-6-2024

George Kosch has been doing LIVE weekly Workshops for years, and posting the recordings on the Worldprofit YouTube Channel so that NON-MEMBERS and ASSOCIATES can view them.

Get the latest recording:  Sign up to be a Free Associate from this page to get tons of valuable freebies from the Goody Bag.

Copyright 2024 Richard Moyer dba Spaho Consulting