Safelist Tips. Rich Moyer Newsletter 3/30/2024

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Rich Moyer Newsletter 3/30/2024



Today's Updates​
  • Newsletter Archive
  • Great Article by Ron Malezis – This is KILLING your income
  • Safelist Tips: Avoiding ISP Spam Filters
  • 5 Dollar Friday – Faceless Digital Marketing Resources
  • No Newsletter on Easter
  • WorldProfit Live Workshop on March 29th Recording

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Great Article by Ron Malezis

This is KILLING your income



Ron here with today's PROFIT GENERATING TIP.

This is now a growing problem.  People are actually becoming ADDICTED to social media.  I'm not kidding. There are a ton of studies proving this has become a worldwide problem.

Here's how it's affecting YOU and your ability to make money.

You may log on to your Facebook or LinkedIn accounts with the intention of prospecting and making contact with new people who could be good recruits for your business. BUT… then you get distracted.  Before you know it, an hour or more has gone by and you haven't contacted a single new prospect.  It's KILLING your income.

Look.  You've only got a limited amount of time each week to build your business. It's important to make the most of it.

Here's an EASY SOLUTION that is guaranteed to get you focusing your time and energy where it counts… on Revenue Generating Activities.

When you buy leads, you never have to waste time PROSPECTING to find people who are interested in looking at a home-based business. That's because every single lead we generate is from somebody who actively steps up and identifies themselves as an opportunity seeker. Furthermore, our staff calls those leads back to verify whether or not it's a real person who responded, that the phone number is good and that they answer the phone, and that they are indeed seeking an opportunity and agree to have someone call to discuss the details.

Even better is that you are in control of how many leads you get each day. This way, you are using your time in the single most profitable way possible… making contact with legitimate opportunity seekers.

Then, when you enroll a new rep, you have someone who already knows that calling leads works.  That's because it worked on them.  You have the most duplicatable business plan possible.

The icing on the cake is that our experts provide you and all your new recruits with the field-tested, proven scripts and the “Live Dial” training to become successful with this process in the fastest way possible.  Instead of spending your recruiting time training your people how to call these leads, our experts do it for you.

So, stop wasting your time and energy doing things that don't produce income. Maximize your profit with the least amount of effort and build your team with a duplicatable, proven system.

Wishing you great success,




Put YOURSELF in control.  Check out LeadPower

Safelist Tips: Avoiding ISP Spam Filters

Internet Service Providers (ISPs) implement stringent spam filters to weed out unwanted emails before they clutter inboxes. To ensure your messages reach their intended recipients, it's crucial to steer clear of trigger words that could flag your emails as spam.

Words to Sidestep:

Avoid Mentioning Money:

Refrain from including any dollar amounts in your subject lines to comply with anti-spam regulations. Using monetary symbols can not only violate spam laws but also diminish your email open rates as a significant portion of readers may never receive your message. –

Research Key Spam Words:

Numerous online resources offer comprehensive lists of spam-trigger words to avoid in your subject lines. A quick search using terms like "SPAM words in email subject lines" can yield valuable insights to enhance your email deliverability.

Sample Off-limits Words:

Steer Clear of All Caps:

Avoid using all capital letters in your subject line; it can be off-putting and may trigger the spam filters.

Avoid Trigger Keywords:

Words like "Free" (a notorious offender), "Dollar," "Instant," "Cash," "Earn," "Discount," "Income," "Multi-level Marketing (MLM)," "Collect," and "Bonus" should be excluded from your subject lines to bypass spam detection algorithms.

Remember, while these examples capture some prevalent offenders, it's advisable to maintain a vigilant eye on your subject lines and content to uphold your email marketing effectiveness.

Impact of Including Links in Your Email

While technically permissible on some sites, it's advisable to refrain from including links in your email communications. Introducing a link to a blacklisted site within your email content can significantly hamper your email deliverability. To safeguard your sender reputation, it's prudent to avoid this practice unless you can unequivocally confirm that the website you're directing recipients to is not blacklisted.

Moreover, integrating links into emails within a credit-based system like SOTAM, or Credit Mail and Solo Ads on any of Dave Mosher's 300+ safelists, may prove counterproductive. Members in such systems typically strive to accumulate credits and are less inclined to click on external links. Thus, incorporating links in this context poses a considerable risk for minimal potential rewards.

In essence, exercising caution when including links in your email campaigns is essential to maintain deliverability rates and optimize engagement with your target audience.


This rule absolutely applies to the majority of safelists, however, there ARE several exceptions like ViralURL, ViralPLR, and ViralHosts that do not have a separate entry field for the URL.

I DO include URLs within the copy for autoresponder messages and broadcasts like my newsletters.  These messages do not have an entry field for URLs, but be careful not to have too many URLs in any single message.

I do consistently send links to my top affiliate programs or traffic sources AFTER THE SIGNATURE LINE.   I get many visitors to these links and sign-ups.

So, what if you have a huge list of links to broadcast?  Rather putting them in an email, create a PAGE containing those links, and only put a link to that page in your broadcast.  That page can be

  • a page created with BuildABizOnline or LeadsLeap,
  • it can be a Google DOCS or SHEETS file exported as a PDF file then saved to a hosting account or blog
  • a blog post

5 Dollar Friday – Faceless Digital Marketing Resources

I recommend the Pro version for $10 * that includes SO much more

  • 75 Faceless Reels  
  • 280 Faceless Videos * Included exclusively w Pro
  • 100 Faceless Reel Ideas  * Included exclusively w Pro
  • 45+ Sites to Promote Digital Products * Included exclusively w Pro
  • 250+ Faceless Hooks * Included exclusively w Pro
  • Reels That Reach * Included exclusively w Pro
  • Bonuses * Included exclusively w Pro

All for $10.

LIVE weekly Workshop Recording with Worldprofit CEO and Technical Wizard George Kosch.

Get the latest recording:


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