So Many Safelists. Rich Moyer Newsletter 5/24/2024

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Rich Moyer Newsletter 5/24/2024    



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  • Why So Many Safelists?
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Why So Many Safelists?

I frequently mention Dave Mosher's safelists, mainly because I have not only been friends with Dave for many years, but he has also been my sponsor, business associate, and colleague.  I admin, approving ads, over 200 of his sites every day, so I KNOW these sites, I KNOW his systems, and I KNOW the ads being posted.

Dave has been building his safelist business for over 15 years, and before that, he had other successful businesses.  He is one of the "good guys", ethical to a fault, generous, with a great business mind, and well connected in network marketing elite circles.

Safelist owners started to see how tough is was to profit in the safelist business, and as they began to look for buyers, Dave would "help them out" with a fair offer to take over their sites.  This became prevalent when PayPal dropped the ax on many network marketers. 

Many inconsiderate site owners would simply shut down their sites. Members were simply deleted, along with their investment.   

Instead, Dave would attempt to take over these sites, and consider the investment the members had in ads and upgrades.  Dave would preserve the active members and assign equivalent upgrade levels.  Dave would provide a generous allocation of fresh new ads for them to post on a new, more powerful and feature-rich platform to accommodate their advertising needs. 

Dave was forward-looking, and had his own payment processing system, separated from the actual network marketing sites, built into the new, exclusive safelist software he had custom developed. He does not sell or license the source code to this script, and only a few admins rent the admin privileges and hosting.

Dave was also one of the first to massively deploy the Peer-to-Peer Instant Commission software that allowed direct payment between member and sponsor.  He still owns about 50 sites using that script.  When you see the Admin notices of conversions, these are most likely the sites being converted from the P2P Instant Commission script to Dave's latest, most advanced safelist script in network marketing.

Then… the SuperNetworks

As Dave's stable of safelist acquisitions grew, so did the connections to various SuperNetworks, in fact, when he acquired some groups of sites, he also acquired the SuperNetworks.  

After many consolidations and traffic balancing, Dave now owns 19 Supernetworks, and still maintains connections on several sites to Speedy Solo Network.  Dave's sites are typically connected to 5 SuperNetworks, each reaching to dozens of sites and thousands of members, which makes Supersolos a major contender in both effectiveness and value.

Then the Godzilla of SuperNetworks was born: Master Safelist Blaster.  MSB reaches over 544,000 members on 313+ sites. This is the equivalent of sending your solo ad on all the SuperNetworks to every site they are connected to. 

I typically get HUNDREDS of REAL CLICKS on every Solo I submit on MSB. 

Your MSB banners, buttons, and textlinks are also posted on each of those 313+ sites with 100 views each.

In addition, each ad type allows you to STORE up to 5 ads, with the ability to pause/unpause those stored ads.  This is effectively a rotatorEnabled Solo ads are submitted in order as sending slots (every 72 hours) become available.  Likewise for posting every 48 hours of banners, buttons, and textlinks.

MSB Solo Ads retail for $15 each to free members, but the cost per solo is less at each subscription level.  Believe me, $15 for 600 REAL CLICKS from double-opt-in prospects is a HUGE BARGAIN.

Download the eBook, Understanding MSB

So, as a result of Dave's foresight, and his acquisitions that resulted in such a large fleet of top-notch advertising sites, the Safelist Industry has BOUNCED BACK from the near devastation that might have happened with the PayPal debacle.

Get Started with Dave's safelists and others NOW. 

  • ​Join 400+ sites for free through the Level One Promo Code Pages at Advertising Blowout
  • You will receive a 5-pack just for joining each site
  • Redeem promo code newmember for an additional 5-pack
  • Redeem your exclusive promo code from the site icon on the Level One Promo Code page where you clicked to join that site

TIP:  MasterSafelistMails is a free tool that helps relieve Gmail email volumes by allowing you to view the last 50 emails from over 300 sites.  Once you set up a site in MSM, your credit mails, solos, and Supersolos will no longer be delivered to your Gmail inbox.  You view them online from within MasterSafelistMails

Worldprofit Weekly Friday Workshop
– Today's Workshop Recording has been Posted

George Kosch has been doing LIVE weekly Workshops for years, and posting the recordings on the Worldprofit YouTube Channel so that NON-MEMBERS and ASSOCIATES can view them.

Get the latest recording:  Sign up to be a Free Associate from this page to get tons of valuable freebies from the Goody Bag.


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