Something People Want. Rich Moyer Newsletter 9-4-2024

Something People Want. Rich Moyer Newsletter 9-4-2024

Rich Moyer Newsletter 9/4/2024  



Today’s Topics
  • Check Out My YouTube Channels
  • How to Download and Use ReduceTheHype Templates and Pages
  • No Summer Slowdown at Secrets of the Big Dogs
  • New eCourse. Leads Made Easy by Martin Chantler
  • Always Be Closing by Sandi Hunter
  • Worldprofit Workshop – No new recording this week.


Check Out My YouTube Channels

I have two Youtube Channels.  Why two?

@RichMoyer1953 has many “legacy” videos.  This list was getting pretty large, so I created a second channel.

@RichardMoyer1953 is my newest material.  Check out the various playlists: Newsletters, BigDogs, Worldprofit, BuildABizOnline

Your participation, as a viewer, and consumer, really helps.  YOU get the benefit of the tips, techniques, and shortcuts.  In return, why not LIKECOMMENTSHARE, and SUBSCRIBE?

That’s right.  SHARE.  If you are looking for content to share with YOUR SUBSCRIBERS, why not share a video?  Or with a template you can download from, make that video a LEAD MAGNET on a CAPTURE PAGE.

See what I did to create a Lead Magnet with Capture Page.

  • I’m giving away TWO YEARS of free traffic (who wouldn’t want this offer?)
  • When they sign up on each of 104 safelists, they join as MY SAFELIST REFERRALS, which potentially earns me commissions for their purchases
  • By signing up for this free traffic, they also receive a Bonus of my newsletters (All subscribers on all lists receive a broadcast 3-5 times per week with my newsletters)
  • I offer even MORE promo codes on the ad bar through Advertising Blowout, which generates even more safelist referrals and the potential of revenue if they upgrade at  Advertising Blowout
  • An exit pop takes them to a strong recurring revenue generating offer for Emerald Traffic Boost
  • The redirect is a thankyou/bonus page that offers BuildABizOnlineBigDogs, and several of my high commission-generating CHIPs
This Capture Page was created in 15 minutes.

If you use a full-featured Autoresponder and Tools suite like BuildABizOnline, you do not need hosting.  You can create unlimited, hosted splash/capture pages.  Martin Chantler is also the programmer for BABO, so many of the ReduceTheHype templates are already integrated into the splash-page builder, or you can paste the HTML source code into a blank page.

How to Download and Use ReduceTheHype Templates and Pages

If not using BABO….

In the 25 Squeeze Page pack, Squeeze 5, S5Red for video.
  • Download the zip file from the link above.
  • In your PC Downloads folder, extract all from the zip file.
  • Navigate to the folder: 25_Squeeze_Pack_FREE\25_Squeeze_Pack_FREE\squeeze5\html

First, you need to have a network-addressable place to put YOUR edited capture pages.

  • ViralHosts – Get an inexpensive hosting account for as little as $2.97 per month.
    • Low cost Starter Hosting (50 MB storage and 1,000 MB Bandwidth (much more for upgraded members) for only $2.97/month!
    • A free subdomain name (or you can use your own domain
    • Includes Cpanel File Manager (like Windows Explorer, only for your hosting site) so you can upload the Capture Page templates and an HTML Editor (like a word processor, only for web pages) so you modify these pages with YOUR message, videos, and capture form.
  • Upload the templates using Cpanel File Manager
    • Create a new folder
    • Upload the zip file to that folder
    • Unzip (Expand)
  • Navigate to the squeeze page folder and make copy of the index.html file
    • Edit the copy and save.  Use the URL for this copy
To use my YouTube videos, grab the Share Code for that video if using the BuildABizOnline Slashpage Builder, or the Embed Code for the iFrame if using the ReduceTheHype templates.

No Summer Slowdown at Secrets of the Big Dogs

Over THREE HUNDRED Alpha Dogs sold at least one ebook during the “summer slowdown!”

The ebook, “Secrets of the Big Dogs”, is just the starting point, the blueprint, for the journey.  The $7 pricetag not only filters out the freebie seekers, but unfortunately seems to be a deterrent for people to even consider learning what SO MANY have discovered.

Come on… it’s only $7.  So many people waste more buying over-priced coffee than it costs to UNDERSTAND the concept that has been helping people DEMONSTRATE SUCCESS in network marketing for the last 20+ years.

Once you UNDERSTAND the concept and principles, the next step is to become an Alpha Dog. For only $10 per month, YOUR

  • prospects start to receive autoresponder messages that encourage them to purchase the ebook, and
  • ebook purchasers receive messages to encourage them to upgrade to Alpha Dogs.
  • Alpha Dogs receive newsletters and reminders.  This is all handled by Stan Stuchinski on your behalf.

But the most important function for Alpha Dogs is the PLAN that defines WHAT SITES (CHIPs) to join, and strategy for determining investment levels required to meet your REVENUE TARGETS.

Yes, it is not free
Yes, it requires INVESTMENT of TIME and MONEY
Yes, it requires FOLLOWING THE PLAN
Yes, it requires 30 minutes per day to promote
Yes, it takes TIME and PATIENCE, and PERSISTENCE.

BUT, once you get new ebook buyers, who become Alpha Dogs, and get referrals to the CHIPs sites, and encourage them to UPGRADE so THEY can earn higher commissions, YOU start to make money with the site owners of the CHIPS who PAY YOU weekly or monthly commissions.

Here is Stan’s Report

New eCourse Leads Made Easy by Martin Chantler

Another quality course.  Get it HERE.

Always Be Closing
by Sandi Hunter

I don’t know who came up with the phrase, “Always Be Closing” but it’s brilliant. In sales circles it’s known more simply as ABC.

If you are in sales, this simple catchy phrase will help keep you on track to making sales.

Here’s some insight into sales and how to increase the number of sales YOU make.

Buyers like to get the sales person off track.

They like to ask questions, lots of questions.

They ask:

Does it come in blue?

What’s the guarantee?

Buyers like to stall, hedge, avoid.

They say:

I have to ask my wife.

I want to look around.

I think I can get a better deal somewhere else.

Buyers like to know that their business matters, that they are getting some personal attention to earn their business.

But sales people, know the ABC’s of sales – Always Be Closing.

Smart, successful sales people know that happy customers and good sales people go hand in hand.

They know that spending a little extra time with a serious buyer, or creating a personalized offer can be exactly what is needed to clinch a sale.

The buyer wants their questions answered so they can make the decision to buy. The smart salesperson wants to answer those questions and move the person ever closer to buying.

My colleague, Dr. Jeffrey Lant talks about the sales dance. He likens the sales process to a type of courtship.  The sales person approaches, the buyer is shy, aloof. The sales person comes closer, offers the right words, and assurances. The buyer plays hard to get but shows interest.  The sales person is more engaging, tries harder with a better offer, always moving toward the close.

ABC – Always be Closing means this:

Answering relevant questions, eliminating obstacles to the sale being made, helping with payment plans, reassuring the buyer, making special offers, sweetening the deal, whatever it takes to get the sale.

Closing the sale means finding out from the customer, what it will take to get them to buy NOW, not next week, or next month. The best sales people are listeners. They listen to what the buyer wants and they determine a way to get it for them so the sale is made, today.  You can HEAR someone who wants to buy, if you stop talking long enough to listen.

ABC means doing your job right so the customer gets a great deal and you make a great sale!

Most of us have been on the receiving end of a poor sales person,  and we also remember that warm happy feeling when you’ve made a purchase that you feel good about. We like to feel special, a good sales person can make that happen or alternatively with the wrong approach can make you walk away.

Happy customers who feel they got a good deal can be a repeat customer or a customer for life. Unhappy customers help you learn what you could perhaps be doing better. The right approach with an unhappy customer can convert them into a happy one! In fact, they may end up being your best customer because they see you actually cared and tried to make better a problem situation.

Got a sticky note? Write ABC on a sticky note, and post it on your computer.  It will help remind you when you are talking to a customer, or answering an email, or sending a quote, or posting an offer, remember to Always Be Closing.

Worldprofit Weekly Workshop

Workshop last recording posted for 8-30-2024

George Kosch has been doing LIVE weekly Workshops for years, and posting the recordings on the Worldprofit YouTube Channel so that NON-MEMBERS and ASSOCIATES can view them.

Get the latest recording:  Sign up to be a Free Associate from this page to get tons of valuable freebies from the Goody Bag.

Copyright 2024 Richard Moyer dba Spaho Consulting