Stick with it. Rich Moyer Newsletter 8-5-2024

Rich Moyer Newsletter 8/5/2024



Today’s Topics
  • Surveys are As Bad as Tipping
  • Need your Feedback – Formatted, PDF or Just a Link?
  • Check out these TrustPilot Reviews
  • Worldprofit Workshop – new recording posted
  • Newsletter Archive


Surveys are As Bad as Tipping

I’m sure you are aware that everybody has their hand out for a tip, even those who have not traditionally gotten gratuities in the past.  I have some strong opinions, but for those I feel deserving, In generally tip well.

My next biggest point of irritation is Ratings Surveys.  My doctors and caregivers now all have “portals”,  that are nice for making appointments, appointment reminders, online check-ins, payments, and seeing test results.  I even have 4 of my portals linked so I can get to all 4 with a single login.  Sweet.

What annoys me is that no matter what you do any more, EVERYBODY WANTS YOU TO FILL OUT A SURVEY and give them a 5-star rating!  I’m sorry, but I don’t feel like doing a survey to give a 5-star rating for logging in to an online portal to make an appointment.

This week alone…

  • The pest control guy – he did all his work outside and I was not about to follow him around while he sprayed his noxious poison.  Left a tag on the doorknob, bill arrived in my inbox by the time he made the stop sign at the corner.
  • The plumber who charged me $500 to fix a shower valve.  It works. All the feedback I want to give
  • My neurosurgeon – I DO express my unhappiness for having to wait at least 2 hours at EVERY appointment to see him for 10 minutes.  I handed him a bill once at my consulting hourly rate for MY time lost waiting.  He laughed. His feedback to ME was to raise my rates.
  • CVS sent a survey asking my satisfaction with their automatic prescription renewal process – after 16 text messages, 4 emails, 3 phone calls to the pharmacist, and they STILL haven’t canceled that prescription for a medication I haven’t taken in 4 years.  I ran out of space in the comments section.  They sent me a BOGO coupon for the store brand of Ibuprofen.
  • This one is RICH.  I got a robotic survey call on the phone asking about my “encounter” with the ordering process for ED medications.  Every day, I get at least 3 calls that I cannot block to place an order.  I’m 71 years old…WHY???  I found out the date someone signed me up for this was the day I had spinal fusion surgery.  Wonder who I ticked off?

Anyway, I am getting the sense that either nobody is READING this newsletter, or they are as sick of surveys as I am.  Other than one phone call I received, that was the only feedback from over 20,000 newsletter subscribers. NOBODY RESPONDED to the online survey form.

That being said, if you feel you NEED to try it, I use a free online product to create surveys called JotForm

Need your Feedback

Would you prefer to get the HTML formatted newsletter, or a PDF file?

I’m a bit wary of sending PDF because many email systems block the content, strip the PDF attachment, or simply send it to spam.

OR… would you like just the URL of my log post, which is just a link to the PDF? 

My blog website is not SSL, so some antivirus software will reject it too.

Please send your preferences to my email:

Check out these TrustPilot Reviews

Worldprofit Weekly Workshop

New Workshop recording posted for 8-2-2024

George Kosch has been doing LIVE weekly Workshops for years, and posting the recordings on the Worldprofit YouTube Channel so that NON-MEMBERS and ASSOCIATES can view them.

Get the latest recording:  Sign up to be a Free Associate from this page to get tons of valuable freebies from the Goody Bag.

Newsletter Archive

Do you like these newsletters?

The newsletters I have posted looked fine as a single column, but on the blog site, the dual column format is terrible.  I have re-posted all the past dual column newsletters as PDF files, and all in the future.  You will see in the blog post only a link to open the PDF file.

Find an archive of recent newsletters on my blog, under heading Newsletters

Copyright 2024 Richard Moyer dba Spaho Consulting