The Effort. Rich Moyer Newsletter 8-6-2024

The Effort. Rich Moyer Newsletter 8-6-2024

Rich Moyer Newsletter 8/6/2024



Today’s Topics
  • Free eBook – Insider Report
  • Let’s Talk About LeadsLeap
  • Are you Tracking Your Ads?
  • Worldprofit Workshop – new recording posted


Great Free eBook – Insider Report

See How Ordinary People Advertise Online With Success

Get it Here

Let’s Talk About LeadsLeap

I wanted to take a moment to share something that has significantly boosted my online presence and productivity: LeadsLeap. As someone who values simplicity, effectiveness, and affordability, I can’t recommend it enough. Here’s why LeadsLeap has become an indispensable tool for me:

1) User-Friendly Page Manager

Building web pages has never been easier, thanks to the intuitive page manager. Whether you’re a seasoned marketer or just starting out, you’ll find it incredibly easy to use. The templates available for creating pages are nothing short of amazing. I’ve personally built many pages using them, and they look absolutely terrific.

I like the ability to import pages using Share Codes.  I’ve effectively promoted many programs that had been shared with me.  Nice side hustles that have gotten me many subscribers and generated commissions.

I like that I can use my preferred autoresponder with the Page Builder by importing the HTML Form Code.

2) Affordable Pro Version

The Pro membership offers a plethora of powerful tools without breaking the bank. It’s incredible how much value you get for such a reasonable price. Honestly, any one of these tools could cost you the same amount if purchased elsewhere, but here, you get everything for just one low price. If you’re not ready to upgrade, there’s always the free membership option. You’ll be surprised by how much value they’ve packed into it. Amazing!

The Pro membership allows UNLIMITED campaigns, pages, lists, and messages, whereas free membership has limitations.

TIP:  If you upgrade to Pro within the first 24 hours after joining as a free member, you get a LIFETIME DISCOUNT on your monthly subscription.

3) All-in-One Platform

With LeadsLeap, you can do so much all in one place—from managing campaigns to tracking analytics.

4) Valuable Success Lessons in My Mailbox

One thing I particularly appreciate about LeadsLeap is the insightful email lessons they send. These emails are packed with valuable tips and strategies that have helped me elevate not just my marketing game, but also my life! And that’s just scratching the surface—there’s so much more to explore and benefit from within the LeadsLeap ecosystem.

5) Pro Member Expected Traffic

There are many ways for a Pro member to get traffic  LeadsLeap is  a formidable traffic source.  By using the features of the Pro membership, you can see the approximate mix so you know where to concentrate your efforts.

  • Coop Network (65%),
  • Members Area (30%),
  • Members Emails (3%),
  • PPC Ad Widget (1%),
  • Link Tracker (<1%),
  • Blog (<1%)

The average monthly Pro Ad traffic is 3946 as of today. Note that this is the average, updated daily. The actual traffic may be more or less.

6) Earnings Potential

Earnings are nothing to sneeze at.  Free members earn 25%.  Pro members earn 50%.

By using and promoting the many shareable funnels, you will bring on new referrals, and when you keep adding these funnels as “side hustles”,  eventually free members will hit their limits, and some will decide to upgrade.

If you’re serious about taking your online presence to the next level, I urge you to give LeadsLeap a try. Trust me, you won’t regret it.

Sign up NOW as a Free Member

Are you Tracking Your Ads?

You need a way to track what each ad is doing, and whether it’s profitable or not…

If you’re not tracking your ads, you’re pouring money down the drain that should be in your pocket…

When you do track, then you can keep testing and refining and changing your ads, so they become more and more effective over time…

Instead of a money-draining expense that you dread paying for each month, your advertising becomes the most profitable investment you make…

I use HitsConnect for the superior tracking stats.

Another Reason to Use Trackers

Quite often, things change with programs.  Capture pages are updated, different pages for holiday promotions, you are asked to use a new bridge page, or point to a different thankyou/bonus page.

What I do, is promote the TRACKER URLs, so I can easily swap out ANY of these components, without having to change them in all the places I have promoted.

Example 1.  The Launch

I get an email that there is a new funnel my sponsor wants me to promote.  All I have right now is a URL for a “canned” affiliate page.  I create a TRACKER and set the REDIRECT URL value to the URL that points to that affiliate page, and promote the TRACKER URL, just to get a jump.

If I promoted the raw affiliate URL that is not the final page I want people to see permanently, those ads could hang out there sometimes for months or years, and THOSE ADS would be WRONG!  It would be an incredible amount of work to GO BACK to those sites to update that URL.

The SMART WAY:  If I promote the TRACKER URL, I get an opportunity to build the front and back-end pages, then simply change the URL VALUE so it now points to my desired page, the CAPTURE PAGE.  OK, I might lose some LIST SUBSCRIBERS, but most likely, the early takers on launches are generally BUYERS who would probably be on my list already.

When promoting LAUNCHES, it’s important to get promotions OUT THERE ASAP, and this method allows me to do that, and take the time I need to build my funnel right.

Yes, before I figured this out, I used to be scurrying in the wee hours the night before Launch Day trying to get everything perfect before the launch.  In reality, I rushed to push promos out there, only to have my ads sit in the approval queue of the site admin (before the days of auto-approve), and delays in the email distribution queues, so by the time any humans saw my ads (other than admins), I built the funnel and pointed the TRACKER URL to the finished pages.

Example 2.  Holiday Promotions

I have the “normal” capture page already out there through my promotions, and a new holiday promotion comes out.  I build or copy/modify my capture page for the holiday theme.  If the back-end changes, I just build or copy/modify the thankyou page and change the TRACKER to point to THAT page.  Potential hours of work done in MINUTES.  Viewers see the holiday pages, even if they are viewing ads that were posted months ago.

Worldprofit Weekly Workshop

New Workshop recording posted for 8-2-2024

George Kosch has been doing LIVE weekly Workshops for years, and posting the recordings on the Worldprofit YouTube Channel so that NON-MEMBERS and ASSOCIATES can view them.

Get the latest recording:  Sign up to be a Free Associate from this page to get tons of valuable freebies from the Goody Bag.

Copyright 2024 Richard Moyer dba Spaho Consulting