The theory behind Secrets of the Big Dogs CHIPS – Newsletter 12/10/2023

Rich Moyer Newsletter 12/10/2023

What is the theory behind Secrets of the Big Dogs CHIPS (Coordinated High Income Portfolio) sites?

You really need to get the ebook, Secrets of the Big Dogs, to get the full story.

The ebook is the blueprint that EXPLAINS WHY.  You will waste more than the $7 ebook cost killing brain cells and adding unnecessary calories to your diet at Starbucks.  You’re going to get Starbucks anyway, so you might as well get something to read while lounging in those poofy chairs and sucking up the free WIFI.

The ebook is the blueprint. The Alpha Dog subscription tells you EXACTLY HOW.  As an Alpha Dog, you are ensured to get the latest updates, get monthly newsletters, learn from top producer interviews, and your referrals receive Stan’s autoresponder message streams to encourage your leads to make ebook purchases, encourage Alpha Dog upgrades, and support your Alpha Dog referrals.

The Coordinated High Income Portfolio sites are not only the primary SOURCE OF TRAFFIC to PROMOTE BigDogs and the CHIPs, but also your SOURCE OF INCOME from affiliate commissions.

Let’s talk about CHIPS TRAFFIC.

Each one of the CHIPs sites has been PROVEN to deliver QUALITY traffic, both in VOLUME of traffic (the number of eyes on your ads), and CLICKS. but also has considered the number of CONVERSIONS from the traffic received from these sites.

Stan has a process that has been in place for over 20 years.  He TRACKS, MEASURES, and ANALYZES EVERYTHING, and only RECOMMENDS sites that DELIVER.

As with anything on the internet, THINGS CHANGE.  Site memberships shrink or grow, the quality of clicks may shrink or grow.  New sites are launched.  Some disappear.  Ownership may change.  There are so many factors considered.  Stan has his finger on the PULSE of the sites he recommends.  He gets to KNOW and COMMUNICATES with the CHIPs site owners.

There have been 28 releases of the Secrets of the Big Dogs ebook, mainly because some sites have been added or deleted from the CHIPs list.  Stan not only recommends the CHIPs sites, he tells Alpha Dogs HOW to use them for best results.

Now, about CHIPs Commissions

As with traffic, the higher membership levels also pay higher commissions. Let’s face it. We’re all in this for the money.  Stan recommends the best membership levels to give you optimum cost/benefit to pay the commissions you need.

Stan does not pay the CHIPs commissions.  The CHIPs site owners pay you commissions earned from each individual site.  Payment methods, fees, payment thresholds, and intervals are set by the site owners.

It makes sense that the higher your membership level, the more traffic and commissions/benefits you will receive.  Stan recommends the optimum membership upgrades that deliver the best traffic.

But what if you cannot afford the highest upgrade levels? 

Stan makes recommendations on how to start with lower membership levels at first, and build to the higher membership levels to get the best traffic and commissions results.

Is the ebook and Alpha Dog Limited to Promoting Secrets of the Big Dogs?

Absolutely not!  This blueprint can be applied to ANY business opportunity.  You will not get rich on commissions from $7 ebook sales.  Alpha Dog recurring commissions are nice, but the REAL MONEY comes from referrals and upgrades by your referrals on the CHIPs sites.

  • You NEED the ebook for the blueprint.
  • You NEED the Alpha Dog subscription to get the HOW and learn how to reward your SPONSOR for referring YOU to BigDogs.  Keep Stan working on your behalf.
  • You NEED to promote Big Digs to keep a stream of focused referrals through Stan’s efforts on your behalf
  • You NEED to promote EACH of the CHIPs.  Not everyone will get this insight into BigDogs, but you still need to get a parade of referrals to generate MORE COMMISSIONS.
If you have satisfied the above, there is no reason you cannot promote YOUR OWN business opportunity using the CHIPs traffic.

What if people don’t buy the ebook and don’t learn about the CHIPs?

People LOVE free traffic.  Bart deWolf has a safelist with a BigDogs theme called Hound Dog Text Ads.  Free to join.  Free ad pack just for joining

The Hound Dog helps you promote Secrets of the Big Dogs 

Are you a BIG ALPHA DOG already?

Not a BIG ALPHA DOG yet?
I love this site. 
  • The splash page is unique and encourages referrals at HDTA
  • Be sure to fill in the Downline Builder with your CHIPs referrals IDs.
  • Encourage your referrals to JOIN THE CHIPS SITES from the Downline Builder.  This puts them in YOUR downline, earns commissions for YOU when they join, upgrade, or purchase ads
  • Attract HDTA referrals with the Goodies Page.  See MEMBER TOOLS – REFERRAL TOOLS 
  • Get a FREE Surf Page For LeadsLeap Ads so you can Earn More Credits and get More Signups!  You may even get LeadsLeap referrals.  See MEMBER TOOLS – REFERRAL TOOLS 
See my interview with Stan HERE.
Rich Moyer
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